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OOM Issues

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There is no memory leak in the 777 - what does happen is that FSX fails to release scenery from memory after you fly over it, which causes a slow degradation in VAS over the course of the flight. (try with a default airplane, you'll see the same thing happen) It also loads all the photoscenery you have installed worldwide right at startup. This was done by design when FSX was made because of the ability to zoom out to the full "globe" type view. 8+ years ago, the idea that we'd have the kinds of addons we have today (or that FSX would still be in use 8 years later for that matter) wasn't anywhere in the developers' minds.


If you're going to blame us for the OOM issue you should also blame the developers of your scenery, weather, AI traffic, your own slider settings, etc. too. I tend to take the view that what's right in front of you in the cockpit is probably the most important thing, especially if you are doing airliner flying... that would argue for making compromises elsewhere in your setup than with the aircraft. If we compromise the functionality or visual quality of our products so that people can run other maxed-out type products, then we're not really PMDG anymore are we?

Ryan Maziarz

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My advice (and my last flight was a 15 hour yyz to hkg) with no ooms is to check the texture settings at 2056 and not 4096.


Keep the lod raduis down and if landing at dreamteam lax, or yvr turn off ai traffic.


The only places I get ooms is yvr,lax and egll and that's ai on. If I turn it off then I don't get them


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I started getting OOM's after along absence of them, rebulit my FSX.cfg, added a few tweaks, no OOM's and I was flying out of KEWR which will be heavy memory usage wise. Planning a 16 hour flight so hopefully wont get any more.


MSI Codex 5 10SC-262UK Desktop PC - Intel Core i7-10700, RTX 2060 Graphics, 16GB RAM, 2TB HDD, 256GB SSD.

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Guest voodoo101

My two pennies worth.


I loaded up my FSX with the PMDG 777 at UK2000's Heathrow, parked at the gate. I did my preflight and used GSX. I have Activesky weather with REX textures, OrbX Global, Vector, England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland. I had other UK airports installed and was flying to Taxi2Gate Orlando. At this time I had no AI traffic or ATC.


I fired up Process Explorer and checked the VAS, 3.8Gb !!!. Oh no, I thought, there is no way that I am going to make this flight without an OOM, however as I had already gone through everything else to set up, I continued. I carried on with my taxi to the runway and took off, about 20FPS. As I flew I watched my VAS as it dropped down to 3.2Gb and lower as I continued to climb into the clouds. As I levelled out I checked the VAS again, 2.9Gb, my frame rates at a steady 60FPS. In the end I landed at Orlando with about 3.2Gb used.


I then wanted to test with some AI traffic, loaded up the same scenario and BOOM!, out of memory.


After a recent other problem, needing a complete reformat and install, I decided to go old school. I dug out some old software, UTX, GEX and FEX for textures, Loaded up the same scenario and checked the VAS, 2.9Gb and a couple of frames extra. Even with 30% AI, it only comes to 3.2Gb. Does it look as good? When I'm taking off in a 777 then yes. I have yet to do a full flight as trying FSPS new fibre accelerator seems to have screwed up my framerates.


My conclusion: Yes the PMDG 777 is heavy on memory. Is it PMDG's fault, no, you want a plane the size of the 777 with complex systems and high quality detail, then you have to sacrifice something. You could have high quality land and water, top quality airports and fly around in the Aerosoft Airbus with no problems, however it is not as detailed with textures and not as detailed with features. I could have flown around for weeks with a Cessna and my previous setup. 

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There is no memory leak in the 777



Ryan, I'm going to take this offline, if you don't mind.

Dave Hodges


System Specs:  I9-13900KF, NVIDIA 4070TI, Quest 3, Multiple Displays, Lots of TERRIFIC friends, 3 cats, and a wonderfully stubborn wife.

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If we compromise the functionality or visual quality of our products so that people can run other maxed-out type products, then we're not really PMDG anymore are we?
This is one of the best quotes of 2014. I think I might have to include it in my signature if that's alright with you Ryan.

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Is it just me, or is there a correlation between assertions of being "behind the curve"/buggy/etc and being beta testers for another developer (one in particular)?

Kyle Rodgers

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scandinavian13, on 09 Jul 2014 - 01:38 AM, said:

Is it just me, or is there a correlation between assertions of being "behind the curve"/buggy/etc and being beta testers for another developer (one in particular)?

Hmm... quite true, but will you get away with it? If I suggested that, It would be advised I crawl through broken glass and pay every forum member a large sum of money. (See recent thread)

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Hmm... quite true, but will you get away with it? If I suggested that, It would be advised I crawl through broken glass and pay every forum member a large sum of money. (See recent thread)


Yeah.  Saw that.  Who knows.  I usually don't get away with much...haha.

Kyle Rodgers

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Hi again and just a quick update. I installed the VAS usage monitor and did a test flight from Singapore to Tokyo Narita, a flight that took me about 6 and a half hours. By the time I took off I used about 2.6gb of VAS (PMDG 777, Active Sky Next, REX Textures, and GSX were all used). Settings were also almost maxed out (traffic sliders at 0 due to VATSIM traffic, and LOD slightly reduced along with auto gen and scenery complexity a notch below max). The VAS remained about the same through the whole flight, actually slightly decreasing to 2.5gb used. I then eventually commenced the descent down into Narita, did a go around (long story), and made a nice smooth touchdown of -66fpm. I taxied to the gate, connected to ground power and external air through the FS Actions menu in the FMC, and GSX was already running by this point (they marshalled me in and began the deboarding process). By the time this was all said and done, the final VAS usage was right at 3.1gb. Keep in mind that most of the cruise, the VAS remained almost locked at 2.5gb, so I think I helped fix (or workaround) the issue using the suggestions made here by lowering the LOD and downloading the "Fix It" tool on Kostas' page. Thanks everyone for the help

Mark Javornik

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Is it just me


It's just you, being you.  Twenty seven years in flight sim, all I care about is making things better regardless of who the developer is.




Dave Hodges


System Specs:  I9-13900KF, NVIDIA 4070TI, Quest 3, Multiple Displays, Lots of TERRIFIC friends, 3 cats, and a wonderfully stubborn wife.

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Personally i find that the 777 is entirely unusable from UK2000 EGLL V3...however i also find the A2A C172 pretty much unusable for that particular airport; in fact the only aircraft that doesn't push the VAS limit is the default microlight thing i load up with.


Dave, from what i have observed there doesn't appear to be any form of memory leak in the 777, at a push i would say it's EGLL that is the biggest memory hog available.


As Ryan stated earlier i don't think FSX was very intended to run ORBX Global, ORBX Vector, ORBX England, VFR London X. UK2000 EGLL and the PMDG 777.  With all those running i get an amazing 7 FPS at the gate with about 500Mb VAS free.


Time for a new sim i think...not X-Plane!  :P

Ian R Tyldesley

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Hi Mark,


you gave no hint about your system specs, fsx.cfg and options settings (REX, Weather, etc...)


But beside of lowering some visual settings there are known workarounds to prevent OOM.


clean up scenery library uncheck sceneries which aren't necessary for the current flight

turn off the RAAS option (PMDG 77L)


I personally wouldn't recommend the usage of any tweaking tools. 

he did, its under his profile/my PC :) just gotta look

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Guest devgrp

I don't know how some of you guys can't fly between 2 payware airports. I do it all the time with the 777. I did a 12 hr flight yesterday from Aerosoft thessolaniki to FlightBeam Phoenix harbor and when I landed my VAS was 3.5. A little background on my system. I7 4770k running at 4.7ghz and a gtx 780. My addons were asn, rex4, ftx global and ftx vector.


All my Sliders are to the right except autogen and scene complexity which I have set at very dense and dense. Cloud draw distance is 60 miles and detailed clouds set to low. I find that if I keep changing views the VAS usage will increase. 300mb of the VAS is ultimate traffic 2 and 150mb is from cobalt plus another 150mb from flight1 soundstream

Orbx England is nice but it's VAS usage is a killer. I never use it unless I'm flying a light aircraft

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Guest voodoo101

I'm wondering if VAS usage is related to something else, not just texture load. Some people seem to have no problems on high loads, whilst some seem to have problems.


Does Simconnect make a difference, could it be that some people are running ASN on a networked computer and the way FSX processes the weather through simconnect. Does it make a difference with the processor being used or the speed of the memory. I read somewhere that the amount of memory of the graphics card makes a difference. I have a GTX670 with 4gb of memory.

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