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About Cessnaflyer

  • Birthday 05/03/1984

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    Coulee City, WA and Honolulu

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  1. I believe this is a reality setting.
  2. He's probably big enough to still occupy those two seats rows apart.
  3. It looks like the glideslope on that first approach was going to put you into the trees.
  4. Haha. It would help if he would give instructions sooner! Now I wish that WRC would get back into it's old manufacturer days and be broadcast in the US again.
  5. He was flying from Africa to Italy at the time of being shot down. He wrote a memoir of the time and I really need to scan it and put it on the web.
  6. Chuck Yager is a nut. Meet him in person and you find out what kind of man he is. My step grandpa is my hero. He wrote about his time in WWII and being shot down and spending time in camp.
  7. If you want to look at the questions and answers here they are: http://www.aviationtire.com/atpl.cfm?&offset=0
  8. Sounds like you've got it pretty much figured out. Group it as fuel, structural components/electrical, atmosphere used for combustion and keeping the wings held up and maybe the runway or tarmac/ramp elements.
  9. Those are fairly large gusts at 20 knots. The surprising thing is both transport category aircraft I've flown did not have a maximum headwind component or a company rule against it. We only had max crosswinds which were 30 knots IIRC. The only thing that makes these winds bad are the gusts and mechanical turbulence from buildings and hangars. Otherwise it's just a weird feeling hanging there on final for so long.
  10. I know the FAA tests are a joke, but Theory of Flight classes are no joke. We would take a whole 4 hour class session working in minutia just to find how a rotation or stall speed would be changed.
  11. After getting my ATP I've used 0 of the equations required. Through theory of flight I used to be able to calculate nearly everything by memory but once you start flying the only thing we care about is if we are starting our descent so it is a nice stable 1500 fpm descent.
  12. I am not sure how the FAA treats it but here is one of the high speed AMCs I could find. It seems even with limiting devices they have to be switched off and tested like they failed. http://www.easa.europa.eu/rulemaking/docs/npa/2011/NPA%202011-09.pdf http://www.easa.europa.eu/rulemaking/docs/npa/2011/NPA%202011-09.pdf It looks like it has to still be tested even when limiting devices are installed.
  13. An interesting little read. The aircraft will pass the Mmo in testing § 25.253 High-speed characteristics. (a) Speed increase and recovery characteristics. The following speed increase and recovery characteristics must be met: (1) Operating conditions and characteristics likely to cause inadvertent speed increases (including upsets in pitch and roll) must be simulated with the airplane trimmed at any likely cruise speed up to V MO / M MO. These conditions and characteristics include gust upsets, inadvertent control movements, low stick force gradient in relation to control friction, passenger movement, leveling off from climb, and descent from Mach to airspeed limit altitudes. (2) Allowing for pilot reaction time after effective inherent or artificial speed warning occurs, it must be shown that the airplane can be recovered to a normal attitude and its speed reduced to V MO / M MO, without— (i) Exceptional piloting strength or skill; (ii) Exceeding V D / M D, V DF / M DF, or the structural limitations; and (iii) Buffeting that would impair the pilot's ability to read the instruments or control the airplane for recovery. (3) With the airplane trimmed at any speed up to VMO /MMO , there must be no reversal of the response to control input about any axis at any speed up to VDF /MDF . Any tendency to pitch, roll, or yaw must be mild and readily controllable, using normal piloting techniques. When the airplane is trimmed at VMO /MMO , the slope of the elevator control force versus speed curve need not be stable at speeds greater than VFC /MFC , but there must be a push force at all speeds up to VDF /MDF and there must be no sudden or excessive reduction of elevator control force as VDF /MDF is reached. (4) Adequate roll capability to assure a prompt recovery from a lateral upset condition must be available at any speed up to VDF /MDF . (5) With the airplane trimmed at VMO /MMO , extension of the speedbrakes over the available range of movements of the pilot's control, at all speeds above VMO /MMO , but not so high that VDF /MDF would be exceeded during the maneuver, must not result in: (i) An excessive positive load factor when the pilot does not take action to counteract the effects of extension; (ii) Buffeting that would impair the pilot's ability to read the instruments or control the airplane for recovery; or (iii) A nose down pitching moment, unless it is small. ( B) Maximum speed for stability characteristics, V FC /M FC . VFC /MFC is the maximum speed at which the requirements of §§ 25.143(g), 25.147(f), 25.175( B)(1), 25.177(a) through ©, and 25.181 must be met with flaps and landing gear retracted. Except as noted in § 25.253©, VFC /MFC may not be less than a speed midway between VMO /MMO and VDF /MDF , except that, for altitudes where Mach number is the limiting factor, MFC need not exceed the Mach number at which effective speed warning occurs. © Maximum speed for stability characteristics in icing conditions. The maximum speed for stability characteristics with the ice accretions defined in appendix C, at which the requirements of §§ 25.143(g), 25.147(f), 25.175( B)(1), 25.177(a) through ©, and 25.181 must be met, is the lower of: (1) 300 knots CAS; (2) VFC ; or (3) A speed at which it is demonstrated that the airframe will be free of ice accretion due to the effects of increased dynamic pressure. [Doc. No. 5066, 29 FR 18291, Dec. 24, 1964, as amended by Amdt. 25-23, 35 FR 5671, Apr. 8, 1970; Amdt. 25-54, 45 FR 60172, Sept. 11, 1980; Amdt. 25-72, 55 FR 29775, July 20, 1990; Amdt. 25-84, 60 FR 30750, June 9, 1995; Amdt. 25-121, 72 FR 44668, Aug. 8, 2007; Amdt. 25-135, 76 FR 74654, Dec. 1, 2011]
  14. Well technically they cruise in the transonic range. Transonic is between .8 and 1.2 Mach. That's not going to rip an airliners wing off. The first worry would be Mach tuck as the center of lift moves aft.
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