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Sidney Schwartz

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Everything posted by Sidney Schwartz

  1. Of course. I refuse to visit ugly, boring stock airports. You have a good point there. The airports I tried in Estonia and China had no add on scenery, since those are places I normally never fly. I had no problems with v3 of the textures, though, at any of my airports with add on scenery.
  2. Never mind. I see that V3 also has some 8 bit and some 32 x 2048 textures, and I had no problem with those. This is frustrating, but if I have to stay with V3 it will still be a huge improvement over any other textures I've used.
  3. Rats....still having the same problem. Any suggestions on how to find the textures that are causing the problem? My technical knowledge is about zero. Viewing some of the files in Imagetool I noticed that some are most are DXT1 but some are 8 bit. Also, there are a bunch that looks like alpha channel masks that are 32 x 2048 in size...see attached pic. Are any of these potential trouble makers?
  4. Unfortunately the new textures are causing FS9 to crash if I try to load a scenery in certain parts of the world. I mostly fly in the US and Canada. I tried opening Albequerque KABQ and Fort Resolution CYFR with the time set to day and the sim crashed while the progress bar was in the "loading terrain" section. Both airports would load if I set the time to night, however. I tried an airport in Estonia and one in China with the time set to day and had no problems with either. I'm guessing the texture(s) causing the problem are not used in those locations. Can someone else please try opening KABQ and CYFR and reporting the results? Thanks. P.S. -- had no such problems with V3.
  5. I'm no expert in this, but I did learn recently that the autogen annotator tool in the FS2004 Autogen SDK allows you to control how buildings and vegetation appear on the different land class textures. You can control the type and placement of buildings to suit yourself. Never having tried it, I can't say how easy or difficult it is.
  6. There was certainly no clue to that in your post, especially since there had been no posts to this topic for almost 2 months and you replied to my recent one within hours. Sure seemed like your comments were aimed at me...I apologize for not being a mind reader. Before you click the "Post" button you might give a little thought to what you've written and how it might be perceived.
  7. I am stating a preference. It has nothing to do with the technical issues being argued, which I don't give a crap about, your views included. I like the way these textures look. Period. Great! Looking forward to it. Thanks again for the many hours you've spent on something that benefits us all. This is why I've always given away the scenery and scenery objects I make.
  8. I've used the Birds Eye and Fscene4X textures. Yours put them to shame. I can't believe how much better FS9 looks. Thank you! :im Not Worthy:
  9. This is the best graphics improvement tweak I've every tried, and I've been doing this for a long time. Between this tweak and the Leclercq textures, the sim looks orders of magnitude better than it ever has. Thank You! :im Not Worthy:
  10. I bought the CLS A330/340 collection for $15...a steal considering the quality. I love it, but I can't compare it with any of the others as it's the only Airbus I've flown.
  11. I'm 99% sure that you can't assign specific planes to use only specific runways. As for the parking issue, the best explanation I've seen of how FS assigns parking to ai aircraft is in the documentation for the original Afcad program by Lee Swordy. You can download it here... http://db.tt/Waro0bSJ See section 35. Parking Assignments for AI Aircraft.
  12. Is it possible that by recoding parking spots you now have ai aircraft appearing that you didn't have before, and/or more AI traffic than you did before?
  13. I just downloaded the two EGCC Sketchup terminals and viewed them into Sketchup. They're very nicely done and also low poly...should convert easily for use in FS. Nice find. The author does state, though, that they cannot be used without his permission.
  14. Jon, you're not allowed to feel guilty after all the great programs you've given us scenery builders. I'm amazed at the amount of time you've put into all this over the years and then given away the results of your efforts. You are one of the pillars of the FS community, and I can't thank you enough. :drinks:
  15. Ha ha. Should have read "terminal_katl.bgl would be renamed to xxx_terminal_katl.bgl. Some years ago Jon Masterson made a wonderful program called Library Object Manager. It was basically a cataloging/searching system for scenery objects. It was a great time saver when you couldn't remember which !#@$%~!! library had those white painted tires in it. :lol: Did all sorts of other great stuff as well. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to like Windows 7, but Jon's incorporated some of its features into ADE9X as part of that programs' ability to place scenery objects. LOM was the only program like it I've ever seen, and I miss it. :(
  16. I've seen forums that have a little drop down box for indicating which version of the program you're using, but this forum doesn't seem to have that capability. Rather than rely on people to remember to mention which version they're using, I'd rather see separate forums. FS9 and FSX have similarities but also a lot of differences. So I say Meh to your Meh.
  17. I regularly go though the list of object libraries that show up in IS, identify those that are proprietary, and add xxx_ to the beginning of those file names. So terminal_katl.bgl would be renamed to xxx_terminal_.bgl. This moves all proprietary libraries to the bottom of the list, which makes the list less cluttered and serves as a reminder to me that I shouldn't use those objects without permission from the author.
  18. To whomever is in charge of these forums: We REALLY need separate scenery design forums for FS9 and FSX. Please? Pretty please?
  19. Luis, I don't think the height of Johns' jetways can be changed, but John is the only one who will know that for sure. Thanks, RJ. I enjoy making this stuff, and I enjoy sharing it. The flight sim community is, for the most part, a great bunch of folks. :drinks:
  20. Found another one. I just downloaded John Loney's KILM scenery for FS9, and it includes a library of animated jetways. I haven't installed the scenery yet, so have no idea what they look like. John has released a bunch of objects in the public domain, so I'm guessing you're free to use these jetways, but you might want to email him and get his permission, just in case. Here's the link for the scenery... http://library.avsim.net/esearch.php?CatID=fs2004scen&DLID=178958
  21. Thanks for the tip on Anti-Twin...I've never heard of it before. There's also Duplicate Object Finder by Jon "Scruffyduck" Masterson, creator of ADE9X.
  22. Thanks for the plug, Echofox. B) If you want ready made jetways, I've also collected all the default FS9 jetways I could locate and put them in a couple of libraries, fs9_jetways_ss_1_v2.zip and fs9_jetways_ss_2.zip. They're also here in the Avsim library.
  23. I agree with you Mike, as far as libraries of custom objects made for a specific scenery. I'm talking about the "shared" object libraries that are available for download on the various flight sim sites. Even I use them even though I can make my own objects. It makes sense to make custom terminals and other buildings unique to a particular airport, but I'm not going to make, say, ramp lights for each scenery. I've already made a library of them that is available for anyone to use, so I just re-use those. And of course there are scenery designers who don't know how to make objects and build their scenery entirely from these shared libraries. It's these shared libraries that users are most likely to accumulate multiple copies of, because some many designers will include them with their scenery. I remember when Lago's FSE came out. It was the first program to allow the placement of objects within FS directly, a la EZ-Scenery, which came later. Lago insisted that all objects made for use with FSE be uploaded to Lago's servers and not to sim sites in general. The end user would be told (I forget exactly how) if they needed to download any objects for a scenery. At the time Lago's policy seemed overly restrictive, and it didn't help that their server didn't work reliably, but now I can understand that they were trying to avoid the very problem we're discussing.
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