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PMDG 777 (module 1.5a - Aug 2020)

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Here you can download the LINDA aircraft module for the PMDG 777 (module version 1.3a).

Version 1.5a adds missing VRi Combo MPC .default files. It is only applies to VRInsight MCP panel users.

Installation notes:

  • Download and unzip it and place the two folders into: */Microsoft Games/Microsoft Flight Simulator X/Modules
  • Say "yes" if he'd like to overwrite anything
  • Your current Combo settings wouldn't be overwritten, but you find in Modules/linda-cfg/aircrafts/PMDG 777 files named *.default. name them to *.lua to use them.

Download PMDG 777 Module 1.5a

1.0 --> 1.1

  • ADIRU fix
  • Display sync fix

1.1 to 1.2

  •  Doors added
  •  Ground connections improved
  •  Added GSX Refueling Feature: calling the GSX Fuel Truck will pop-up FOs CDU with FUEL page opened.
1.2 to 1.3
  • added Anti Ice
  • Added GSX functions like closing doors
  • preventing some LUA crashes
  • changed EXT PWR logic/added on/off
  • Fixes missing VRi MCP .default files.

added GSX Library function

Important! Have a look here!!! Need to download the new GSX library


added both BUS Ties on request
removed any GSX interaction due to GSX updates and their incompatibility
  • Fixes missing VRI MCP .default files. NO OTHER CHANGES.

Guenter Steiner

Betatester for: A2A, LORBY, FSR-Pillow Tester

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Great work. Looking forward to the rest. Much thanks!




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Thank you very much

But I have the following error :

' ERROR: MCP configs not found for current aircraft!'

Can help me ?

Thank you


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thank's very much for your work

i'd installed your module in my two airacraft directory into linda directory but when i'm into the cockpit nothing happen just F/D switch is working


thank you for your answer



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