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New Aircraft Teaser - Second Screenshot

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I mean, this is ridiculous. I understand that there are people who love WWII war birds but the least they could do is simultaneously release a basic war bird and a deluxe civilian aircraft and simply offer it to both target groups of Flight. This is just too much.

They better have something incredible in store for us within Alaska DLC. If they stick to this strategy and keep neglecting other group of Flight users, many people will lose all respect for them and that will directly affect sales.




Even if this one DOES have a cockpit, I couldn't care less. I don't like to fly warbirds at all and will never buy one. With or without VC. Bummer...




The thing that worries me is that after the initial rush from release Microsoft might not be prepared for the desire for more and more. IMO, Alaska should have been out by now to capitalize on the initial momentum. Instead we wait. A lot of people might not be good waiters. Those waiting for a complete plane definitely are not good waiters!


The Flight saga continues....


+1000 too. I've said it a few times already that I am really surprised there hasn't been another region released yet. I honestly expected that at least one or two regions, a bunch of airplanes AND... additions like ATC or whatever (weather engine with options?) would have been added in the first weeks after the initial release. And what do we get? VC-less warbirds.




Just out of interest...how many others are finding themselves spending less time in FLIGHT?


Well, Flight still is my only flying game, but I do not mind if I can't play it for a day or so because that will make sure (so I hope) I won't be fed up with the game before Alaska is released. I am actually playing the game less on purpose for that reason. I don't think I will be playing the game this evening...


I've got all my hopes set on Flight, really, because I can't imagine going back to FSX (for GA that is), but MS is making it REALLY HARD to keep enjoying the game... I've done every freakin' approach by now and I've seen enough water for the coming 10 years. Man, this new plane really sucks. I also am beginning to wonder what the hell MS is thinking...

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I have been playing Flight less lately. Hopefully the Alaska DLC will renew my interest.


Just out of interest...how many others are finding themselves spending less time in FLIGHT?

I'm down to once a week. Tops.

I'm just reading the comments nowadays. I'm also surprised at how many MS apologists have cropped up as time have passed.

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Maybe it is a heads up to Paul Allen ( co-founder of MS.) He has a P-40C Tomahawk, Mitsubishi A6M and a P-51 in his collection.


Very interesting. What else does he have in his collection? That should tell us what else is coming up.


And what does he own that has a cockpit? That should tell us something too.


- Gary Letona

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I'm down to once a week.

similiar here but I still try to do the daily aerocache, at least some 5mins flight time. yes, hawaii is nice but it is really time to move on now. too sad that ms comes up with scenery dlc soooo slowly, would have expected also that they were brewing something in ahead to release packs faster and sooner. any yes, another tail dragger and war bird will not glue me to the screen neither. and possibly again without cockpit? boring. suggest they rather hire someone who can do some other planes but war birds.

Phil Leaven

i5 10600KF, 32 GB 3200 RAM, MSI 3060 12GB OC, Asus ROG Z490-H, 2 WD Black NVME for each Win11 (500GB) and MSFS (1TB), MSFS Cache and Photogrammetry always disabled, Live Weather and Live Traffic always on, Res 2560x1440 on 27"

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I agree with Meshman on this. Cockpitless warbirds hold little to interest me in what otherwise is shaping up to be an excellent GA flight sim, But I've got plenty to do trying to perfect my landing technique in teh Maule, so I'll just leave them to the people who do like them (and there certainly seems to be enough of them around).


Here is a little musing I posted on another forum...


Having made external models of aircraft for games in the past, I know how much effort is required, and the ones I was building were a lot lower in mesh and texture detail than the ones MS are turning out for FLIGHT. Building a VC and the coding required to make all the knobs and dials work will most likely take more time (at least as much again, probably double or triple at an educated guess) than building the external model. Until they know for sure that FLIGHT is going to take off (doh!) MS is probably trying to keep team size down to limit development costs.


Pitless planes are an obvious choice for keeping the flow of DLC coming with minimum cost in man-hours. Warbirds are an obvious choice for pitless models as they suit the 'yank and bank' style of flying which is the only one really possible when flying from a chase cam view. At least the ones they have released so far are historically relevant to the flying area.


I know that the bulk of the 'proper simmers' are not happy (to say the least) about pitless models. Much as I love old Warbirds, my only real interest in flying them virtually is if there is something to shoot at and be shot at by. I put myself in the 'not bothered' camp rather than the 'driven to heights of gibbering rage' camp, but I can see why some people feel the need to go there.


IMHO I think MS made a bad call in not having more DLC ready to go at launch. I'd have had at least one more VC plane ready in the wings. That way I could have released it now and reassured the more vocal section of the audience that it wasn't only going to be pitless planes from now on. Juging from the Team Photo posted on the official site I'd guess that there are probably only a couple of artists making external plane models and a couple working on VC's and another scripter/coder or two to tie all the art assets together and get them in game. Most of them are probably working on stuff for Alaska and the next wave of DLC after that.


Still guessing, I'd say that the next release will be the Alaska pack, including one new Deluxe airframe with VC. At the same time or shortly after there will be a second Deluxe airframe as separate purchase, possibly introducing some new feature like working auto pilot.


I think MS will be in trouble if they can't get the Alaska pack out the door by next month, and if they can't then they need to have a new deluxe aircraft ready instead. Releasing a fourth pitless model with no Alaska in sight is probably going to create enough negative feeling that it will start to affect the bottom line (if it isn't already) and drive away some of the existing customer base. The first aircraft release after Alaska needs to be another deluxe model. If it were me calling the shots I would make it a 'pro' version of one of the pitless warbirds (still keeping the overheads down as far as production cost and time go). I'd sell it for around the same cost as the Maule, with some interesting challenges attached. I would also make the VC and challenges available as a cheaper 'upgrade' pack in order that people who already bought the pitless airframe aren't going to feel like MS are making them pay twice just because they bought into warbirds early.


For me, that would go a long way towards smoothing any troubled waters and re-assuring the old guard that FLIGHT isn't just going to be a kids game from here on in. I'd also be working on getting ATC, realtime weather, damage modelling, working autopilot in, but those should really be free upgrades to the base package, rather than paid for features.

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I've got all my hopes set on Flight, really, because I can't imagine going back to FSX (for GA that is), but MS is making it REALLY HARD to keep enjoying the game... I've done every freakin' approach by now and I've seen enough water for the coming 10 years. Man, this new plane really sucks. I also am beginning to wonder what the hell MS is thinking...


Well, I think that many of us had high hopes, and were impressed with what we downloaded for free and then bought for a modest sum. But now we are becoming very un-impressed with the follow up. Microsoft Game Studios is not treating us like the valuable customers which we are. In any other business they wouild go out of business. Hopefully, they will turn this situation around very soon. If not, many of us will be off to pastures new, or old.


Just saying.

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Guest Antlab

I think based on the past releases and the obvious flying heritage collection tie in we have here, the next release after the p-40, will be either a p-47 or the il-2m3. My money is on the il-2m3.


You are late, sorry Big%20Grin.gif





I'm waiting for the £50 deluxe game in the shops! Well it won't happen but am hoping for a "gold" or "best of 2012" type DLC as a Christmas offer


In the shops not, but quite surely you will have that on Steam, they often offer such sales.



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Fast forward a month and you will all buy the P40, and the cycle will begin again.

MS are on to a winner here.

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Well, after giving Flight a good and fair shot I've uninstalled it last week (I got Hawaii pack).


Flight is to sterile for my taste, no AI, no car trafic, it's missing to much stuff for me.


If Flight get what I'm use to have in FSX I'll install it again, for now Flight is giving me a feeling of loneliness.....maybe I need to get a cat.


Alaska is comming, probably a beautiful area but probably as sterile as Hawaii, so for me it's a waiting game, if at one point MS add what make a sim a sim I'll get back in to Flight.


@Mad dog, you are so right about your last statement, just read this thread and you'll understand what I mean about peoples saying one thing and doing another one.... http://forum.avsim.n...-“banned”-orbx/ how does it go....all blow and no go?

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Flight is to sterile for my taste, no AI, no car trafic, it's missing to much stuff for me.


So much agree.



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Just out of interest...how many others are finding themselves spending less time in FLIGHT?


Not played it in two weeks..Haven't even installed it on my new rig, yet..My boy still plays it on his PC every couple of weeks, but we want more complex stuff..I'm still a big supporter of MS, and what Flight could become with the right input in the back-office, and it's encouraging to hear that these crap planes are already part of the roll-out, and not necessarily the shape of things to come, but MS have shot themselves in the foot so many times in the past that I'm not hugely encouraged..


Come on MS, sort it out!!



It's a small step from the sublime to the ridiculous...Napoleon Bonaparte

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Guest Antlab



You wrote today:


"I think based on the past releases and the obvious flying heritage collection tie in we have here, the next release after the p-40, will be either a p-47 or the il-2m3. My money is on the il-2m3."


I wrote three weeks ago, in the thread concerning the cockpitless Zero:


"Oops, do you mean that you are not interested to the fabulous IL-2 (obviously without cockpit) they are preparing for flying over Alaska?" Big%20Grin.gif



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Fast forward a month and you will all buy the P40, and the cycle will begin again.


Well, I won't. You can be sure of that. I won't buy a warbird and I won't buy a plane without a cockpit. (Just as a won't buy Orbx-stuff anymore :wink: ) These are sad days for someone who likes Flight...

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