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Landing the 777, what's going on?

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I confirm the issue. My favourite bird is parked in hangar until the issue will be resolved.

The issue happens from time to time. When the aircraft touches the ground with speed of Vref+5 and the throttles are set to idle, the speed is not reduced at all (the aircraft can overfly the whole 4000 meters long runway with constant speed and IDLE !!! thrust) until I push the control column and force the nose gear down. Only after that action aircraft becomes controllable and I can apply reverse and stop the aircraft.

Oleksandr Kovieshnikov



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I'm not entirely sure what the issue is here, gents.

People are talking about grounding a plane that we haven't modified the code in for quite some time. If this were a plane-side issue, then we're talking about a (very unlikely) situation where it took a long time to expose.

Either way, this is a user-to-user support forum. If any of you feel as if you've nailed something down for the team to reproduce, please reach out to us via support.precisionmanuals.com

Kyle Rodgers

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1 hour ago, Alexko said:

The issue happens from time to time.

Got any ideas as to why real world B777 pilots don't seem to be having the same issues you are having when they fly the PMDG B777?

Grace and Peace, 

I Earned My Spurs in Vietnam

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Interesting this is reopened. I also continue to have this happen, more often than not. (I actually get surprised now if I end up with the proper response at the proper time when I first go into reverse on touchdown) I don’t think it’s cause for grounding the airplane.... but it certainly is annoying.

Originally I opened this thread to try to communicate to other users that are having this happen to try to find what the cause is. I don’t think it’s a 777 problem, but something that is affecting it.

Some more info- the other night I recorded a landing with a stabilizer camera (as a small view to the side of my main cockpit window). I noticed that the main trucks’ rear tires sunk into the ground and stayed in this position for a couple second delay, then jumped to the flat “weight down” position... and at this time I was able to apply reverse.

Would the people who are also experiencing this be willing to sit down on Discord or something and sorta conference call to compare addons? And possibly narrow down what may be happening?

Again, not saying the 777 has the issue, but I do think something is interfering with it.



Nick Crate
Chief Executive Officer
FedEx Virtual Air Cargo

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For the record.....despite my comments earlier in the thread about the 777 not flaring quite as easily as the 737 or 747 (which I realise now is because of the FBW system).....I have never had a problem getting the nose to come down after landing. I rather like the sound of the nosewheel hitting the deck :smile:

Christopher Low

UK2000 Beta Tester


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1 hour ago, Bluestar said:

Got any ideas as to why real world B777 pilots don't seem to be having the same issues you are having when they fly the PMDG B777?

You can ask your real pilots how it is possible to force the aircraft to maintain constant speed (VREF+5) after main gear touch the runway and having throttles in IDLE position. I know what they will say, they will say its impossible. So there is an issue either with the aircraft or with some addons.


59 minutes ago, FDX016 - Nick said:

Would the people who are also experiencing this be willing to sit down on Discord or something and sorta conference call to compare addons? And possibly narrow down what may be happening?

It happens for me in different airports and different weather conditions. It has never happened in FSX, only P3D has the issue.

I use GSX, Active Sky, EZCA 2, PMDG 737, FSLabsA320, many ORBX packages, FSGX2010(global mesh), Zinertek HD Airport Graphics, ENVTEX, FS2Crew PMDG777 and many airport scenery that I believe should not be the cause.

I have no idea why only few people experience this issue, it seems like the cause is some third party addon.

Oleksandr Kovieshnikov



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9 minutes ago, Alexko said:

 I know what they will say, they will say its impossible. So there is an issue either with the aircraft or with some addons.

There may be a problem with your equipment or addons but in over a hundred landings with the PMDG B777 I've never had any issues with it, but then again I tend to fly it like an MD-11. 🤣

I Earned My Spurs in Vietnam

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On 12/26/2018 at 4:13 PM, Alexko said:


I have no idea why only few people experience this issue, it seems like the cause is some third party addon.

Ok, here is something I may have found. I haven't tested this on a full flight, but I've found that FSUIPC (for FSX in my case) has the ground friction LUA enabled. This "should" only be active under a set speed (I think 20kts is what mine was set to) but I went into the LUA and added a line to step the script whenever an aircraft with PMDG in the name was used. I figured this is the one thing I remember that has any possible effect to the ground, friction, rolling, etc. I just did a touch and go (fun to do in a 777 the right way) and two full stop landings and was able to activate reverse immediately on touchdown, had no perpetual floating that needed to be interrupted (or force the nose down), and spoilers deployed as they should. Big difference.

Could you investigate on your end? Hopefully the others that reported earlier in the thread see this and might be able to as well. In your FSUIPC.INI file (modules folder of your sim) check to see if there is an entry that says:


If so, in the modules folder open that LUA and change the section near the top from this:

-- Modded by Bob Scott to restrict wheel and brake reduced rolling friction effects to taxi speeds
-- in order to preserve FDE-driven TOLD performance (on hard-surfaces only)


-- The original FSX values are shown in the comment at the end of each code line

to this:

-- Modded by Bob Scott to restrict wheel and brake reduced rolling friction effects to taxi speeds
-- in order to preserve FDE-driven TOLD performance (on hard-surfaces only)


acftname = ipc.readSTR("3D00", 35)
if string.find(acftname,"PMDG",0,true)

-- The original FSX values are shown in the comment at the end of each code line

and see if that makes a difference. I will fly a couple hour test flight tomorrow night (don't have time to do one this evening) and see how it goes.

Nick Crate
Chief Executive Officer
FedEx Virtual Air Cargo

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Nick, FSX only?

Jeff Bea

I am an avid globetrotter with my trusty Lufthansa B777F, Polar Air Cargo B744F, and Atlas Air B748F.

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On 1/3/2019 at 4:31 PM, ahuimanu said:

Nick, FSX only?

That is correct.

I've delayed following up because I wanted to do a couple flights and unfortunately my results were negative. Although doing touch and gos went well, on flights it still has the same behavior. This happens nearly every time I fly it. I've also been following the discussion over on the 747 forum. I don't own the 747, but it sounds as if the people there that are reporting the issue are experiencing the same problem.

I think I'll open a support ticket and see if there's a way that PMDG would like me to test or report from the sim in some way.

Nick Crate
Chief Executive Officer
FedEx Virtual Air Cargo

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Thanks Nick,

I've made the following landings in the last three days, all suffered from the "symptoms:" need to lower the nose completely before reverse thrust is available:




Jeff Bea

I am an avid globetrotter with my trusty Lufthansa B777F, Polar Air Cargo B744F, and Atlas Air B748F.

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Okay, i discovered the same "issue" a couple of minutes ago (P3Dv4.4). Just touched down at KEWR, weather was gusty (AS) and the nose gear stayed in the air and no reverse thrust kicked in. I´ve never saw this issue before and i´m really trained in landing the T7. The Autothrottle reaction is a little bit too slow, too. I think PMDG should give us an update for the T7. 

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Why are you holding the nose up in the air?  I just landed a B77L at KATL in pleasant conditions and the landing was nominal. 

Dan Downs KCRP

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18 minutes ago, downscc said:

Why are you holding the nose up in the air?  I just landed a B77L at KATL in pleasant conditions and the landing was nominal.

The nose stayed in the air by itself. I saw the same effect like the topic starter. His YouTube Video shows exactly what i discovered.  

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11 minutes ago, maukro_1990 said:

The nose stayed in the air by itself.

That's relatively normal. Of course I don't see your airplane's behaviour but in a 777 (and 787 too btw) you have to fly the nose down onto the runway after main wheels touchdown. Sure, this refusal to slow down that was talked about shouldn't be there, but I don't see it either. However I see a very "happy-to-fly" nose but again that's pretty much how a 777 flies. 


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