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[21FEB15] A Couple General Updates - NGX, J41, Xplane, P3D...

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though from what i can tell - they don't have a reputation for upholding their word or keeping their deadlines.


They have a reputation for making sure that any software that they release is in proper working condition. That's more important than sticking to spurious deadlines.

Christopher Low

UK2000 Beta Tester


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Guest Patriot3810

i have recently started using x-plane 10, i am curious what pmdg will have to offer, if the 777 or 737 comes to x-plane maybe active sky next would follow since its required for the weather radar.

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My buddy is beta-ing.  Loves it.  Can't wait.  


Now if I could only get him to share info and pics. 

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My buddy is beta-ing.  Loves it.  Can't wait.  


Now if I could only get him to share info and pics. 


Beta-ing what? The only things in beta right now are already publicly shown: 737 NGX FSX:SE and P3D.

Kyle Rodgers

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i have recently started using x-plane 10, i am curious what pmdg will have to offer, if the 777 or 737 comes to x-plane maybe active sky next would follow since its required for the weather radar.

Active sky is only required because FSX a is a dead platform. It's more likely that Laminar will update the X-Plane platform to give PMDG the weather output they require, and that could benefit other aircraft and also products like Skymaxx as well.

Alistair Brown


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I already have GTA V on pre-order so I will be getting 737NGX :D. Can't wait.



So do I!!! I hope NGX comes first...


GTA V here has no place  <_<

I'm just comparing since I've been waiting for both releases. And also because both R* and PMDG are always delaying the product release  :ph34r:  :ph34r:

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777 and 737 is not likely to come in x-plane soon. As x-plane can not simply use fsx coded software.

Actually, RSR has been very clear about the NGX, 737 and 747v2 coming to X-Plane.

I'm reasonably sure the add-ons were developed with this perspective in mind. Transitioning them, while not easy, shouldn't require a complete rework of the software.

Of course, I'm just applying the knowledge I have gained through some experience in the IT industry. Cross compatibility is becoming very, very important pretty much everywhere since the advent of smartphones, tablets and other gizmos.

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Its funny how people can joke about PMDG delaying and setting release dates and not meeting them, as someone else said "take the day they say and add 2 weeks, thats what they did with the T7" and yet when i look into it and see this is kinda common for PMDG to do - while yes, i do appreciate the attention to detail and working to make sure its as bug free as possible - its a serious pet peeve when people or companies set deadlines they know they will never actually be able to keep and keep setting deadlines or "within the next week" statements, and then week upon week can come and go and sometimes not even an update on progress, not even a peep.

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PMDG isn't obligated to even update the NGX, let alone provide any information about when one might be released. And when they do provide information about a potential new product or update they repeatedly say to not consider any potential date as a commitment to a particular date. Most of us are appreciative for the heads up about potential changes and take PMDG at their word when they say not to consider an estimate as a commitment, because we prefer an estimate to no information whatsoever. What's aggravating is when PMDG says any discussion of a timeframe is an estimate and some people choose to act as if it were a commitment, which it quite specifically was not.

Brian Johnson

i9-9900K (OC 5.0), ASUS ROG Maximus XI Hero Z390, Nvidia 2080Ti, 32 GB Corsair Vengeance 3000MHz, OS on Samsung 860 EVO 1TB M.2, P3D on SanDisk Ultra 3D NAND 2TB SSD

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PMDG isn't obligated to even update the NGX, let alone provide any information about when one might be released. And when they do provide information about a potential new product or update they repeatedly say to not consider any potential date as a commitment to a particular date. Most of us are appreciative for the heads up about potential changes and take PMDG at their word when they say not to consider an estimate as a commitment, because we prefer an estimate to no information whatsoever. What's aggravating is when PMDG says any discussion of a timeframe is an estimate and some people choose to act as if it were a commitment, which it quite specifically was not.

 Yes, but when they say that it should be this week and then suddenly this week comes and goes with no word or update or anything, they're obligated once they announce they are updating anything - true, they don't have to give a update date - but they keep choosing to, its been nearly a month since i first heard "This week" and apparently this isn't the first time they have been doing this. 


Why Can't anyone think of this like Scotty from Star Trek:ToS does - if you have a date in mind, take it, multiply it by a random number so that you give yourself plenty of time to deal with anything that was unpredicted and when you release something before that time has come you seem like some sort of miracle worker.

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With all due respect, Kyle mentioned that they were hoping to be able to release it this week so long as no issues were discovered in final beta testing. He has since stated that an issue was detected, and that is why the release has been held up. That all sounds very clear to me.

Christopher Low

UK2000 Beta Tester


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The flight sim community isn't alone when it comes to having a subset of its community that have a sense of entitlement, but it seems to stand head and shoulders above other groups when it comes to that subset's lack of self-awareness when expressing it.

Brian Johnson

i9-9900K (OC 5.0), ASUS ROG Maximus XI Hero Z390, Nvidia 2080Ti, 32 GB Corsair Vengeance 3000MHz, OS on Samsung 860 EVO 1TB M.2, P3D on SanDisk Ultra 3D NAND 2TB SSD

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Active sky is only required because FSX a is a dead platform. It's more likely that Laminar will update the X-Plane platform to give PMDG the weather output they require, and that could benefit other aircraft and also products like Skymaxx as well.

There's actually no need to update it - X-Plane already has built-in capability to output to the weather radar. The only real issue with X-Plane's weather is that it's prone to suddenly change from a 90kt head/tailwind to 0 and that jerks planes in flight really badly - sometimes strong enough to KO the autopilot. There are certain solutions such as EFASS and XP NOAA weather, but it's still not perfect.


I'm just waiting for a proper update and a little bit more info on PMDG's X-Plane project - Captain RSR's (rather small) mention of it in this thread really did sound like they were planning to plan for a planning meeting. Is the X-Plane project actually in development or is it still being planned? I hope not the latter.

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