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Where are the females!???

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Thank you Doug.  I kinda miss the Orbx forum too.  But without the Pilot's Lounge it wouldn't be the same.


The tires are worn.  The shocks are shot.  The steering is wobbly.  But the engine still runs fine.

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They are flying the real things.  My last 2 or 3 commuter flights were all female PIC.   Many looked ex-USAF.   

Jason Weaver - WestWind Airlines; FlyUK Airlines; VirtualUnited.org



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They look like ordinary people Adrian.  They just changed uniforms.  I myself am ex-USMC, ex-USAF and ex-COANG (Colorado Air National Guard).  And every time I added an 'ex' prefix and looked in mirror not much had changed except for a bit of aging.


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The tires are worn.  The shocks are shot.  The steering is wobbly.  But the engine still runs fine.

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On 11/18/2017 at 8:08 AM, CW46 said:

Probably because they are working two jobs, raising kids, going to school, picking up after their other half and when they finally find some time for themselves would appreciate a glass of wine to decompress or some well deserved time at the spa or salon.

Here is a  man that really understands that we can fly because the girls make it possible for us to have the time to do it.

Men hunt and build things and the girls build the nest.  Its been that way since the beginning and it's baked into our DNA.


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This topic comes up from time to time.  We are here lurking.  Well I am anyway :biggrin:  There's just no need to post that often...


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Belinda - YBBN

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Doug I miss everybody from OrbX, since I was exiled. I'm still around. I mostly lurk here. I'll have to say something more often, I guess. I've been flight simming for 19 years.




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On 11/23/2017 at 9:47 AM, Gypsy Pilot said:

Its been that way since the beginning and it's baked into our DNA.

Bull, you old dinosaur. With respect, ( Mama taught me to respect my elders ) but it's still bull.  Now you see why I lurk !



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Nice to see you here Sue.

Having raised three daughters and being married to the same wife for over 50 years I have to agree with you. 

When I was working for a high tech company my wife got a job as an assembly girl.  She went to the after hours electronic classes the company sponsored and graduated as a technician.  Then she got a job troubleshooting and repairing commercial tape drives after they came off the assembly floor and getting them ready to ship.

There were two women in my weather flight who pulled their weight and complained less about being in the field with Army than many of the guys.  They convinced me that women can do just as well as men in combat units and they have proved that in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Just look at Tammy Duckworth.

Once my wife and I took a raft trip on the Colorado River.  There were three women who were having a college reunion and my wife and I.  The river guide was young woman.

She beached the raft by a hot spring and we got out to look at it.

As we left I was the last one in the raft so I pushed it off into the river.  The women clapped and I said, "Well, that was a man's job."  The female river guide gave me a nasty look and as I was sitting in the bow of the raft she made sure to hit every wave an rapid so I got soaking wet.  That was fair and I gave her a big tip anyway. 

The glass ceiling may not yet have completely shattered but it's got some mighty big cracks in it.


The tires are worn.  The shocks are shot.  The steering is wobbly.  But the engine still runs fine.

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On 18/11/2017 at 2:08 PM, CW46 said:

Probably because they are working two jobs, raising kids, going to school, picking up after their other half 

While we sit there: twiddling, pushing,pulling knobs and dials while monitoring lmao 

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On 11/18/2017 at 7:04 AM, Boomer said:

My wife shakes her head derisively at my hobby. .I suspect your wife is the exception.

I taught my daughter how to fly MSFS, she had a lot of fun.  My ex-wife, daughter and I all love flying.  My CFI took my daughter up in a Fantasy Air Allegro (which later had a landing gear failure after it was sold to someone in the Midwest).  I have shown some women the sim, and there are some nice women who do participate in these forums from time to time.  But flying is still male-dominated, while some women are finally breaking that glass ceiling in the airline industry.  I've been on commercial flights where women have flown as PIC and they have a deft touch.  My CFI emphasized a soft hand, which I carried over to my trike flying.  I learned to use it in both Xplane and FSX/P3D, and my landings have steadily improved.  It is much harder to land in the sim than real life, because of forced perspective.  I have to have my hand on the pan switch as I approach the airport, especially when it is a pattern approach.  



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She broke the plexiglass canopy.


The tires are worn.  The shocks are shot.  The steering is wobbly.  But the engine still runs fine.

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So I asked my wife if the websites she frequents have any threads about "Where are the males" ... she just laughed and said "err ... No!". 

My oldest Brother didn't get the memo about nesting, he's a stay at home Dad ... he's definitely more stressed than his wife who generates the revenue ... no she doesn't hunt for food ... at-least I don't think she does since they do have a Sainsbury's and Tesco just around the corner (UK - Winchester).

As for myself and my wife 50/50 all the way all the time, seems to work for us ... but I've been banned from building anything deemed "critical" fortunately my universal SimPit doesn't qualify.  I have a tendency to break what I build on a regular basis ... my project to build a kit plane (aka experimental) was however banned, falls under the "critical" category. :(

Cheers, Rob.


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