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Getting frustrated with this bird

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Lol it's funny you'd say that, because I was actually nearly 100 tonnes over MLW at 320'000kg, so the landing should be anything from soft! Just wanted to try out the bird and didn't expect to land in a while  :biggrin: Thanks for the advice though!


Ohh wow, then yeah like you say it definitely should not have been very soft.


For the problems with throttles a new version of FSUIPC will be released Monday, however I'm not sure if this will solve the problem as I didn't have it anyway. Deleting the ini file is not recommended by Pete Dowson but it may work as a temporary fix.



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When you write posts try to take the finger pointing out of it. If there is a problem you are having, then state the facts of the problem, leave out comments, observations, or interpretations regarding other individuals and entities.


Agreed. One thing I recommend, especially when you're angry, is to hit the "more reply options" button rather than post immediately. Then preview your message, read it carefully, and ask yourself how your message might be perceived and whether that is the image you want to portray of yourself. I recommend this practice if you find that your keys are being pushed through your keyboard from typing so hard.


Just a thought. . . .

Walter Meier


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Guest Lawyer+Pilot

Hi everyone


I am just playing 'Devils Advocate' here


You are saying that it is possibly an Opus issue but does this issue happen with other aircraft such as the 737NGX or any other third party 777 .....


Process of elimination me thinks ......





Good question. I assume it's for one of two reasons:


1. This is the most complex flight model available for FSX. This complexity may make it more susceptible to external influences (FSUIPC, weather injection software, etc.) than any aircraft before it.


2. How the FDE operates. I don't know if this true, but I wonder if the FDE is external like the Majestic Dash 8. These FSUIPC issues sound a lot like the troubles I was having with the Dash 8. I am running my throttles through FSUIPC and had a devil of a time assigning the detents. And programs like ProATC that manipulate things in the cockpit (frequencies, altimeter, etc.) wouldn't work like they worked in other aircraft. This was all addressed in the manual, and I absolutely LOVE the plane now. Point being, there was nothing wrong with the Dash 8 when I released the parking brake on my inaugural flight and the aircraft lurched backwards. It just meant that my other programs had to "learn" how to work with the new kid on the block. And it wasn't because the new kid on the block had issues and was hard to get along with. It was because the new kid showed everyone on the block what they are really capable of. I call that progress.

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I agree with Corby.


Feel free to ban me if thinking Tim was needlessly rude and passive aggressive is against AVSIM rules.



I totally expected some of the other bone headed comments out there in particular Adam.

Care to test your knowledge against mine Adam, take you on any day?

I am frustrated but at no point in time was rude in my post unlike Cory and  Adam.  Typical wannabees imo.




Someone has a bit of a god complex.

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I think everyone could tone it down a bit.  That  includes the OP.  I did find it a bit rude from your very first post.  I also have a ATPL with 5000hrs, 1500hrs Turbine PIC, 2000hrs Hours as a C-130 Flight Engineer, 700hrs OEF Combat.  But I'm not on here throwing it in peoples faces calling them wannabees. Maybe that was your way of dismissing his comments.  There are better ways of handling it though.  

What I think needs to happen is a round of apologies from those involved and move on towards a civil discussion.


Onto your problem.  There has been numerous posts about throttle rollback.  It however wasn't related to either a PMDG mis-programming and testing, or addons.   I haven't seen you post what your A/T Manual override set at?  777 FMC Option PMDG Setup>Options>Simulation...if its in IN HOLD MODE ONLY. Chances are this might fix your problems.  I was beating my head against the wall trying to figure out why my VNAV wasn't functioning properly until I read a thread about it.  Course if I read the documentation I wouldn't have had the problem to begin with....my bad.


Just a possibility to look into.


Brian Thibodeaux

Brian Thibodeaux | B747-400/8, C-130 Flight Engineer, CFI, Type Rated: BE190, DC-9 (MD-80), B747-400


My Liveries

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One thing you can do for sure to rule out the effects of weather:


- Fly with the weather program off and set the FSX weather to the "Clear Skies" theme. If you have registered FSUIPC, you can also go in and push the "clear all weather" button in it.


This is how we test the airplane at first to make sure that the VNAV and stuff are working how we want them to before we start throwing wind and turbulence and stuff at it. Basic tenet of science really - isolate the independent variable.




I would be careful with comments about what "feels" right too - unless you have flown a real 777 or a 777 level-D sim, how would you know exactly? We flew the sim a bunch and we had no less than a dozen actual pilots on the tech team who signed off on it. The "feel" and the way the AP behaves were a huge part of the development process and we think we got very very close to how it actually is. This is big airplane with big engines that take a while to spool. It doesn't fly the FD commands "on rails" or anything like that - passenger comfort and minimizing jerky fast movements are paramount with how the real AP is programmed and we've done that here. Watch any 777 cockpit video that shows the PFD for an extended period, you'll clearly see that it doesn't stay glued to the FD commands perfectly - it "lags" in a way behind it and we simulated that.

Ryan Maziarz

For fastest support, please submit a ticket at http://support.precisionmanuals.com

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maybe the same problem

I have just flown on IVAO from EDDS to EDDP. At FL100 the Speed (the Magenta Speed thing, dont know the right word :) ) switched to 320 but the plane didn´t accelerate. After a few seconds (i was on FL 115) the Stall Warning appeared (180knots)  the AP disconnected. All the time the Engines were on 90-95% N1. The Phys. Throttels were at ~55%.

I used TO1 and CLB1.

Real Weather (Active Sky) were used, the Wind came from behind with 32knt.


While I was busy i turned the AP on at 3000~4000ft. Havent reached the 250knts mentionend in the Tutorial, could this cause the Problem?




PS: sorry for bad english :)

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Just saw the same behavoir.  Something is going on.  I have OPUS as well so I will test without it.

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Has the OP considered icing conditions? Could have been a build up of ice on leading edges of the wings and lost lift perhaps?


Edit: I fly with Active Sky 2012 and haven't noticed this behavior.

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Has the OP considered icing conditions? Could have been a build up of ice on leading edges of the wings and lost lift perhaps?


Edit: I fly with Active Sky 2012 and haven't noticed this behavior.


Not simulated. It'd be quite difficult simulating the effects of ice on the wings realistically with FSX so there isn't any point. 

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Good morning everyone, pretty sure I apologized for my part in the argument some time ago with a couple of earlier posters and also made to PMDG.

I am not asking or encouraging anyone to fight battles with those earlier posters on my behalf but pretty sure my aviation theory will stand me in good stead on this issue.

I have been accused of not reading the manual in some not so subtle ways when in fact I have read cover to cover the intro and tutorial 1 several times and spent months of my spare time reading up on the B777 with resources available on the net.

It does seem to be a problem there reading some comments made recently.

Now it may be a opus thing but why does every other aircraft I own handle what's going on and yet the 777 doesn't?

Ryan thanks for your latest input as well, I am well aware of things lagging but this issue was sustained through out the climb all the way to cruise.

While I am trying to eliminate hardware related possibilities and conflicts within the sim, it very much feels like PMDG can't or don't want to hear what I am reporting to you.

As I mentioned before, what's my motive in wasting all this time if I wasn't seeing this issue?


Tim Carter

PS I very much considered an icing type situation of pitot tubes etc as it was very much an icing type of environment 12C on the ground except I had selected A/I on Auto prior to departure. It was one of the first things I considered in fact but well thought out Sumits81!!



i7 7700K, 16GB 3200MHz DDR4, GTX1070 OC 8GB, 1TB Samsung SSD for OS and P3D4.4, W10 64Bit, Corsair H115i Water Cooling

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If you're going to continue just making accusations that "we don't want to hear this" then I'm just going to shut this down. Please show me where I said anything of the sort? Do you seriously expect some sort of magical instant solution out of us? I haven't even seen a screenshot or a video of this problem you're describing.


I believe you're seeing something. There are a handful of people in this thread seeing *something*. What I'm not willing to do is jump to the conclusion that it's a major flaw in our product or whatever you're trying to claim here. We tested this thing for literally thousands of hours over the past 6 months or so - I cannot recall any tester or developer seeing what you're describing.


Show us evidence, that's all I'm asking - a thread with complaints that have no evidence we can see and troubleshoot is pointless.

Ryan Maziarz

For fastest support, please submit a ticket at http://support.precisionmanuals.com

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it very much feels like PMDG can't or don't want to hear what I am reporting to you

Hi Tim. I may be very mistaken here, but I very much doubt that PMDG do not want to hear or cannot do, as I'm sure they love to get feedback from a real-world flyer like you, if only to improve what they have put out.

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Hello Ryan

As mentioned I think I have described ad nauseum what I am seeing, please explain to me how exactly I can show you from here what I am seeing?

Its 0730 here where I live and have a life outside FSX. I have woken and read the replays overnight and responded.

To be honest I feel like I have already wasted far too much time and energy on this already.

Perhaps it's just my problem and a hand full of others. No worries - I will put this down as a loss on my behalf and go back to flying other models including your B737 in my spare time. But I think you have fault in there for what it's worth which quite obviously is nothing.

I am scheduled for an 0550 flight tomorrow and a busy week ahead.

Will let others handle this if they can be bothered, for a $90 buck product - I'm over it.

Thanks anyway - still like most PMDG products but will wait and see what happens in future SP packs.



i7 7700K, 16GB 3200MHz DDR4, GTX1070 OC 8GB, 1TB Samsung SSD for OS and P3D4.4, W10 64Bit, Corsair H115i Water Cooling

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Hello Ryan

As mentioned I think I have described ad nauseum what I am seeing, please explain to me how exactly I can show you from here what I am seeing?


Screenshots, or better yet, video would certainly help. Also, unless you have eliminated all variables and have concrete evidence to support your claims, you have nothing acceptable to support your claims that the issue is caused by PMDG. I work as an engineer, and I have to troubleshoot technical issues on a regular basis. I will not make a claim with certainty unless I can provide evidence to support my claim. Just a suggestion, take it or leave it.


Sent from my GT-N8013 using Tapatalk 4

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