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About CaptCraig

  • Birthday 01/10/1891

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    I belong to both VATSIM & IVAO
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  1. Hey Bert,

    What's this PC12 mod I'm hearing about? Can I try it out? P3Dv4, RealityXP GNS530W v2. 



    1. Bert Pieke

      Bert Pieke

      What is your email address?

    2. CaptCraig


      Sent you a note! 

  2. I bought the P3D version of the F1 GTN750 back in 2016 but I can't find any info if this version will work in v4? Anybody know?
  3. Hey Steve,

    Remember that Skyservice FSLabs you painted me a few years back?



    1. Steve Dra

      Steve Dra

      LOL...I do!    Not really painting the FSL bus anymore...kind'a lost interest after the whole malware code in the installer thing....and so many other projects right now.  AND I'm supposed to be a "retired" painter. ROFL!

      Anyway, what brings you back?


    2. CaptCraig


      Just wanted to say it still looks great! Works well still in the latest P3D. Yeah I didn't like the whole malware thing either but it's such a good plane. Ah well! Enjoy retirement! 

  4. Never mind got it working :-)
  5. Anything yet for the Carenado B1900?
  6. hmm.....
  7. When I was a child I visited the cockpit in flight every time. I'd ask some questions then just stay quiet until they forgot I was there and stayed for almost the whole flight. Even got to sit on the Captain's lap in flight once. This was pre 9/11. Times have changed. Make sure to share with us your pic when you get it!
  8. It out yet? :excl:
  9. I read somewhere for an i5 Quad Core that 14 was the best setting. My sim seems to be running find on 14. AM I doing it wrong?
  10. is it not 84?
  11. Remember the lead up to the 777? The forums were BUSY. PMDG was fairly quiet which is normal but people were chatting away. This seems slow.
  12. I think this is normal because the plane itself works perfectly. On the P3D vehicle choice menu, the preview shows the NG with blank engines. In FSX I remember that was a bad sign, and they would load that way in the sim. In P3D the plane seems to load fine. Is this an issue? Do I need to reinstall?
  13. The Better Business Bureau has a number listed but you're better off sending a ticket. I have the address too but showing up is kinda creepy. I also have the N number for their airplane but that is like some reaaally creepy stuff. Go for the first flight of the day and there is Matthew sleeping in the aisle.
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