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About aeronauta

  • Birthday 08/07/1942

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    near YMMB

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  1. Try the BOEING T-45C GOSHAWK and the F14 both free from Dino https://indiafoxtecho.blogspot.com/ I use it with the Team SDB carriers. Also look at the RFN site , lots of carriers and the RFN Carrier Gauge... Jorge
  2. When you look at the e version number is the same as for V4+... It also installs Global base in the root and offers a migration option to outside the root.... Also it creates a P3D V6 folder inside the Library , so it adds an entry for V6 in your add-ons.cfg.... may eNd up with double scenery entries. Jorge
  3. @gsalden tank you for the quick and effective reply, all is good now...to @recognition the exe to click is the one you downloaded nott the one you use to start the app, thet will give you the msg that is already running, the downloaded one will ask if you want to remove it... Jorge
  4. This is a help request, please direct it to the right thread in not for here.... I have install the app sometime ago and now after the last MSFS UG I have lost the gui window so I cannot see or change anithing,,,..any help or direciton , thankyou Jorge
  5. General Options >> Traffic >> Land and Sea Traffic >> Fauna Density.... Jorge
  6. Yes Thank you....I have it already.... Jorge.
  7. Ronda_sim is this the Steam or the Nvidia program??? Jorge
  8. @ G-RFRY Raymond , I installed the Nvidia app , selected graphics>Program Settings >Add and added Prepar3d.exe (V6) and get a Msg "Program doesn't support optimization" , are your pics P3D?? Can you help... Thank you Jorge
  9. Have you tried without Active Sky??? I dont have banding like that in V6.1.11... Jorge
  10. In the P3D top menu select World then Weather in weather Conditions select the desired weather , in your case Fair weather , click Save as Theme and OK.... Also most of your questions would be resolved in the Learning Center , a file in the root P3D folder called Learning Center.chm. Jorge
  11. Report the problem with full details in tje P3D Forum.... Jorge
  12. In the root folder of P3D the Learning Center.chm file is the documentation for P3D... Jorge
  13. I would install V6....and if you decide to do that, do not uninstall V5 as it will be useful to make all your add ons avaible in V6... Jorge
  14. All well and good but I would not mind paying a small fee for a decent P3D V6 ORBX Central before this.... Or is this P3D V6 compatible scenery be installed by us as we can? using tricks?.... C'mon ORBX..... Jorge
  15. Hi @Rogen and @ValinHawk , I have been following this thread from the beginning hoping for a solution to the AP not working with the RXP GTN750... I keep getting the log V6.1.11 not supported , is there a way to solve it or the only solution rests with the developer?? I looked and the last time he was in the forum was in 2022..., seems wrong that Flight1 keeps selling this product.. Thank you for all the work Rogen , I applied all the mods and the Gauge, also made a new .cab file for the main RasLegacy.cab using the P3D SDK (using cabdir.exe). regards Jorge
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