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Everything posted by rcbarend

  1. OK, I see.Didn't know the original (ADF2) way was still possible with those newer versions.I know which .rtf file you mean but I don't have it myself anymore.Maybe you can Email Doug and ask him ...Success, Rob
  2. Hi,I think you are mixing up two things here.Dougs original XML-sound gauge (V1) used a solution via which you could initiate sounds playing by setting the ADF2 radio to specific frequencies, enabling you to select playing anyone of a set of files named dsd-xml-**.wavThis solution required gaugesound.dll en FSUIPC.dllThe latest versions however (V3.* for FS9 and FSX) doesn't use the ADF2 anymore, but instead uses a user-defined config file (to be specified in the gauge def in the panel.cfg) in which you specify your own XML variables and related soundfile names.So assuming you're using V3, there's no need for the rtf file your searching for.And if you're still using V1: start using V3: it's a much better and more flexible solution.The versions I use in all my gauges and of which I know work flawlesly: - For FS9: V3.2.0.0I think the latest FS9 version is (adds sound panning compared to V3.2), but I never used that- For FSX: V3.8.2.0 (it's named a .dll instead of a .gau)Warning: don't use V3.7 or earlier in FSX, because it might crash FSX under some circumstances !Rob Barendregt
  3. Check that you have the file RCB_Groundhandling5.CAB in the FSX\Gauges\ folder.If so: check the window definition in the panel.cfg (use copy&paste from the README to avoid typing errors).If both OK, Email me your panel.cfg file as attachments (see my readme for Email address) Rob
  4. Hi,Yes, since it is gauge-based you have to add it to each panel.cfg for each individual aircraft (unless they share panels of course, but that's not very likely for payware aircraft :-) )Rob
  5. Hi Andy,I see what you mean now :-)If you want an alternative (don't know which one you found): the ProjectFokker F28 panel also contains such a AltitudeAlerter (originally made by Richard Probst I believe).Cheers, Rob
  6. I think you're mixing up two things.The thread referenced in the post by tjrush describes exactly what the is causing this "turning problem" (and a lot of other problems caused by "continuous key_events).There are two ways to work-around the problem:1. Use a pushback gauge, like in my groundhandling package rcbgh-50.zipWhich not only worka around the problems, but add a heap of other functionality as well :-)This package does NOT require FSUIPC at all.OR2. Use the standard FS pushback functions with the Registered version of FSUIPC.In the Registered version of FSUIPC you have the option to "filter" these "continuous key_event"s.Rob
  7. ... Or try my GPWS gauge (file rcbgp-33.zip)Besides Altitude warnings, it includes most usual warnings.And is even, if you want, configurable to have Altitude callouts only :-)Rob
  8. Not in FS. Which is a bit logical since left/right rudder pedals are always coupled in a real plane :-)But maybe you can solved that (ie. have you throttle/brake pedals act as one set of rudder pedals) in your controller setup.What I remember from most controllers with pedals I've seen, is that in the Windows setup there an option to "combine the throttle/brakes as one axis".Because most older race games cannot handle independant throttle/brake pedals.Hope this helps....Rob
  9. Since I had quite a few requests from people that used my GPWS addon for FS9 (file rcbgp-3*.zip) to also make a FSX-compatible version: I just did .......With some extra functionality (like "Approaching Minimums" callout) as well. If somebody (preferably familair with the FS9 version) wants to test it for me before release, send me an Email. See all my READMEs for EMail address.Rob BarendregtPS: And before someone asks :-) :Yes, I'm aware that FSX has it's own built-in GPWS. But this addon has a lot more functions and can be "tweaked" to a specific aircraft better.
  10. Adding the linerender_3d_window=1to a Window** section in the panel.cfg will do that.That is: for FS9 (haven't tried that in FSX).Rob
  11. I DO remember :( For FSX Alphasim V22 Version2, it's file rcbvca11.zip ; available o.a. in the flightsim.com library (and here at avsim if/when the library gets online again).And to Robert Alley:Especially in the FSX version, the Wilco Tilrotor BA609 is an exceptional aircraft IMO; a must-have if you kick on Tiltrotor-type aircraft.(this includes my VTOL stuff already).Compared to the Alphasim V22, it has slightly better flightdynamics, and a much better VC.But the visual model of the BA609 is truly outstanding, especially if you observe all the Tiltrotor- specific animations; like rotating nacelles, tilting rotors on the nacelles, proppitch animations, etc......So compared to the Alpha V22, the Wilco BA609 is a better product IMO (not surprisingly, since the Alpha V22 Osprey basically is a 4-year old product).One word of caution though: the glasscockpit of the BA609 is a real frame hog; which makes it almost unflyable unless you have a powerfull and state-of-the-art PC (that is: 8-10 fps on my 3-year old PC for me is unflyable).But with a few simple tricks (subtituting the three main display gauges by default FSX gauges), this can be solved easily (with a little less gauge functionality of course). On my PC, that almost double the framerate.Cheers, Rob Barendregt
  12. Hi Bill,Be carefull with that statement :( Although such events do not use the preceeding argument, they DO pop this value from the stack !Example: 1 0 (>K:AP_ALT_HOLD) (>L:TEST,number) Meaning the value of TEST becomes 1, NOT 0.This IS a useless example, :( , but if you use stack processing with embedded events (without using temp storage variables), leaving out the dummy argument of such events gives unexpected problem. As the example illustrates.This is in FSX by the way, haven't tried it in FS9.Cheers, Rob
  13. I guess the library is up again now ??But you can also download it at flightsim.com (same name).Rob
  14. Hi Barry,No, there's no way to undock an individual gauge (unless it has builtin functions for that, which none of the default gauges have); only windows with gauges in them. But I guess you figured that out by now ....Cheers, Rob
  15. Hi Barry,Aren't you are mixing up two things here ? (ie. undocking a window or usage of the W key for a mini-panel).If you want to have the MFDs as a minipanel (so a panel with only the MFD gauges on top of the forward outside view):Define a new 2D window these MFD gauge, with Ident-MINIPANEL. See the panel.cfg of the default Boeing747 for an example.If you want just the MFDs as a seperate 2D-window:Define a new 2D window with the MFD gauges (size of the window is accumulated size of the gauges), open it via the menu and then undock that window (e.g. to move it to another monitor)There's lots of other ways to do that as well, but this is the simplest way. (Like: clicking an MFD "blows up" the MFD in another overlay window, but you have to adapt the MFD gauge to add a clickspot that opens the new window).Rob
  16. I don't know whether I would qualify for such a position or not, but what always strikes me about a lot of posts/invitations like these is the appearant mistery of the people behind such an initiative.What's the problem with stating your real name (i.e. your surname ?) ??Rob BarendregtThe Netherlands
  17. Hi Paul,I don't think there are any direct variables you can use, but maybe you can use the following "feature" of FS:Under most reload conditions (even when switching from fullscreen to windowed mode v.v.) G:Vars (not: L:Vars) are reset to zero.So if you set a G:Var, and detect a reset of it, such an occurance has happened.Don't know if that works for your type of reload, but if it does, the obvious disadvantage is that it works for other reloads as well (like window mode change).For me, this reset-distinction between G:Vars and L:Vars is the reason I hardly use G:Vars anymore.Cheers, Rob
  18. Hi Eric,Yes, it may very well depend on the type of XML gauge as well.I was just commenting on Bill's statement, that his statement wasn't true for at least my example (a simple text/number display gauge without rotating needle)But as Roman says, it's better to avoid neg. placements all together, because appearantly the end-result is unpredictable.Rob
  19. Hi John,I never experianced such a limitation, especially not on the color depth of included bitmaps.Although there are some XML constructs that do work in FS9 but not in FSX, I've never seen an XML gauge that does work in VC, but not in a 2D window.Maybe if you post the gauge and bitmap, we can have a look.But I suspect something else is causing your problem, which manifests itself not to work in a 2D panel just by co
  20. Sorry, not true as a generic statement :-)I have a panel with an XML gauge of mine (in the "main" 2D window), with x-coordinate -5.Works OK in FS9 and FSX, and both in Windowed mode and FullScreen mode.Maybe it's dependant on the absolute neg. coordinate, or the neg. coordinate in relation to the gauge size, or even in relation to the panel resolution in pixels (haven't tried all of that).But I have one example where your statement isn't true :-)Cheers, Rob
  21. "FS9 Days are numbered"Not for me; both as a user and as a developer.I use/develop both for FS9 and FSX; both versions have their strong points, with the obvious ones of FS9 being performance and the wealth of addons not being available/compatible for/with FSX yet.Even stronger: some "gadgets" I made for FS9, can't even be made to work in FSX !!Ergo, at least for the next 3 years, FS9 remains as important to me as FSX.Rob Barendregt
  22. I can confirm this with what I tested.With all engines Off, the Smokesystem function in FSX still works (that is: the toggle/On/Off event still works, and the On/Off variable still indicates the current On/Off position), but the effects coupled to the Smokesystem are disabled.Yet another example of a subtill (and undocumented *sigh*) change from FS9 to FSX (why changes in such a detail anyway ???)Especially since the original implementation of the Smokesystem (since FS4 ??) had nothing to do with engines or engine smoke, but was created for the "spray-effect" of a cropduster aircraft .....Cheers, Rob
  23. Oh boy,Finally a constructive and non-generalizing post in this thread ....
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