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Everything posted by ega

  1. Greg,The easiest way is to edit the tutorial file located in your "Flight Simulator X Files" folder (for example the "PMDG BAe JS4100 Tutorial 1 at KHPN.FLT" file) and change around the middle of the file the line:[sim.0]//Sim=PMDG Jetstream 41 House LiverySim=PMDG J41 Rexwhere the 3rd line is the name of the livery you want to use (REX Airlines in the case above).Use Notepad to open the FLT file and, of course, make first a backup of the "PMDG BAe JS4100 Tutorial 1 at KHPN.FLT" file.Hope this helps.BestEdmundo
  2. I finally got it working! There is a line that is necesary to add at the cameras.cfg. I used a previous backed up file and works fine now.Thanks Edmundo
  3. Jim,Thanks for your information.That is what I am doing...but I get only left/right/front/back views with the hat switch of my Saitek X52, and I cannot get the pan view! I am sure it can be done because I had it OK before this re-installation.Best Edmundo
  4. I have just re-installed FSx (in Win7). I noticed that I lost the ability to pan in cockpit view with the hat of my joystick. It changes views to left/right but I don
  5. Hi,The activation window may be hidden if you are in full screen mode. Try in window mode so you can have access to it.BestEdmundo
  6. Thanks Peter. I do have 4 gigas of ram. Will install W7 64 bit. A lot of work to do because I have to re-install Fsx and all my addons!BestEdmundo
  7. I am about to fresh install Win7 Professional in a new hard drive. I can select between W7 32 bit or 64 bit. I will use this hard drive mainly for FSX but I will also use a bunch of other programs (Acrobat, Office 2007, CorelDrawX4, etc.).I read many times that the windows 64 bit is the way to go but I don
  8. Unfortunately the i7-975 CPU is still way too expensive at least here in Europe where it costs around 950 euro (or US$1340) - and this is just the CPU! Add a good Mobo, power supply, a generous amount of RAM, a graphics card and we get a good rig but certainly still too expensive for the majority of FS users!Enjoy your systems guys! RegardsEdmundo
  9. A question to AICarriers2 users (and Nimitz package): I presume one needs FSX
  10. A question to those who have these packages: If I install Nimitz + Aicarriers2 + Dino
  11. Hi Mike,I miss your checklists! What about checklists for the PMDG MD-11 and RealAir Duke?I thank you a lot for sharing your workRegardsEdmundo(Sorry to jump in - matter not related to this thread)
  12. Hi,Is there any way to get rid of the big green digits that indicate the fps?I sincerely thank the author, and all that have help with instructions , for this rather small but extremely useful utility!RegardsEdmundo
  13. I have the same problem (and also a 8800GT card). I believe it is not a driver issue (changed drivers several times and the problem persists).Have to live with it, though...RegardsEdmundo
  14. Noel,Just a follow up - I managed to have the limiter working only with UAC off in Windows Vista. Even with "Run as Administrator" and its folder with all permissions On, the progtam was not running!Thanks for your help.RegardsEdmundo
  15. Noel,Many thanks for your answer.The limiter is definetly not running although I run the bat at the correct location.I believe the problem resides in the bat file.The original text created by the program is:start C:\"Games\FPS_Limiter\"FPS_Limiter.exe /r:D3D9 /f:30 /x:OFF /l:OFF "C:\Games\FSX\fsx.exeBut actually this command does not lauch FSX. To do so, I have to add another line:start C:\"Games\FPS_Limiter\"FPS_Limiter.exe /r:D3D9 /f:30 /x:ON /l:OFFstart C:\"Games\FSX\"fsx.exeThis these two lines, I can start FSX from the bat file - but the limiter does not work!Any hints?? I am using Vista32.ThanksEdmundo
  16. Noel,Thanks for sharing this information on FPS Limiter.I installed it but it is not yet obvious to me whether it improved anything.A question: I set the limiter to 30 fps and unlimited in FSX optiins. In a test just I noticed that fps jump between 15 and 100 fps, according to the sceney complexity (15 fps in Aerosoft
  17. Well, I have the answer to... my question...I did add this line (the location of my FSX is not the standard),start C:\"Games\FSX\"fsx.exeto the bat file. It is working as advertised now!RegardsEdmundo
  18. I downloaded the applet and installed it as per the instructions available in this thread.Yet when I click the bat file, I can see the DOS window in a flash but FSX does not starts (I saw the contents of the bat file and I believe FSX should start when the bat is executed.)If I start FSX as ususal, I think the limiter is running because I can see it in the task manager.But I wonder whether FSX is not launched upon running the bat!ThanksEdmundo
  19. Captains,Just to tell you that Roy Chaffin has made available in http://www.roychaffin.com/rcs-panels.html the FSX version of his beautiful B-25J RAF MkII (Freeware).It is a splendid piece of work! Don
  20. Hi Damian,Many thanks for your prompt reply!Looking forward to geting ASA later today!I will install it then in the same PC (client) where I do have ASX. Yet I am a little confused about the "Snapshot" funcionality. Because I have REX and FEX installed in the server PC, is that OK, I mean, will this new funcionality work fine with this configuration? All the bestEdmundo
  21. Damian,Sorry for jumping in. I do have ASX in a client computer (and ASV in the server PC where I have FSX). I will get ASA later today. Do you foresee problem with the upgrade? I ask this because I understand that some sort of elegiability certification has to be done. Also what do you recommend? Can I install ASA on the client PC or it would be more convenient to install ASA on the PC where I have FSX (and FEX and REX)? Thanks and I wish all the success with this new release!Merry Christmas.Edmundo
  22. Frank,Just a question on the 3 GB switch: you patched FSX.exe certainly but did you also have to change the Windows Vista settings? (I don
  23. Robert,Sorry, just a clarification. Can we run the 3G switch when we use Vista 32 as OS?I had the idea that this switch was for WinXP only. Could you please clarify?Congratulations for the MD-11 release! Will buy it tonight!RegardsEdmundo
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