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Duncan Odgers

DXGI Prepar3d V4 Help!!

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Hi Community,

Hope you can help. I had an issue  (still have more on that later) whereby at Dusk and Night time only I get a DXGI error reset or hung message within 20 minutes without fail! In the daytime and as I write I am happily cruising in the Daytime in PMDG 777 at x8 time compression en-route to SBGL all is good!


My specs are 4670 i5, GTX650ti Boost 2GB, 8gb Ram, Windows 10 and an SSD. I have modest settings and have maintained all standard settings I am on Nvidia Driver 388 and it must be said I have never had this issue ever, I remember when people were complaining on Prepar3d forums about it and I have never ever suffered this error, yes sometimes a CTD but never DXGI errors. My situation is repeatable let me explain

PMDG777 or FSL A320 doesn't matter which at Aerosoft EGLL Dusk or Night-time, I set up the FMC, turn on taxi and landing lights all good, then I pushback and then turn on the internal aircraft lights i.e overhead and PFDs etc...within a few minutes I sometimes make it to the runway but then get the DXGI error. When I do exactly the same in the daytime guess what NO error (well I don't turn on the internal lights)?!?

I have reinstalled Windows 10 and Prepar3d 4.2 fully completed the same steps and still the same issue. My software is as follows:


Aerosoft EGLL


Aerosoft Mallorca Evolution (not sure if this is the culprit as when I installed it things have happened, anyone else get this?)

ORBX Global, LC Europe,England


FSL A320 without spotlights


I have never had this issue and desperate to find the cause of why dusk and night time only?


Kind regards



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DO not understand just completed a flight from EGLL to SBGR on time acceleration in the daytime PMDG777 and no DXGI errors? Only happens at Dusk and Night?


Anyone help?


Kind regards


Duncan Odgers

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Both of those DXGI errors (hung and reset) are most likely GPU-related. I'd do a clean install of the latest video driver (391.24) and see if that helps.You're asking quite a lot of that GPU. In fact, I'm surprised that more GPU performance issues haven't shown up..........Doug

Intel 10700K @ 5.1Ghz, Asus Hero Maximus motherboard, Noctua NH-U12A cooler, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB 3200 MHz RAM, RTX 2060 Super GPU, Cooler Master HAF 932 Tower, Thermaltake 1000W Toughpower PSU, Windows 10 Professional 64-Bit, 100TB of disk storage. Klaatu barada nickto.

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I had DXGI error using Nvidia driver 391.01. I cleared shaders folder and reinstalled latest driver. So far OK

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Ok guys will give the new driver and shader clear a go! I have done this before though but will try once more. I have to agree I am surprised myself that this has not happened before as my GPU is under par?


Maybe new graphics card needed?

I will let you know how I get on. Just for the record I have also deleted Aerosoft Mallorca because it was after this I was starting to get issues.

Kind regards


Duncan Odgers

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Hmm still crashing at night even after updating the driver and clearing shaders again. Even without internal lights on? Never happens in Daytime.

Any ideas guys?

Kind regards


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Duncan, out of curiosity, when flying in the daytime, what happens if you did turn the internal lights?

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Will try that test later

23 minutes ago, Bob Marton said:

Duncan, out of curiosity, when flying in the daytime, what happens if you did turn the internal lights?


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No issues daytime with all lights internal and external on?


This is confusing


When I turn the internal lights off the PMDG 777 I got some freezing is this a graphics card thing?

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You may want to also bring this topic up in the PMDG forum, just use a different topic title to avoid confusion. They at least can let you know if this ever has been reported before to them.

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I have also started seeing DXGI hung errors for the first time, I have never experienced them before until I moved up to P3dv4.2, but I've also updated aircraft to new release versions, so it will be trial and error to find the culprit/solution I think. 

I'm running a GTX970, but have very moderate settings and cool temps all around and my card is never stressed above 60% load...

I've rolled back to an older gpu driver, maybe this will bring some relief.



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I was also having errors , I thought it was loading , temperature and power , but I discarded all of those , as I had the PC open I removed one of the 2 GTX970 (SLI) I had , now it runs like I never seen before , no change in settings or anything , I run Win10 latest , nvidia latest , cpu OC to 4.3 ..this problem started with the 2 previous Nvidia drivers.

Lets hope I can continue like this , else will be back here to tell you.



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I have same problem always when i try to do flight in P3D

I tried any routes like LLBG-KLAX or KLAX-YSSY and it always happens that after 3-5 hours of flight the sim crash because of my graphic card crashed.

I have GTX 1080 and I7 6700K.

I always get this error message:




What can be the reason for this? 

Maybe it something that related to high temperature of the graphic card? because i feel hard heat that come out from my PC when i in the simulator... Even i have liquid cooler (H115i Corsair)

Any solution? Thank you Very much!


My PC:
i7 6700k 4.2Ghz
GTX 1080
16GB Ram
Corsair h115i liquid cooling
Samsung 850 Pro SSD

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i had the same issiue this week.  found some article which state to switch the physics setting in mvidia control panel from auto to cpu.  and since there it's gone.





C. W. ,Ryzen 9 5950X @H2O , 32 GB RAM DDR4 3600 Mhz CL15 , Corsair MP600 Pro Watercooled 2 TB for P3D, Samsung SSD980 1 TB for Addons and Crucial MMX500,  Red Devil Ultimate 6900 XT

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