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not even allowed... doubt if it could be done anyway. What's your goal?

Dan Downs KCRP

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It isn't allowed? I thought as long as you didn't publish it and you did it for you and you only then it was ok, I was wanting a better VC for a different 737.

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It isn't allowed? I thought as long as you didn't publish it and you did it for you and you only then it was ok, I was wanting a better VC for a different 737.

I don't understand why you would want to merge the PMDG NGX's VC with a completely different 737!?! The NGX is THE best 737NG out for flight simulator no question about it!!

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There's a reported issue of compatibility with the Classics with Vatsim's FSinn which only becomes a problem on Windows 7 64bit  systems running FSinn and FSX. If you run the Wilco classic without FSinn, or on FS9, or on any system except Windows 7 64bit, I'm told it isn't a problem.


If it is a problem you may need to use Squawkbox instead of FSinn if you go online on Vatsim.


Unfortunatley part of FSinn (FScopilot) boots every time you start FSX, so you will need to manually shut it down otherwise the problem will appear even without running FSinn.


If you don't run FSinn, or if you do run FSinn but don't run the 64bit version of Windows 7, or if you do run Windows 7 64bit with FSinn but in FS9... then you won't have a problem ;)


Personally I do run FSinn, Windows 7 and FSX exclusivley - and as a result havn't used the Wilco Classic 737's since I stopped using FS9 in 2008. 


For several years I didn't have access to any 737. Fortunatley NGX fixed that.

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Interesting! I'm in great need of getting a good 737 Classic, I've mastered the 737NGX PMDG so now I thought I needed a Classic.

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Id hold off buying anything right now. Two amazing classics are on the way from 2 great studios.

Milviz are about to release a 737-200 which looks incredible and Enigma Sim are about to release the 737-300/400/500 which also looks incredible

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What's the point in having a "classic" if the entire inside looks, feels, and works like an NG?  :rolleyes:

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Plus there is one Classic coming that is probably better than MilViz and Enigma put together - the IXEG 737 for X-Plane. The team shows nothing short of PMDG dedication.

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There's a reported issue of compatibility with the Classics with Vatsim's FSinn which only becomes a problem on Windows 7 64bit  systems running FSinn and FSx../quote]


As far as I know this was fixed in 737 evolution.


not even allowed... doubt if it could be done anyway. What's your goal?


Not recommended. You'll lose all exterior model features and animations.

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My goal is to put the external model of the 737-300 the old old beta, and put the Wilco 737 PIC VC on it. 

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