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Everything posted by ega

  1. I have been using a merge of the 50N B737 models with Feelthere panel in FSX. Everything works OK except the wingviews. Please see the attached screenshot. I did play arounn with views entries in panel.cfg and also with camera definitions in order the wingviews were closer to the aircraft nose but I got unsatisfatory results.Can anyone point me out the correct procedure to bring these wingviews closer, that is, in such a way I can see better the engine?Thanks!Edmundo http://forums.avsim.net/user_files/178768.jpg
  2. Jim et al.,Got the problem sorted out. It seems that SimConnect.cfg was missing from my client PC (don't know why...). With a new cfg file, eveything works now fine!ThanksEdmundo
  3. Hi,I installed ASX (with SP1) in my second PC (client) in a network configuration. The paths are correct and everything looks fine. I read and followed word by word the relevant documentation. Yet ASX is not sending the weather to the server PC - I don
  4. Amigo Luis,Many thanks for your videos! I learned a lot watching them.Allow me a request (or suggestion): could you please reduce the aircraft sounds? They make it hard to understand what are you saying and this is what matters in these videos!Again, many thanks.RegardsEdmundo
  5. Hi,Afer installation, the X-gauge of ASX (updated) is behind the main panel of Level D 767. The x-gauge is there but is not visible unless I hide the main cockpit panel (I use an icon to open/close the x-gauge).Is there a way to bring the x-gauge in front of the Level D 767
  6. >The blocks were on sale when I bought them and I still regret it. Terrible performance....Same here!Edmundo
  7. Hi Damian,Tks for the reply.Yes, I did. I have in the control panel/internet options the information for the proxy. Yet, with this choice ASX cannot download weather data. If I remove the proxy server information and if I use instead the "automatically detect settings" ASX does its job. So my point is that ASX cannot work uisng a proxy connection. I do have AS6 and it works OK with proxy settings.RegardsEdmundo
  8. I just installed ASX and GraphicsX. Yet I had problems with the weather data download. The reason is because I connect to internet through a proxy server. Is there any way to config ASX to use a proxy?ThanksEdmundo
  9. Hi Damian,Many thanks for your prompt reply!Best regardsEdmundo
  10. Voar online é talvez das experiências mais interessantes do FS! Contudo exige estudo pois os procedimentos são específicos que ... é necessário aprender.O primeiro passo é escolher a rede que vai usar. Há duas: VATSIM (http://www.vatsim.net/) e IVAO (http://www.ivao.aero/). Na Europa usamos mais a segunda. Eu uso ambas, e ambas são excelentes. Ao escolher a rede tem que registar-se. Nos respectivos websites encontra depois do registo informação dos programas necessários, guias de instalação e procedimentos de iniciação.Não deixe de experimentar. É uma experiência fantástica!Edmundo
  11. ega


    Sim, este programa (TileProy, disponível grátis aqui no Avsim.com) recolhe imagens de satélite (do Google Earth, Virtual Earth ou de qualquer outro programa semelhante) e injecta no FSX. Nas zonas melhor cobertas por satélite o efeito é incrível! Veja por exemplo estas imagens dos Alpes franceses que apareceram num forum:http://www.libertysim.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11022Edmundo
  12. Já experimentaram? Não deixem de o fazer pois é extraordinário! A instalação assusta um pouco pois requer configuração de um ficheiro ini. Demorei cerca de 30 minutos a instalar e ter tudo a funcionar bem. As FPS não reduziram e o resultado é.... bom, experimentem!Edmundo http://forums.avsim.net/user_files/171519.jpg
  13. I read somewhere that there is available an editor for the module config files exe.xml and dll.xml. I have the latter on my FSX directory where FSX.cfg is located. I understand what this file does and I have used it before.The exe.xml is located in the SDK folder. Is this the right place to keep it? And what is the purpose of this file? Never used it....Thanks in advanceEdmundo
  14. Did anyone already tested these European Ground Textures?ThksEdmundo
  15. Ian,Got exactly the same problem a week ago! I was able to solve this problem....bur don
  16. Thanks Howard! Will follow your suggestion.Best regardsEdmundo
  17. I found today that my X52 got a weird problem! The rudder (twist) gets locked into one position (auto rudder is off, yaw damper is off too).I can center the rudder with NP 5 but a couple of seconds later I get the same - rudder goes totally to the left side (never to the right!). In slew mode the aircraft (any) turns widly around itself and in the FSIUPC joystick calibration window I can see in the rudder box that the numbers change continously!Any ideas how can I fix this nasty behavior??Many thanksRegardsEdmundo
  18. BOTH! No question about it!BestEdmundo
  19. Looks very nice Fabrizio! Would love to test it and report my impressions back to you. Please send it to egastar(at)gmail dot com RegardsEdmundo
  20. Hi Howard,Well ... it doesnot compare! I tried just FSC a couple of times and being a FSNav for years I might be biased. I think FSC is comparable to FSNav when useed in a second computer. In windowed mode I don
  21. Hi,I have been using FSNAv for ages and I can
  22. I have applied to FsX some of the suggestions that came out recently, notably I have in my FsX.cfg:TEXTURE_BANDWIDTH_MULT=400FIBER_FRAME_TIME_FRACTION=0.30Mode=1280x960x32BiLinear=1MipBias=6AntiAlias=1//TERRAIN_MAX_AUTOGEN_TREES_PER_CELL=1500TERRAIN_MAX_AUTOGEN_BUILDINGS_PER_CELL=1000 in the appropriate sections.Also the FsX.cfg terrain section reads: [TERRAIN]LOD_RADIUS=3.500000MESH_COMPLEXITY=100MESH_RESOLUTION=20TEXTURE_RESOLUTION=25AUTOGEN_DENSITY=3DETAIL_TEXTURE=1WATER_EFFECTS=5My problem is that I got a lot of texture shimmering, particularly at terrain textures far from the airplane.Can someone please advise on what can I do to reduce (eliminate?) this unpleasant shimmering?I have a NVidia GeForce 6800GT, of 256 MB, using the 93.71 forceware drivers. Thanks!RegardsEdmundo
  23. Hi Ed,When you say "I actually went a different route in doing the merge.." do you mean that you started from the RFP aircraft.cfg (and airfile) and worked it backwards to the B747SP model?I am using the opposite approach but I am facing some issues. I wonder whether would be easier to start from the RFP aircraft.cfg.Thanks and Happy New Year!! Edmundo
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