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Everything posted by ega

  1. I ordered a couple of days ago the "PMDG 737-NGX Captain's Flight Manual Set". I would like to ask whether is it possible to order the "Lights and Switches Guide" that is not included in the set I selected. Thanks
  2. Yes, same here ...and aslo at 6%. Just have to wait a couple of minutes and the loading continues...
  3. Ryan,You have to turn off UAC (...at least in my system, W7 64 bit).
  4. I would appreciate if someone could advise me on this card upgrade (just with FSX in mind). I do have a CORE 2 DUO E8500 at 3.16 GHz and a Nividia GeForce 8800GT 512MB DDR3.I plan to upgrade to an i7 CPU in a (not-that-close) near future (that will require new Mobo, graphic card, power supply and memories...). Meanwhile I would like to take advantage of the relatively low price of the graphic cards and get a 1 Gb GTX460 card to replace my current 8800GT 512MB.Is it likely that this card upgrade will improve FSX performance (just in the borderline now...)? Or else, should I forget this upgrade and definitely get an i7 CPU when I can afford it?Thanks!
  5. I you use Windows 7, you have to turn off UAC.
  6. I have a GT8800 card (an old graphics card for today standards...). Is it worthwile to install nvidia's 258.96 drivers and the posted tweaks with Nvidia Inspector? I currently use nHancer to get the settings (Nick's) in the card.Thanks
  7. Nice reading! Thanks for pointing it out.
  8. Graham,I also have an E6850 and I am considering to get the i7 processor. Yet I believe this requires a new MoBo and new RAM sticks. Isn´t that right? Thanks
  9. Just got the AirbusX and flew a short leg. Very nice model! I think at the moment is second to none!Does anyone know how do we get more liveries for this Airbus? Best
  10. ega


    Thank you guys for the update!Best regards
  11. Does anybody knows any news from Aerosoft? I have been following the development of their AirbusX, but their forum seems to be offline and I can not find any information on the AirbusX.Thanks
  12. Deltafan,You are probably running Windows 7. You have to disable UAC for FPSLimiter to work.Edmundo
  13. Bryan,Just installed the latest version. Thank you.If the manual has been also changed, could you please provide a list of changes in order we can insert them in our printed copies?Thanks!
  14. Hi,I went to the FS2Crew website and ordered the PMDG J41 edition. Yet, I could not pay for the product because there was an indication that my Paypal account has expired.I don
  15. Rick,The file " nl2k_v4_ehrd Rotterdam The Hague Airport" is indeed in the library but it is not in the file list (EHDR is listed twice).Regards
  16. Rick,Please note that I think there is a small mistake. The package "Netherlands NL2000 v4.0 EHDR Drachten package (Download #148959)" appears twice. One of them should probably be " nl2k_v4_ehrd Rotterdam The Hague Airport" (it is EHRD not to be confused to EHDR).Could you please check?ThanksEdmundo
  17. Paul,To download, for example, Rotterdam and Amesterdam (when ready) do we have to download any other files (with common textures) or just those files pertaining to the specific airports?Thanks!Edmundo
  18. Suddendly my Saitek X52 is given me troubles! Mnay buttons and switches that are assigned to FSX functions (for example, Brakes to Button 2) don
  19. Thanks for your reply.I have already made some AI flight plans with the KC135 fixed drogue model. Unfortunately the drogue is always extended even on ground ....The link to Simviation does not work. Probably the site is off.Edmundo
  20. Looks a very interesting work! Thanks for sharing it! Will certainly try it.For the tanker KC-135 you mentioned, which is the most suitable model to use for refueling? I plan to make some AI flights and I wonder which model I should use - with fixed refueling boom or with drogue. Actualy I need the model you show in the video. Which model is it? Thanks.Edmundo
  21. Fantastic airplane this Superbug!Does anyone has problem with the camera views? Cannot get them working...Just the VC (a masterpiece!) and exterior views but none of the camera views. And they are at the aircraft.cfg.Edmundo
  22. Hi Graham,Thanks for the clarification. It crossed my mind that they could interact with the aircraft itself - I mean, if I didn
  23. I much apologize for this question... but what are the interactive checklists? Can they be used in a different computer or do they need to be installed in the computer with FSX? Many thanks!Edmundo
  24. Just an update. I filed a ticket with FlightSimStore and they kindly sent me optional D/L links - from 50 kb/s to 5.8 Mb/s....only few minutes away from testing PNW...Edmundo
  25. Thanks Bill & Chris,My mistake - I was not seeing the upgrade version, only the full version.Thanks for your input.Edmundo
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