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The most descriptive and funny overview of Flight ever

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I was surfing the flight sim sites last evening and stumbled across a wonderful parody evidently pinned by the main man at X-plane. I'm away from my PC for the morning but this is worth chasing down and someone posting a link. Look for an April date and MS nor Flight is never used but the article is spot on.


Should our Mod elect not to let the forum read something really funny about MS and the introduction of Flight, I will try to find another method of posting.


iPhones are tough on old fingers. Just start with xplane.com






When Pigs Fly . Ray Marshall .

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Should our Mod elect not to let the forum read something really funny about MS and the introduction of Flight, I will try to find another method of posting.


I really don't know why I wouldn't allow our users to have such a fun read indeed... :wink:


I think you will also find that 99,9% of the people who like Flight (including me) will agree with what that article is about. No one will ever say they like it that MS Flight doesn't have all the features that FSX and/or X-Plane has! Everyone wants more planes (with VC), more scenery, ATC and what not. I don't know what gave you the idea some people would NOT want that.


BTW The article is wrong about accuracy of the flight models: not that I know anything about that but many real world pilots here do. And we also have VOR for navigation, so the article is also wrong about the removal of all navigation. And of course we also have Alaska now, which is quite large and certainly cheaper then the author anticipated.


But all that aside: it was a fun read indeed. :wink:

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X-Plane may have a whole world of scenery and loads of aircraft (I have X-Plane 9 at home) but MS Flight is the one that has grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and got me back playing on my PC more than any other piece of software.

Strange innit...



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When he posted that, a lot of users, even xplane fans, criticized him for doing so.


Austin should really spend time correcting the many bugs that plague xplane, for years, and are so basic and scream so loudly at xplane users faces that, in my opinion, he should really look more at his product and less at the others, specially when he argues that he only used MSFS 3 or 4 times...


I have used previous versions of xplane, and was once enthusiastic about it. I have been closely following the latest devs regarding xp10, and I have exchanged many email messages with Austin, most of the time to make him aware of bugs. When even a simple glider (like the as-k21 I have flown so many times in RL) can't perform acceptably, and don't tell me the problem is in the designer, because that's designed by LR themselves, than, how can I accept that someone claims xplane has the best FD of all sims...




In xp10.10, which is taking a lot of time to get out, he will supposedly include a model of his own private aircraft - a Cirrus - and I look forward to "test fly" it, expecting the basic to be finally properly modelled / replicated on that sim...

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The inaccuracies are a little funny.


Anyway, I thought every version of XP was supposedly going to fix the glaring flaws in it?


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Don't care what sim. or add-on it is but as long as we are welling to give our money to a dev. for a sim. full of bugs or a sim that do not meet our expectations (half finished) in the hope of having it fixed down the road WE are the only one to be blamed for what we get, funny or not.

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Kind of funny but also a bit bitter, predictable and belligerent.

I'd feel the same way about an any article written on the Flight forums criticizing XP, thinly disguised as comedy.

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I tried X-Plane on a friends PC about 3 months ago, and he has a really expensive PC. I don't think the flight model is realistic at all, and there are many folks with the same comment on the X-plane forum. There is no real feeling to the flight modeling like in a real aircraft. If you change a control input, the x plane model reacts immediately rather than like a real aircraft, while the law of inertia slows down the change gradually. Very unrealistic feeling. If he could get it to fly like Flight, he would really have a better product in my opinion.


The inaccuracies are a little funny.


Anyway, I thought every version of XP was supposedly going to fix the glaring flaws in it?


I'm afraid that has been on ongoing Mantra at XP for years , "it will be fixed with the next release".


BOBSK8             MSFS 2020 ,    ,PMDG 737-600-800 Fenix A320, FSLTL , TrackIR ,  Avliasoft EFB2  ,  ATC  by PF3  ,

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I really don't agree that article is "a wonderful parody" - Yes, the concept is quite amusing, but as noted above the bitterness shines through and detracts...


It's neither particularly witty, nor a thing of wonder...


As it happens I've just returned from a 'Flight' out over the pack ice to the Diomede Islands. As I found happened with Hawaii, I am looking far more closely at Alaska then I ever would if the whole world was available. I read about the islands first (and never knew they were 2.5 miles but 20 hours apart!). I was surprised just how low the sun stayed at those latitudes, but then it was February...


Now that flight, with the low sun glinting on the icy sea, and reflections dancing in and around the cockpit, had greater wonder in it than Austin's attempt at parody :)

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One thing for sure...........


Is that MS released a much better Van's RV for Flight, than X-Plane's RV's "still" included with version 10. They are just gray outlines of the general shape, have simple panels, and most of all, fly like CRAP. But for at least three versions of X-Plane, they are still there, to make the 85 plane list.




I tried X-Plane on a friends PC about 3 months ago, and he has a really expensive PC. I don't think the flight model is realistic at all, and there are many folks with the same comment on the X-plane forum. There is no real feeling to the flight modeling like in a real aircraft. If you change a control input, the x plane model reacts immediately rather than like a real aircraft, while the law of inertia slows down the change gradually. Very unrealistic feeling. If he could get it to fly like Flight, he would really have a better product in my opinion.




I'm afraid that has been on ongoing Mantra at XP for years , "it will be fixed with the next release".


Many of X-Planes models have now gotten past the "no feel, immediate reaction" phase. It was that way for years, and one of my main complaints.

The sim had a fluidness, that resembled how a magic carpet might feel, but reacted like puppets on a string in a vacuum. These days, there are numerous X-Plane models that actually "feel" quite good. However, I still don't believe that the flight dynamics are any stronger, than what's been achieved with MSFS. As with most sims, there are phases of flight, where different sims will have an edge. Just nothing overwhelming.



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Sounds like he is worried!

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Hm, this is turning into an anti-XP topic which I am sure wasn't Ray's intention and which has no place here. So I will lock this topic (take note: not for the reason Ray was afraid of so there is no need 'try to find another method of posting...' :wink: Everyone can still read the article, funny or not.)

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