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Got the New PC Blues - Some Weird Issues

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I posted elsewhere about the FPS issue with AI. Here is a brief description of other, maybe related issues with my reinstall onto a new PC. Remember, these are all addons/programs that worked perfectly on my old rig. I am running the same OS that I had before - Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit with SP1. I am running the same two HD setup as before - Drive C: for everything except FS9 - Drive D: dedicated for FS9


1. I can't install the REX overdrive files. REX itself - no problem. I get a screen saying "There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. Contact your support personnel or package vendor." It happens during the install routine when it gets to the point of "installing cloud packages." Yes, I've tried a new download in case it was corrupted. No help. Yes I've tried to get tech support from REX - if you can find how to get tech support on their web site you are a much smarter person than I am. The only mention of support was a notice telling customers NOT to post tech support requests in their forum but no info I could find where you CAN get support!


2. My AlphaSim Kaman Seasprite loads normally but then causes a CTD. it worked perfectly on my old PC. Virtavia promptly responded to my request, but as it had never been reported as a problem by anyone else, they were unable to suggest a solution. All my other aircraft packages are working without problems


3. The WoAI installer works - but dumps the files in strange place. The menu where I should be able to direct it to my FS9 installation is blank . I am unable to point it where it needs to go.


4. TTools works fine and the AI editing program I use, yRoute also works, but with one twist. When I edit a traffic file in yRoute, it doesn't show the distance. It shows it as zero miles. It works - but that missing bit makes me think it's related to 3. above - a similar missing software connection that also causes the problem with WoAI installer?


5. DBS Airport GPS works with previously saved files - if I had it open when I saved the flight on my old PC and transferred that save flight to the new one, it works. But if I try to select it in my new PC, nothing happens, though it does detect if the GPS has been installed or not.


There may be others I can't think of right now. The oddity is that I'm using the same OS with an identical configuration (I think)... My suspicion is that there are some background programs (like a version of Microsoft NET that I don't have on the new PC which were on the older one. (Though I'm using the same Windows 7 version???)


Aaarghhhh - after six weeks of trying to figure this all out, I could use some advice. (Or a keg of beer!)



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Sorry you're having problems, Ian. It sounds like you have a permissions issue in Windows 7. DId you turn off UAC and DEP in your Windows control panel? And you're installing as Administrator for all programs? I don't know if you have your antivirus software enabled, but it might be a good idea to disable it while you're installing new stuff.


Hope you get it sorted.

John G.

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I'd go for the suggestions above plus deactiavting Program Compatibily Assistant, always run with administrator rights and also not to install fs9 in the same folder with System. Good luck Ian

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OK - REX Overdrive problem solved. I reinstalled REX on the D drive with FS9 - and turned off anti virus. Don't know which one did the trick but that issue is now resolved. 1 down and several more to go


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Dang Ian - I have a new rig in my NewEgg cart that I've been waiting to pull the trigger on - your story is not inspiring... Hope you get it all sorted out...






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I wish you well Scott. When it works, it's awesome. But the hope I had of just reinstalling everything and having that dream FS experience so far hasn't quite worked according to plan. But I don't plan to give up and am sure my friends in the wider FS community will have some ideas that will do the trick. It already has with one problem.

Good luck mate


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In another thread Ian you responded to a question re MyTraffic 2006. It occurs to me that as that program is now freeware you could install that and see if its AI runs satisfactorily. By so doing may provide a pointer as to where the problem lies.


Best of luck mate.

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Mate I feel for you. Especially with that WOIA issue. I had the same problem and just couldn't resolve it. Eventually Rafal came to the rescue and posted me a copy of his AI (all freeware) and that just worked. If nothing solves your AI prob, pm me your address and I'll post you a copy.

Gavin Barbara


Over 10 years here and AVSIM is still my favourite FS site :-)

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Turning off UAC does not turn off all user oriented protection in Win 7. Some apps need to run at a higher program application level, not user level. To do that directly right click on an .exe and select run as admin. Maybe that is something that wasn't done in your new install.


Some of your symptoms describe video driver or DX level problems. What DX level were you using before. According to this (if this is your present system in your profile and not the old one);


you may be using integrated graphics. If so you are using shared RAM. Somewhere in Win 7 you can turn off the Aero interface to conserve resources. For the desktop just pick a non-Aero classic theme for now. Also check the flaky Asus site for any updated video driver. Do you have another video card in your system? If so, can you set the BIOS to exclude the on-board integrated graphics? I have (not for FS) an ASUS i5 laptop with a separate graphics chip. There is now way it can be user configured to use the NVidia chip only. It is managed which to use by performance demands.


Are all of the apps running in an X86 program folder (32 bit) and not being converted to 64 bit address space?


Regarding firewalls and antivirus, FS and add-ons should be bypassed. The frequent accesses to FS by your apps can fool some a-v apps into thinking the app is malware. Some apps communicate via the "loop back" ip address to other processes so that should be approved in your firewall.

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Sounds like all this new hardware is not so kosha with the FS2004 set up!

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I recently acquired a new rig, Win7 ultimate 64 bit, set up FS2004 with many tweaks and it ran great apart from a few blurries which I am putting down to my vid. card. However last week for some unknown reason my frame rate nosed dived from a locked 60 to 10 no matter what I did the frames would not rise above 10-12. I decided to add an extra hard drive from my old pc. formatted the drive reinstalled fs9 and frames back to 60 (Locked) However, the only thing I am unable to do is install WOAi. whether this has anything to do with windows7 I am not sure. Personally I do not think win7 is as stable as xp for FS2004, buts that just my opinion.

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Some real good stuff here to consider... My old box is starting to give me problems... As long as I'm doing a new build - I wanted something that would allow me to play around with FSX a bit - but - my primary sim is still FS9... I thought a new box would provide much better FS9 experience - which now seems may or may not be the case... Hmm...





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Congrats for geting this issue sorted out and posting back. Hartd to know how many other simmers might well benefit from your efforts and communicating the end result. +73F in Las Vegas this morning at 5AM..one of our coolest so far this summer season. Time to FLY!!

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I don't want to discourage you Scott. Other than the problem at big airports discussed on another thread, and these few niggling little things that I'm sure will get sorted out, it's been awesome. The visuals are stunning, even the sound is crisper and when you can fly a military jet at low level with autogen whipping by you in a fluid high fps environment, it's wonderful. The bad news MIGHT be that it might not be all smooth sailing right out of the box for you. Then again, you might not have any issues at all. If you do, you'll get the same help from your friends here as I am getting.

Go for it!


ps. To all who have replied above, please don't think I'm ignoring your advice. I'm following up on most of the suggestions and deeply appreciate ALL of them. Whenever I have something positive to report, I'll post it so others can maybe avoid similar problems

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Hi Ian,


Thanks... Would you have your specs handy ? I'm looking at an - i7-2700k CPU - Z77 MOBO - GTX570 Video...





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