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X-Plane 10 HD Mesh v2 - PREVIEW

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Sorry guys for not answering, but I was away on a - badly needed - vacation (an now I am back) ...


So, I will just quickly answer

Unlike roads, does OpenStreetMap need 2 lanes (2 ways) for railways ?

Yes, thats correct .... currently there is only a single track railway type. So, double lane railways need two lanes. And to my knowledge (as far as i have looked at the OSM data), this is already done correctly in a lot of places (Germany, Italy etc.) ...



Will a future scenery recut draw catenaries for railways with the key electrified ?


No, I don't know about efforts currently to do this .... though, technically (from the data and processing perspective) it shouldn't be too complicated to do this one day, when the art guy(s) decide to do  a new electrified railroad track type ...

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Thank you Andras, I already fixed railways around Thionville. They had only one lane. I have 2 additional questions:


Does the new OSM import take care about the tag "tunnel=yes" not only for highways, railways but also for waterways (polygons or lines) ? When bridges have a wide width (with many lanes above, or a place) portions of rivers are sometimes mapped with this tag.


Is the new OSM import also able to understand multi-polygons for water ? Example in Rouen: island on a river mapped with a inner polygon:



Ben wrote about missing water, but are missing islands also fixed ? :wink:

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Hi MdMax,


To your first question: ##### is that :O? No, to be honest I have never even thought about looking at a "tunnel" tag with waterways .... where exactly would this make sens, or would be relevant? Usually X-Plane always takes care of roads if they cross - any type - of water body and elevates them above it (if they are not tunnels themselves).


To the second question, I would answer with a picture which I have captured just a moment ago:


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Very good news for the islands and water with multi-polygons ! :smile:


Now, the "tunnel=yes" for water can be used with "canals" according to the Wiki:



It's also in the help here:



I saw this for a small river (not a stream) under a motorway and railway, that's why I ask. I just hope the OSM import for water will ignore every water polygon or vector river where there's a "tunnel=yes" tag in order to avoid plausible but unrealistic bridges.


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Hi MadMax ... OMG  :O  ... this is really freaky, and definitely a good find from you!


The funny thing is, that I have now checked trough my filters, and at least for linear water I have already had the "tunnel IS NULL" filter in it. But I didn't have it for polygon water areas. And after a quick check, it told me that world wide (at least in my current data set) there are 590 such polygons ... so, I have immediately added the "tunnel IS NULL" filter for water polygons too (and this should definitely be effective for the later HD Mesh v2, as I will do - as promised - one more OSM import around the end of September!)


Again, thanks for making me aware of this (OSM is a endlessly fantastic data source, but also an endlessly mind boggling chaos of different tags and different tag uses :rolleyes: ).

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River bridges ... uhm well, yes I know about at least one real river on  abridge ... its not even too far from where I live:



But to be honest, I think this is really going too far :rolleyes: and no, there is no code to deal with such wildernesses (they are not extremely widespread, and i think most of us could tolerate their "few" occurrences).


But LOL ... this one is really freaky :-) (your first example) ... I can't even imagine how this looks in real life:



Well. Usually, if water features overlap (in any way), they just get merged to one water body ... X-Plane has no way - to my knowledge - to have multiple layers of water at all.

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Yes, I know about those strange (but very impressive!) constructions ... and NO, we won't have them in the default scenery :lol: ! (but feel free to create a nice hand made model of this in Blender ^_^ )

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River bridges ... uhm well, yes I know about at least one real river on  abridge ... its not even too far from where I live:



HA !! I knew that you will bring up this one ^_^. It's where I drive below to work every day ...


And there are two more, only 8 km away from there.

1st one, 2nd one. Although the second one is shown as a road OVER the water, in fact the road is BELOW the water. Both are only 1,5 km away from my home, so I know them real well ... And while thinking, one more (even closer to where you live) came into my mind.


As I thought that there might be even more, I just searched and found one only around 20 km away from the ones above ... We should start a competition who finds the most "water bridges" :lol:. Probably there are even more in that region, but I have other things to do ^_^.

My sceneries (excerpt): LPMA Madeira (XPFR), LGSR Santorini, LRBV Brasov, the city of Fürth (Germany), several libraries, ...

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guys i dont own xplane but can i help u guys create OSMs ? 

Sure! X-Plane uses OSM data, as many others do. So by improving OSM you are helping not only X-Plane but...world-wide!


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Sure! X-Plane uses OSM data, as many others do. So by improving OSM you are helping not only X-Plane but...world-wide!

Exactly. And this is the great thing about OSM .... its not just for us X-Plane users, but for many many many more others too (for example I use it as fantastic offline map data on my android tablet too).

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