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Everything posted by rcbarend

  1. If you send me an Email (see my pf-30 addon for address), I'll explain why for both things ....As to not get off-topic here :( Rob
  2. Hi Johan,My freeware GPWS ( rcbgp-33.zip) contains a windsheer detection/warning.Based on instantanous, large changes in ambient windspeed/directions, like you would expect with microbursts.However, it's only as good as it's modelled in FS, of which I'm not sure.Rob
  3. If it has been working OK before, and you haven't installed a new video card/driver of have changed your video settings, the most plausible reason is that you installed some addon that has overwritten default .fx file with "better :-(" ones.And if that's the cause, uninstalling such an addon won't help because that won't re-install the original files.Rob
  4. That can most probably be done via a C/C++-coded/compiled .gau gauge; not via an XML gauge .....But other people have to jump in on that, since I don't have that expertise..Rob
  5. First of all, I'm not sure what you mean by "...that would open up a window that is controlled by a keyboard command,".FS has 9 events (Panel Window 1 - 9 ) to toggle a 2D window, resp. Window00 to Window08. Each event can be assigned to a keystroke (Default: Shift-1 to Shift-9).Secondly, you cannot (in XML) generate a keyboard command to toggle a window (or any keystroke for that matter; just events).However, to toggle a (any) 2D window from an Icon gauge, you can use the Ident function of FS.There are a number of predefined Idents in FS, but you can define your own as well.E.g.If you use theIdent=10000in a panel.cfg Window** section, and create an Icon gaugeGauge Name="MyIcon" Version="1.0"> <Image Name="MyIcon.bmp"/> <Mouse> <Tooltip ID="">Display/Hide My Window</Tooltip> <Cursor Type="Hand"/> <Click> 10000 (>K:PANEL_ID_TOGGLE) </Click> </Mouse></Gauge> clicking the gauge toggles that window open/closed.Rob
  6. fs2002 folder ????To avoid any misunderstanding which addon we are talking about: which addon (filename, download location) are you talking about ?? I don't know all detail of the Auto-Installer, but please realise one thing: this Installer was created to install the addon for FS2004, NOT FSX.And since the default folder structure (wrt. aircraft) is different for FS9 and FSX, I can't predict what it does if you run the Installer in FSX.The only way to use it in FSX (apart from gauges that won't work in FSX) is to install it in FS2004, and then copy/rename everything manually to the corresponding FSX folders.Rob
  7. I'm a bit puzzled the "unzipped the added sounds ..." part of your post.Assuming you are indeed referring to the ProjectFokker F28.Because it is a full, self-installing executable. About your second point: No, there isn't a panel for this aircraft in FSX.This aircraft was solely intended for FS9, if only since most (compiled) gauges do not adhere to the format required by FSX.Regards, Rob
  8. I can fully agree with this comment, except: just skip the word: "virtually" :-)On the Autoland I implemented for the Project Fokker F70/100 and F28 alone, I must have spent more than 100 hours on tweaking it; not only for (final) approach but (especially) on the flare phase. That is: if you want a proper Autoland function.Because there are a lot of aircraft / FD / environment specific variables you have to take into account for an Autoland to function properly.Like: Weight, airspeeds, flaps settings, head/cross wind speed, elevator/aileron/rudder sensitivity, etc etc etc.Writing a small generic gauge that, given a perfect ILS approach and ideal conditions (no wind), performs a simple Autoland (i.e. puts the aircraft on the runway without crashing it) isn't too difficult, but that's not what one (not me anyway) expects from a proper Autoland function.Regards, Rob Barendregt
  9. Since this problem appearantly is already related to the original PF10070v2.zip:I don't have a clue what might cause this problem; other then (for whatever reason) that your sound card / onboard sound device doesn't like the particular format of the .wav files used. I must also admit, that in all the years supporting both the standard version of the aircraft, or my addon, I never heard of such a problem before. - Which Windows version are you using ?- Are you using on-board sound or a soundcard ? (it might even be as simple as a crummy sound driver)- Have you tried the Windows diagnostics function ? (DXDIAG). Also, try different options for your sound driver, like change sound accelleration or not.Just wild guesses, but I'm 99.99 % sure this problem is somehow related to your Windows version / Sound device.Sorry I can't be of more help.Rob
  10. - What (filenames) did you install exactly, and in what order ?- What isn't clear: do the sound NEVER work, or only stop working after you open the overhead panel when the aircraft is loaded ??Rob
  11. No, you can't.... That is, not by changing the Vertical position of the effect in the aircraft.cfg file (that's a "bug" in FS9; that parameter simply does nothing).The only way (in FS9) is to change the effect file parameters themselves.Rob
  12. Hi mgh,Maybe you missed one of the previous posts, where I added/explained the UpdateFrequency.Because, without that and with low framerates (<10 or so), you DO get the problem occasionally where the gauge skips 2 views instead of one :-)Cheers, Rob
  13. Glad it works OK now.By the way (as you might have guessed):1: removes Cockpit view4: removes SpotPlane viewAnd before someone asks :-) :You can also omit two views from the cycle.Eg. Replacing (P:ACTIVE VIEW MODE,enum) 2 == by (P:ACTIVE VIEW MODE,enum) 2 == (P:ACTIVE VIEW MODE,enum) 3 == || removes both the VC and tower view.Cheers, RobPS: And for the purists: in case you want 3 views removed: you better leave the S command untouched instead ...LoL
  14. Hi Dave,There's more then one way leading to Rome ...(if you know the expression ..LoL)I can remember we had this discussion on ViewSkipping a few years back in the Aircraft/Panel design forum (with Doug, and, I believe, Bill) and I'm fairly sure Dougs gauge does exactly the same as my XML gauge above ....Doug usually programs gauges in "C/C++" , me in XML.I surely don't want to turn this in a "C/C++" vs. "XML" designer discussion. Both have their advantages/disadvantages.Although I'm the first to admit that you simply cannot do everything in an XML gauge that you can do in a C/C++ coded .gau gauge.With Dougs gauges for XML Sound play, and interfacing to FSUIPC (which I use in my VTOL gauges) as good examples; and for which I'm eternally gratefull to Doug creating those.For what it's worth ....LoLEuhhh... who said "off-topic" ... -:-)Cheers, Rob
  15. Hi Dai,Glad you found it ...Certainly not a trivial problem ...Cheers, Rob
  16. Hi Joe,Yes, actually very easy..In the line (P:ACTIVE VIEW MODE,enum) 2 == replace the 2 by 3, and name the gauge SkipTower.xml or so.Now the TowerView is skipped instead of the VCView.Cheers, RobPS: Note the remark about adding UpdateFrequency in the previous post.
  17. Ignore my post about not understanding ...LoL .. I do now (I think).First of all, the order is:CockpitView -- TowerView -- SpotView -- etc ..What you call ChaseView is actually TowerView.It may look like a ChaseView if the Tower position is a long distance away.Now, what can actually happen at low framerates (less then 15 fps), is that my gauge gives a S command twice.Causing not only the VCView, but also the TowerView to be skipped as well.This is caused by FS not updating XML variables (ie. the ViewMode variable) fast enough at low framerates, compared to the schedule-rate of the gauge.A well-known fenomenon, which I forgot to protect myself to in this gauge.You can solve it by adding to the gauge code, after the first line:<Update Frequency="4"/> so it becomes <Gauge Name="VCViewSkip" Version="1.0"><Update Frequency="4"/><Keys>etc .... That should solve what I think your problem is. Right ?Cheers, Rob
  18. Actually, I did release it in some addon; I just can't remember in which one ..LoLCheers, Rob
  19. Hmmm.. that's funny.On my FS9 system I can NEVER get into Chase plane view using the S ("views (cycle)") command; with or without my gauge.Only by using the specific ChaseView commands.Must be something different on your system, but I don't have a clue what ..Rob
  20. Sorry, I don't understand what you mean with "" it's a little erratic for "tower" view not switched every time by "S" key?""Can you please explain in more words what happens exactly ???About the C182RG model: the reason that the "S" key works differently there (ie. skips VC view), probably is that this basically is an FS2002 model (or even older) ! And I guess FS2000/2002 models without VC behave that way in FS9.Rob
  21. 1. Winzip can read and extract .cab file, but cannot create them (there's a free MS tool cabdir.exe for that).2. XML gauge files with extention .zip in the gauges folder are NOT recognised by FSX.If the .zip file in the gauges folder actually IS an XML gauge file, you can also get it to work (besides re-packing it with cabdir.exe) by extracting the contents of the .zip file in a sub-folder of the \Gauges folder with the same foldername as the filename.Rob
  22. Hi Francis,The only way I know how is to add a (invisible) gauge that automatically gives another "S" (or shift-S for reverse) if it detects that the current view is VC.I made such a gauge (in XML) in the past, but I have to look it up.If you PM me your Email address, I'll mail it if I can find it again.RobPS: Found the gauge, here's the code:<Gauge Name="VCViewSkip" Version="1.0"><Keys> <On Event="VIEW_MODE">1 (>G:Var1)</On> <On Event="VIEW_MODE_REV">0 (>G:Var1)</On></Keys><Element> <Select> <Value> (P:ACTIVE VIEW MODE,enum) 2 == if{ (G:Var1) if{ (>K:VIEW_MODE) } els{ (>K:VIEW_MODE_REV) } } </Value> </Select></Element></Gauge> To use it:1. copy the code into a textfile (like with Notepad) and save the file as e.g. SkipVC.xml2. In your \gauges folder (or aircraft \panel folder) create a subfolder \ViewSkip\ and move the .xml file there.3. Add the gauge to your panel.cfg asgauge**==ViewSkip!SkipVC,0,0TIP: Assuming that the panel doesn't have a VC section LoL, create one by:[Vcockpit01]texture=DummyFile.bmpgauge00=ViewSkip!SkipVC,0,0This ensures that the gauge is loaded (active) immediately after you load the aircraft (irrespective in what view you are in).Because if you add the gauge to a 2D window, it won't be loaded untill you have cycled through Cockpit view at least once.Rob
  23. Hi Dai,The first thing you can try is to delete the fs9.cfg file, and let FS9 build a new one.Bypasses problems caused by a corrupted fs9.cfg file or default flight file.Succes, Rob
  24. Hi Roman,No, not that I know of.If I remember correctly, Doug didn't want to spend much time anymore in uploading his stuff since it's mostly for developpers only, and people approached him personally for latest versions / new features anyway.Like I allways have done :-)Cheers, Rob
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