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P3Dv4.1 and Ultimate Traffic Live question

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I was hoping to find an answer to my question regarding UTLive in P3Dv4.1., unfortunately the UTLive forum is not sending me an activation email.

Anyway, the question is simple. Do i need to launch UTLive desktop application on the desktop and connect to live traffic in order to enjoy live traffic and liveries in P3D or does UTLive start automatically in the background once I launch P3D?

thank you


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UTL should launch automatically when you start P3D and there should be a UTL splash screen while it is loading.


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3 hours ago, andreadebiase said:

and connect to live traffic

You should know that traffic in utLive is not truly live. It's a schedule from last summer. The "live" part is merely marketing, used to denote that traffic is somewhat dynamic, as there will be delays for weather and other situations in which changes will take place within the schedule.

Walter Meier


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so If understand this correctly, I don’t need to launch the UTLive app on my desktop prior to fly in P3d. So why is that inside UTLive program there is a button to connect live to traffic and a timer ticking?


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4 hours ago, andreadebiase said:

so If understand this correctly, I don’t need to launch the UTLive app on my desktop prior to fly in P3d. So why is that inside UTLive program there is a button to connect live to traffic and a timer ticking?


as  the  above  poster has  said  one  you have made  your  selection  you dont need  to open  the  utlive  again. dont  know  what  your  referring to  a  button   to connect  and  a timer   ticking   cant  see  that  at all

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Peter kelberg

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When you boot P3D you will see the splash form appear for UTLive as it loads in the background. No need to start UTLive yourself as mentioned above

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The app is only needed to change settings: once you are done, you can forget about it completely. Maybe the connect button has to do with the map and board you can see in the app...? I never use those options: I just want to see planes moving around in my sim and that's all I want.

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in UTLive appliction in the SImulation tab there are two buttons on the lower right side: Save Setting and Start Simulation and I wonder what is the Start Simulation button for if one doesn't launch the app at all. I guess it gets launched as soon as you launch P3d...but the manual doesnt say so. Anyway thanks for the feedback

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Hi Andrea,

I believe the "Save" button just saves the settings defined in the interface...

I believe the "Start Simulation" is just used to view the map in the UTL interface so you can see how your traffic should be routed... It does nothing for running UTL in your flight simulator...



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On 02/01/2018 at 0:31 AM, wsmeier said:

You should know that traffic in utLive is not truly live. It's a schedule from last summer. The "live" part is merely marketing, used to denote that traffic is somewhat dynamic, as there will be delays for weather and other situations in which changes will take place within the schedule.

Correct.  And still no power pack. 


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On 02/01/2018 at 0:31 AM, wsmeier said:

You should know that traffic in utLive is not truly live. It's a schedule from last summer. The "live" part is merely marketing, used to denote that traffic is somewhat dynamic, as there will be delays for weather and other situations in which changes will take place within the schedule.



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On 1/1/2018 at 7:31 PM, wsmeier said:

You should know that traffic in utLive is not truly live. It's a schedule from last summer. The "live" part is merely marketing

Well, I was under the impression the traffic was live like many others and was shocked after registering and reading this in their forums.  So marketing works and proves you should go to every forum, do a search for the product you are interested in, and research it for any marketing schemes that could mislead the public.  I suspect they did not want to have a UT3. Actually I think UTLive is a great AI program.  The AI are well done and my airports are filled with tons of AI with the default UTLive settings.  I think this is an excellent program to replace MyTrafficX which is slowly becoming incompatible with the latest versions of P3D.  At 100% default settings for AI (both airline and GA), I am still getting great FPS.  I've flown several flights in P3D/FSX using MyTrafficX and intend to fly the same routes and log the flights using FSUIPC and compare UTLive number of AI generated and FPS. 

A couple of issues/questions:

  • It did not change any of my Traffic settings inside of P3DV4 or FSX as the information in UTLive Dashboard and Config>flt sim indicates AI traffic density is at 100% for airlines and GA and my P3D and FSX cfg's indicated what I had before, 20% with MyTrafficX.  So it is strange they have this configuration page at all.  Am I correct? (I have since manually moved the sliders within P3D and FSX to match UTLive's configuration - 100%).
  • After the installation, I went to the installation folder (C:\Flight One Software) and moved the contents to my backup drive in case I must reinstall it again someday.  After doing this, I had major problems with running UTLive such as no AI appeared at startup or a warning msg at startup stating my license was not valid.  I searched the manual for a solution and found nothing relating to these two major issues.  Has anyone else had these issues?  I think I fixed my problem by moving the license file back to C:\Flight One Software.  After doing that the warning msg went away and traffic appeared.  But, this could have been caused by the fact I accidently did something in the UTLive configuration as I was frantically looking for a solution.  I saw someone else with this issue in the UTLive Forum posted some time ago but no solution from users or the developers. 
  • There are tons of GA aircraft, large and small, and this is definitely a major plus with this program.  At the large airports the AI are all over the place and, while at KBUR, I sat near the runway and watched a Piper suddenly going by and taking off.  I did not see on the other side of the building but it appeared it was a touch and go flight and other GA were taking off and landing. Same at Boeing Field.  Very realistic for sure and never saw too much of this in MyTrafficX.  I'm impressed!  But, when I went to Orbx KFHR, no GA aircraft except one Piper.  In P3D, I loaded to KFHR in the Spring time and saw this one Piper.  When I changed to Winter, nothing.  In FSX, nothing in Spring or Winter.  Do I need an GA AI schedule to make this happen?  I would think GA AI would be included in the program for all airports with the default program.  Maybe it is and I'm doing something wrong.  I have GA density set to 100%.
  • Perhaps the fact the schedule included with this program is from last summer is the reason I do not see GA in Spring and Winter?

Best regards,



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On 1/2/2018 at 5:33 PM, scottb613 said:

Hi Andrea,

I believe the "Save" button just saves the settings defined in the interface...

I believe the "Start Simulation" is just used to view the map in the UTL interface so you can see how your traffic should be routed... It does nothing for running UTL in your flight simulator...


Can it be installed on a networked PC?

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2 hours ago, Jim Young said:

Am I correct? (I have since manually moved the sliders within P3D and FSX to match UTLive's configuration - 100%).

HI Jim,

The traffic slider within P3D has no effect on UT Live. I have mine set at 0. As to your question regarding GA, I believe that GA traffic is independent of the schedule. The summer schedule that is now current pertains only to airlines. In UT2, I remember GA was on a daily schedule and airlines were on a weekly schedule. I don't really know how it's done in UT Live.

Walter Meier


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