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About LawnDart

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  • Birthday 06/02/1962

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    Flying, Golf, Flying...... Oh yeah: Flying.

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  1. Any progress on getting a MSFS2020 compatible version?
  2. Did you ever get this working? I'm starting my own build/conversion from X-Plane to 2020 using the Black Square mod. My sim/channel: Thanks for any info you can provide....
  3. Just bought the GTN750 and while I love it, I need to get rid of the Bezel somehow. In the RealityXP 430 this is easily done by modifying the miscellaneous.prf file, but there is no entry in the file for the GTN 750. I'm almost cringing because I just bought the $500 GTN750 unit from RealSimGear but if I can't get rid of the bezel... I may be effed. Any help is sincerely appreciated. The 750 will be replacing the genuine Avidyne EX5000 MFD shown in the pic. That's my Beech 1900D sim. Unfortunately the Avidyne unit passed away recently which gives me a good excuse to try Garmin.
  4. Can these Garmin Gauges be installed in any aircraft (In this case the Carenado 1900D and then popped out to a separate display?
  5. I think you'll find X-Plane easier to set up than P3D. Although there are some head-scratching moments, like configuring joysticks in the setup screens, which, is still a bit strange to me but you get used to it. Basically, X-Plane will run a bit better on any rig capable of running P3D. It's also GPU-bound, which means performance scales better the more GPU hardware you can throw at it. Use an SSD if you can. You might be a little disappointed in the weather engine but I hear they are working on it for the next major release. At first I found the whole user interface somewhat counter-intuitive, coming from FSX for so many years but, you get used to it. You WILL enjoy the flight dynamics and the scenery is amazing. Lightning strikes will light up just the area and ground directly underneath the strike. I could go on but I'm sure others will have some input. Welcome aboard!
  6. Welcome back! Like you, I converted to X-Plane a few years ago and now it runs my full-size Beechcraft 1900D simulator. Have you looked at Carenado aircraft? They have some of the best a/c for X-Plane. http://www.carenado.com/CarSite/Portal/index.php
  7. Yup... Avoid W10 like the plague. I've tried several times to upgrade to W10, only to fail with a myriad of issues that were only solved by going back to W8.1 In my humble opinion, W10 is the worst product to ever come out of Microsoft.
  8. I'm using the Real-Weather Connector along with Skymaxx 3.1.2 Flying through a Texas-Size squall line https://youtu.be/TKfgPncKAyk …and 2 minutes later: https://youtu.be/DsnopZZkRxE
  9. You won't be disappointed. I was flying around some severe weather in Texas this weekend. XP 10.45 Skymaxx 3.1.2 RealWeather COnnector 1.0 Flying through a Texas-Size squall line https://youtu.be/TKfgPncKAyk …and 2 minutes later: https://youtu.be/DsnopZZkRxE Hail, which I can only assume was the size of a small dinosaur, obliterated the aircraft.
  10. X-Plane users are living in exciting times! You should see what X-Aviation has got going on with their SkyMaxx and Real-Weather Connector products! Truly amazing add-ons are entering the market and free space. I did a local Seattle flight last night at sunset. I really should have taken photos. The clouds were amazing! More scenery, more detailed airports... it's really great.
  11. Scenery is a little bit behind but there's enough free add-ons directly from X-Plane.Org to make it a non-issue. I was a FSX fan for years until X-plane 10.25. Since then I've never looked back. Here's a video of a friend of mine (Left seat) shooting an approach into Palm Springs at night XP 10.42 Generic scenery https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HA5giik2T5Q Go to the 7 minute mark. Things get interesting....
  12. I just installed a real Hobbs meter in my sim and called it good. :wink:
  13. I'm hoping this isn't illegal here, but can anyone send me a copy of lights.txt? I have one, but it includes some edits that I think aren't required anymore and when I updated to 10.41, I told the update process to bypass lights.txt. Any help is certainly appreciated!
  14. Resolved. Upon further investigation I discovered that "HDR" was turned on. No big deal, but when I turned it off, all the lights went back to normal. Thanks everyone for your input!
  15. Dave/Paul: Currently not running anything at all that would alter the lighting schema. Everything is default. I would update to the latest beta but unfortunately that would temporarily disable my avionics (provided by FlyThisSim.com) FTS refuses to run on Beta versions of X-Plane. Every support response I've ever received concerning this problem was nothing more than "You are running a beta version of X-Plane. Please downgrade to the latest production release."
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