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Everything posted by ega

  1. Rob,I confirm that a solution for the problem you raised is given at the QW forum (provided by a user, not by the developmnent team as I tought).The user says:"Turns out I found a way to eliminate the cloudiness AND the window tint, leaving a clear windscreen. I took the basic bitmap and added a black alpha channel over the windows"
  2. Rob,If I recall it correctly I believe there is fix for this issue provided by the development team (I do own the QW B757).Edmundo
  3. Mike,I joined also. Where is this American Airlines One World livery to download? Couldn´t find it.ThanksEdmundo
  4. Thanks Rob. I will test first after the new Mobo being installed if everything is working!Regards
  5. Just a clarification please. I do have a i7 2600x with a Asus P8P67 Pro MoBo. As you may know, there is a problem on these new MoBo with the Intel chip. My supplier will exchange my current MoBo for a new one in April after this problem has been fixed. Do you guys think I need to uninstall/reinstall my PMDG (and others) addons due to this MoBo change?Thanks
  6. Thanks guys. Yes, you are quite right - I had the sliders to the right. Reducing Mesh resolution to 5 m eliminates the jumping - 2 m is not enough.ThanksEdmundo
  7. I got a new computer and went through the long process of reinstalling FSX and all my add ons. Oddly I now see a situation I had never seen before: in any airport (default or else), any aircraft and even any default airport vehice jumps every ten seconds or so! Even during taxing I can see that the aircraft jumps from time to time. It is a noticebale jump but not that big because the aircraft or airport vehicle does not leave the ground...Does anyone ever encountered this issue? Any ideas to fix it? I do have GEX EU/USA and the Orbx american sceneries but even in areas not covered by them (as in Asia for example) I get this strange behavior. It is therefore something inherent to FSX.ThanksEdmundo
  8. ega


    Ken,Thanks for caring to answer. Yes, I did RC and installed "As Administrator" and I do have the camera plugged directly into a USB port of my computer. I also believe that the camera is broken - it´s a shame because I used it very little!Regards
  9. ega


    I have TrackIR 4 and I re-installed its software last month when I got a new system. To my dismay, the unit is not working! I do see the blinking blue lights on camera but I get (from time to time) the green light on the bottom right of the software window meaning that "camera is detected and connected" but I cannot see the green lights on camera - it is simply not working.I posted at the NaturalPoint forum and they say that the device may be broken. Does anyome had this (bad!) experience or has any advice to get my TrackIR working (if it is not broken)? Thanks!
  10. Yes, now performance is fine (with most slides maxed and frames limited to 25 using an external fps limiter).
  11. I am currently finishing the FSX installation process after upgrading also to ASUS P8P67 MOBO, EvGA GTX580, i7 Sandybridge 2600K OClocked to 4.2 GHZ (be careful! There are reports of CPU damage if voltages are too high!).I used Nick´s recommendations and also Nvidia inspector. I have not been flying so I can not evaluate my new system. I just noticed that in the very first default flight I got ....around 4 FPS (not now of course!)
  12. Bert,I have the RXP 530 and not the 430. Do you think there is room enough to have it instead of the 430?Thanks
  13. Thanks, *******. Yes, as I got the 2600X, OC is on the way - possible to close to 5.0 GHz. But my question was about all the tweaks you have suggested, such as bufferpools, HIGHMEMFIX, etc.. Is there any particular I should add into the fsx.cfg?Thanks!Edmundo
  14. Hi *******,Allow me a question. I will have this coming week a new computer - W7 64 bit with the new i7 2600k CPU, an EVGA GTX580, etc. - dedicated mostly to FSX.Could you please advise me whether there are any tweaks I should consider in spite this is (currently!) a powerful PC? Thanks!RegardsEdmundo
  15. Amazingly I order today a similar PC:i7-2600kAntec 300Asus P8P67Mushkin (2x2GB) DDR3 1600Corsair 650WWD 1.5TBSony 18X DVDEVGA GTX580 Unfortunately it costs me almost twice as much the amount you mentioned.... due mainly to the GTX580 ..and the VAT (23% here!!) Hope I can report soon its behavior with FSX!BestEdmundo
  16. Bob,Thanks for your answer! Let us hope that someone jumps in!Please note that the B737 is extracted to a folder that typically FSX doesnot has- ...\Simobjects\Aircraft (in FSX is ...\Simobjects\Airplanes). That is fine but the user must include the ...\Simobjects\Aircraft directory in the [Main] section of the FSX.cfg.Many thanks again!Best
  17. The TinMouse 1.3 B737-200 works very well in FSX! Is was a long-waited and much missed aircraft in FSX. Thanks, again, to those who did make this possible.Yet there is something that would turn this wonderful panel even better - a modification to widescreen monitors! I wish I had the knowledge to do it but I wonder whether there is someone that could do it! Any takers?Merry Christmas!
  18. I concur! Thanks Bob and others for this wonderful Christmas gift!Merry Christmas to you all!
  19. Bob and all that supported FSX integration,Thanks for these good news. I was really missing the TinMouse B737 in FSX!Will it have a panel.cfg to be use with widescreen monitors? Merry Christmas to you all!
  20. Bryan,Please discard my request. I have already made the necessary changes - not big deal!Merry Christmas!
  21. Hi Bryan,A request, if I may. I do use a modified version of the LVD B767 that was posted at their forum - it is adapted for use with widescreen monitors.Can I send you this panel.cfg for you to adapt for Fs2Crew (voice) use? I am sure many Level-D B767 captains are using this modified version of the panel.Thanks and Merry Christmas!BestEdmundo
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