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FSW - Quality Of Life Update Planned This Week

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On 5/22/2017 at 3:44 PM, Chock said:

Many thanks Cryss for the updated info.

Personally, I think you guys at DTG have done a great job with FSW thus far: I've got the thing hitting 60fps on a seven year old ATI Radeon 6900, which is indicative of FSW kicking into using the GPU more as opposed to needing a sledgehammer to crack a walnut with some two grand GPU for the minimal bits the GPU could address with the CPU-bound previous ESP incarnations of FS. As we all know, that was something ACES should have, and doubtless did want to address, but by the time that was an apparent need, MS were getting ready to bail on FS, so it never occurred, so good on you guys at DTG for finally addressing that one in a very noticble fashion, even at this early stage.

Sure there are some things I think need tweaking, but I know all this is what early access and user feedback is about, and so I fully expect that to be addressed too.

I know some people expressed their doubts about DTG's committment/ability to pull it off, but the fact that you've got it out there in 64 bit and apparently using the GPU in the fashion that modern PC app should, says all there is to be said about that concern. Keep it up, and enjoy the pleasure of being able to say: 'we told you so' :biggrin:

I'm seeing a pretty hefty performance drop in FSW compared to FSX-SE DX10. That's without any add-ons of course. GPU usage is about the same on both sims for me (with those new shader effects). If you subtract the fancy effects, FSW's GPU usage is a bit lower than FSX-SE DX10.

I have a GTX 1080 Ti and a i7 6700K @ 4.5 GHz.

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6 hours ago, magnetite said:

I'm seeing a pretty hefty performance drop in FSW compared to FSX-SE DX10. That's without any add-ons of course. GPU usage is about the same on both sims for me (with those new shader effects). If you subtract the fancy effects, FSW's GPU usage is a bit lower than FSX-SE DX10.

I have a GTX 1080 Ti and a i7 6700K @ 4.5 GHz.

If you contact our support team at dovetailgames.kayako.com, our team will help you sort it out!

Aimee Sanjari

Brand Manager, Dovetail Games


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Update now on Steam, approx. 46MB so it's pretty quick to download.

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29 minutes ago, AndyUK said:

Update now on Steam, approx. 46MB so it's pretty quick to download.

Ground textures are no longer overblown :)

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this update makes things too dark.

changes should have been made to the sky textures and clouds instead of making the entire base lighting model less bright.

There are always (ALWAYS) ways of getting rid of excess brightness but it is not possible to rescue a sim that is too dim and dull by default. 



|   Dave   |    I've been around for most of my life.

There's always a sunset happening somewhere in the world that somebody is enjoying.

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Way too much shadow on planes, even the side with the sun is too dark.

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