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About jason99vmi

  • Birthday 11/24/1976

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    Washington DC

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  1. I know this is an old topic but I tried this method and it didn't work. I guess my question is so if I physically copy/paste the shortcut ORBX folders from Community to say another folder it will show up in Addon Linker? Also will it update if say ORBX London City has an update or does ORBX not know that I moved the shortcut from Community to said other folder. In all the Addon Linker tutorials it shows the Community folder should be empty. I guess that is the problem, is how does ORBX installer or say Contrail or Aerosoft installers know if my scenery or aircraft need an update?
  2. Lets remember these guys push out payware quality airports for FREE! They can take as much time as they need and don't have to provide us a timeline, support, or any explanation since we pay $0. Shez does great work and will complete it someday and that day you'll be happy as kid who got a cupcake for free at a birthday party.
  3. Based on the size of AVSIM's library and the download libraries of other flight sim websites. I think we'll be fine. I used WOAI and updated flightplans and aircraft using AIG. I have up to date flightplans, models and paints. I have 2D panels and VC in my 787 that was a collaboration between freeware developers, and its great. Yes things don't always work out but hey I think the flightsim community is doing just fine. Just think when we go to 64 bit all this conversation will be absolutely worthless...lol
  4. @simmerhead - Compiling of say the models and schedules is completely fine BUT you need to ask permission from the original developers. Its a simple email to them stating your intentions and that all credit will be given to them for their work, etc. I think most freeware developers are fine with that. The problem is when they don't ask permission and something goes wrong. Then people are knocking on their door saying "your item is broke", "fix this or fix that", and ruin their reputation because someone repackaged it without their knowing. If the person repackaging items and asked permission then the orig developer knows and can tell them that product A won't work with product B and thus avoiding issues. And sometimes freeware becomes payware for example Dino Cattaneo's F-35 or Alan Constable's AI Sounds. I think said AI pirateware group has been known for years. And shunned by the community.
  5. Noticed this issue as well. Hadn't checked the FTX forums but will go there.
  6. Yeah there seems to be no difference. My P3D has always been on a 256GB SSD. Load times are slow and occasionally have the microstutters but a new graphics card and tweaks fixed them down to really infrequent now. Load times are slow because I have a ton of aircraft installed and scenery. I also think because I have my Orbx and addon scenery junction linked to my HDD.
  7. Yeah I try to use small and more precise as opposed to the glow effect. Can I say that the night lighting for FTX OpenLC NA is pretty ridiculous. It rivals Aerosoft's Night Environment and seems to have 0 FPS impact.
  8. AIFP and Traffic Optimizer are the only two "control" type apps for AI in P3D. AI Smooth does not work in P3D. As Jay said AIFP will do pretty much everything you need for AI. Associates aircraft with flightplans, lets you know which aircraft are being used/not used by flightplans, parking, time tables, etc. Will let you know if there are any errors in flightplans or models missing paint. Traffic Optimizer just limits the number of AI in game in order to maximize FPS. Then you have Super Traffic Board (paid app) which will put all this into a visual representation with Arrival and Departure board for the airport you are located. Complete with time table, stats. It can also eliminate unwanted AI at other nearby airports, supposedly fixes landing animation (not sure I noticed a difference).
  9. Tropicalsim does most of these I think. FSX versions but probably work absolutely fine in P3D. I have their KDCA and it still looks fine in P3D.
  10. Definitely not PMDG standard but it is very functional. Has a P3D installer but not P3D supported. Although I just moved my folders from FSX to P3D and it seems to work just fine.
  11. Works fine. Never noticed the above issues but maybe because my focus is on the airport and not highways and bridges.
  12. Yeah MAIW is the way too go. Also a couple of nice downloads in AVSIM library for RAF bases. RAF Wattisham is one I can think of with nice AI traffic of F-4 phantoms complete with afterburner effect.
  13. Chas, I get the same thing at KLAX and FTX SCA. I thought it was the amount of autogen in LA area but if you still have it when FTX is not applied then there is something else causing it.
  14. When you installed P3D v3.3 did you re-install FTX Global? That was an important step. You didn't need to uninstall but you needed to run the installer again.
  15. Dazza I have everything you have except MyTraffic 6. EGLC works great for me. You also may want to double check that you have deleted out any AFCAD in your P3D/Addon Scenery/Scenery folder. Sometimes when I buy new airports I forget to delete out the old AFCAD. Which can provide an overlap of scenery. Do you notice any default structures or items peaking thru?
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