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About markjj

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  1. The flight planner kills performance for me when used with the airliners.
  2. Hi guys, I have a little bit of an issue that occurs whenever I'm descending while on A/P using the VNAV of FL CH modes. Essentially, the desired attitude will be reached in "steps" the last couple of hundred feet. In other words, say I'm descending down to 220 for 380. During the last ~500ft (so around 225), the aircraft will over compensate and level off too soon. So basically, by the time I reach FL220, the plane would've already leveled off about 3 times before that, as it reduces the descent rate too abruptly and ends up cutting of the descent completely, only to have to "re-descend" to the desired altitude set on the MCP. Again, this occurs on the VNAV and FLCH mode (I never use the v/s mode so I'm not sure if it does it on this) only while descending. When climbing, it always meets the desired altitude with relative accuracy and on the money, without having to readjust multiple times. This occurs on every flight in all sorts of conditions. Any ideas? Thanks
  3. Hi, hmm I can't say that I experience that with the yoke, at least when it comes to banking. A few Springs snapped in the base (which can easily be replaced, they're just tension Springs) which seems to leave the yoke a bit loose for pitch. In other words, it stays unmoved through a few degrees of pitch motion, rather than returning to the same center every time I release it. But as for bank, it always returns to the center
  4. I have it. What's your question?
  5. That was the solution! Thanks for the help
  6. Hi guys, I have an issue concerning the brightness knob of the navigational display on the 777. As I'm sure you know, the navigational display has 2 independent brightness control knobs (in the same position, one is on top of the other); one controls the overall brightness of the screen while the other controls the brightness of the wxr or terr depictions. In other words, you can have a bright ND whilst having a dark depiction of the WXR. On the NGX, this works perfectly. Turning down the knob that controls the brightness of the wxr and terr has a noticeable effect, and you can actually turn it down to the point where wxr and terr depictions are barely visible. However, on the 777, this knob has barely any effect. Turning down the brightness knob which controls the wxr and terr depictions has little to no impact, even if you turn it down all the way. What your left with is an excessively bright/vibrant depiction of weather without having the option of lowering the intensity. Again, the NGX doesn't have this problem. I encourage you to try it out yourselves to see what I mean. Any info on this? Thanks
  7. Hi guys, my friend is new to the flight sim world and just got the FSX steam edition. I am guiding him through the steps of becoming an avid flight simmer and of course am compelling him to get a PMDG aircraft. If he has ONLY the FSX SE, should he be able to buy and install the 777 with no problem?
  8. What is the outside temperature during these flights. It almost sounds as if the weather was too hot causing a decreased aircraft performance.
  9. Did you try landing at a different airport? Try an inland airport, like Atlanta. Sometimes, with airports in close proximity to the water such as La Guardia, the approach will have you coming in very low and close to the water. I have experienced this phenomenon where coming into these airports will cause the aircraft to slam into the ground.
  10. Thanks for the interesting replies guys. Haha I always thought that the explanation to the aircraft's sensitive behavior during flare was just something Boeing put in to give pilots some extra authority during the flare and to make the plane a bit easier to control, but I never thought that it went any deeper than that. I'll look around to see if there is a solid answer, but again thanks for the replies and I'm sure there's a reason behind the behavior.
  11. Hi, a while ago (right after the release of the PMDG 777), I posted a topic concerning the final approach behavior of the 777, wondering if there was some sort of flare assist. Well, it turns out that there is something very much like what I described, but I wouldn't exactly call it flare assist. To test this, I encourage you to manually fly an approach and landing without the auto thrust, and then do the same thing again, only with auto thrust engaged this time (like Boeing and most airlines recommend). There is a stunning difference in the last 30 or 25 feet AGL. Basically, up until a few days ago, I ALWAYS flew with auto thrust off, as I found it to be a little sluggish to maintain my speed, especially in windy conditions. Anyways, now I ONLY fly with it engaged. Not only because of its great ability to manage speed (I never knew it was this good), but because of the fact that the aircraft becomes MUCH easier to handle during the final moments of flight. Without AT engaged, you'll find that the 777 is very insensitive to yoke inputs during the last 30 feet of flight. Basically, it was near impossible to make any noticeable pitch changes during the last 10 feet without applying a large amount of yoke input. But after doing tons of landings with AT engaged, I noticed that the aircraft becomes much more sensitive in the flare when AT is engaged. This is not my imagination...try it yourself if you haven't already. To notice the difference even more, you must try making pitch changes about 20-5 feet above the ground in both scenarios (one with AT, one without AT). You will notice that the aircraft is very forgiving and that you can easily make changes to the pitch attitude right before touchdown versus not having AT on. Anyways, feel free to comment on what you guys think of the difference, and it'd be interesting to know what Boeing refers to this behavior as. Thanks -Mark Javornik
  12. markjj

    Wxr Shots

    Awesome shots guys!! I encourage everyone to keep them coming! I can't wait to get my hands on the radar and I'll be sure to post some pics of my weather encounters too when I get back from my trip. Thanks again guys
  13. markjj

    Wxr Shots

    Hi guys, I am currently overseas and I can't wait to get home and install SP1 and to buy the 300ER! Anyways, since an accurate WXR is such a new thing to FSX, I thought it'd be nice to have one post that contains screen shots of the WXR-2100 in action! Anyways, if you have the time, users of SP1 should definitely post some shots of the bad weather they are flying around (or at least hopefully around haha). Weather you're hitting some storms on final approach, or avoiding high altitude CB's over the Pacific, share your shots! Thanks -Mark Javornik
  14. Great news! Can't wait and I'm glad you are back and healthy Rob! Haha although I will be away from home when it comes out. :(
  15. markjj

    OOM Issues

    Haha thanks for reminding me to update it. The information on my profile was from my older PC build, but now it has the new information.
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