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Everything posted by brucewtb

  1. Thanks. First of all correction to my OP - my current monitor is of course a 16:10 monitor, sorry about that. Anyhow the way I would run the two together would be side by side using full windowed mode with FSX on the 21:9 monitor and other stuff such as flightplanners, weather addons, moving maps etc on the 16:10 monitor. I am currently using a 37 inch 16:9 HDTV as the primary monitor where FSX is displayed alongside my 16:10 monitor for the other stuff. This works OK but the display on the 16:10 monitor is truncated with small black bands above and below the desktop. Not really an issue as the bands are not that noticeable but with a 21:9 monitor it would look very odd unless there is some other way to avoid this artifact. If I do things the other way with the 16:10 monitor as the primary then the desktop on the 16:9 monitor has a bit missing from the top and bottom of the display. I am attracted to the 34 inch 21:9 format as these monitors have the same width as my HDTV but much higher pixel count so I can sit a lot closer to the screen. I guess my question is can monitors of quite different aspect ratios be used in a dual setup without these artifacts? Bruceb
  2. I am thinking of upgrading to one of the new fancy 21:9 monitors but wish to use it as second monitor with my current 19:10 monitor. In the past I have found that dual monitor setups work best if both monitors have the same aspect ratio. In the proposed setup they would be quite different. Any advice much appreciated. Thanks. Bruceb
  3. I was all set to pull the trigger on this one as I have a lot of affection for the 747 and always feel very safe when flying in one - it is one very rugged aeroplane. However I think I will pass the negatives as reported in this thread while not biggies all add up eg no panel flood lighting might not bother some but it would me. Looking foward to the PMDG 747 400 v2 (I have v1) hope it arrives before the the real one disappears from service - I recently flew to the US in one of the last flights of an Air New Zealand 747 400. Bruceb
  4. Thank you, I must say the Dell Ultrascan monitors are starting to look a bit overpriced alongside the new 4K monitors perhaps like you I should be waiting for a 4K over 30 inch - and I don't think I would go for anything smaller than my 37 inch HDTV. In fact the sub 30 inch 4K monitors I have seen don't, to my eye, look much better than what I already get on my older Samsung 24 inch at 1920x1200. Bruce
  5. Yes that is the case and thank you - I think I must have been looking at the manual for my old 470 card. As for the 37 inch HDTV, it works fine for FSX with no issues, but kinda sucks as a normal PC monitor. May go for a Dell 30 inch 2569x1600 ultrascan. The cheaper 4K monitors also look interesting but seem to have some limitations. Having used the 37 inch TV I don't think I would want to now go down the multi monitor route that I had been considering eg three 1920x1600 monitors as it makes for a very narrow vertical field of view albeit a nice wide one. Bruce Sorry for the double post - Is there a way to delete them?
  6. Yes that is the case and thank you - I think I must have been looking at the manual for my old 470 card. As for the 37 inch HDTV, it works fine for FSX with no issues, but kinda sucks as a normal PC monitor. May go for a Dell 30 inch 2569x1600 ultrascan. The cheaper 4K monitors also look interesting but seem to have some limitations. Having used the 37 inch TV I don't think I would want to now go down the multi monitor route that I had been considering eg three 1920x1600 monitors as it makes for a very narrow vertical field of view albeit a nice wide one. Bruce
  7. I guess I was being a bit ambitious in expecting to get a reply to this one on a forum that receives so little traffic - may have to go elsewhere on the net given AVSIM's restrictive policy on what you can post where. Thanks anyway. Bruceb
  8. I recently pressed into service a 2008 model 37 inch HDTV for FSX . Are then any issues I should be aware of in going down this path? One small hassle has been that a mini HDMI to HDMI cable that I had in my collection of electronic bits and pieces doesn't seem to be compatible with the mini HDMI port on my Gigabyte 770 GPU. I checked at the local electronics store and the mini HDMI plug on this cable looks the same as those in stock. Are there different mini HDMI standards around or does Gigabyte have a proprietory cable? Thanks Bruceb
  9. In FTX Central I don't seem to the hybrid mode checkbox when the regions are enabled only when FTXG is ticked. Is that the way it is meant to be? Thanks Bruce
  10. Further update, the reinstall from a fresh download fixed these issues - I now have hybrid mode, vector lights and baltic15.bgl. Suspect my problems were all related to the unhandled exception error I got during my original installs - possibly due to corrupt downloads. Thanks to all who provided assistance. I will post an update on the Orbx forum. Bruceb
  11. OK reinstalled libs and that doesn't' work. Still no hybrid and vector lights with default. Bit stumped now apart from a reinstall. Bruceb
  12. Thanks Rod. Its some three months ago when I last looked at this but my recollection is that I did install the latest libs. Never-the-less I will give it another try as this suggestion has come up elsewhere after a web search on this issue. It that doesn't work then I will try another reinstall from fresh downloads. Bruceb Bruceb
  13. Back in Australia after 9 weeks across the ditch (ie in NZ). I note that my request for help on the Orbx forum has no reply from Orbx staff after 2 months - I guess they have more pressing matters. As suggested have searched for Baltic15.bgl and it can't be found and I now seem to have other FTXGlobal related hassles. I understand that after installing FTXGlobal a Hybrid mode tick box should be added to FTX Central but it is not there on my FTX Central. Also there is no tick box for Vector road lights when default is selected (according to the FTXGlobal manual this should be there). So what to do? The obvious thing I suppose is a re install yet again (I have already done this twice). However if there are other options I would be grateful for suggestions. Thank you. Bruceb
  14. Have to agree with this. Unless you can use vector with UTX and other products (eg Aerosoft) with minimal issues then I won't be buying. While I would welcome a vector product for the areas UTX and Orbx regions don't cover I don't wont an inferior outcome for those areas UTX covers. I only got FTX Global after considerable hesitation as I already had GEX for NA and Europe and I am yet to be convinced it was 90 AUD well spent. Bruceb
  15. Thanks Nick for this and the post on the Orbx forum. It is going to be few weeks before I am back home in Australia so will look into this again then. Bruceb
  16. Thanks. I created the scenery folder to get rid of the FSX error but I don't think it inserted the Baltic15.bgl file but will recheck when I get back to Oz after a six week stay in New Zealand. Is Baltic15.bgl the only file in that directory? May have to do an FTX Global reinstall. This was for an brand new FSX install and on reflection, as it is a FSX default texture replacement, I wonder if I should have installed it first before all my other scenery addons particularly the Aerosoft ones which in the past have thrown up issues with orbx stuff. Bruceb
  17. After installing FTX Global, FSX complains that it can't find ORBX\FTX_OLC\OLC_EU1\SCENERY and indeed on checking it isn't there. There is a texture folder in ORBX\FTX_OLC\OLC_EU1\ but no scenery folder. Should there be one? I have applied the latest libs. This query has been on the Orbx support forum for a week without any response (I guess due to all the "noise" surrounding the NoCal release) so I thought I would seek assistance here. Thanks Thanks Bruceb
  18. Well if the "bug" is there it is not something I have been concious of - it is certainly not something that has bothered me to the extent it clearly has many others. Bruceb
  19. I never new of this "bug" until I it came up in some thread somewhere. I never experienced it with the 737NGX or any other aircraft heavy or otherwise. But then I do use EZDOK maybe that is why it is not an issue for me. Bruceb
  20. OK point taken didn't realise there were other mapping options - but I never had any difficulty with the route dragging feature of v2, always worked a treat until Google stopped supporting it. But it is time to move on really no other viable option than Plan-G v3. Bruceb
  21. I beg to differ, for me Google maps support was the main reason I began using Plan-G and certainly not a tiny part of its functionality. OSM is a very inferior alternative (even if an open source one) with its complete absence of topographical details as OrbX are finding out with their Vector product. Look I will say this, you can set up custom waypoints with V3 that assist with replicating RNP approaches etc rather more easily than I suggested in my earlier post in v3. However, the absence of contour lines makes custom flight plans through mountainous terrain much more hit or miss (so to speak) with Plan-G v3. Bruceb
  22. Just to chime in here. Are there any FSX benchmark comparisons for the 770, 780, 780i and Titan GPUs. I have 770 4G in a new rig that I barely had time to use before bricking my new FSX install while mucking around with an SDK install. So several days later nearly back to where I was and there are indications that the GPU on my second networked PC may be failing. So should I move the 770 to my other PC and get a 780, or a 780i or even a Titan for the FSX machine or would any improvement over the 770 be so minor that it is not worth the expense over just getting a low end gpu for the second PC? Thanks Bruceb
  23. What you can't do in V3 is click on a a flight leg ie between two way points and drag the leg and in the process create new waypoints eg fix1 fix2 fix3 etc etc, This was extremely helpful for replicating RNP approaches and DME arcs. It also helps with building up flight plans to fly through mountainous terrain eg in Papua New Guinea. You can kinda do this with V3 - you can drag a waypoint but not the flight leg and new waypoints aren't inserted automatically - this is so much more clumsy that it's not worth the bother. A great great pity and an enormous loss that v2 is no more. Bruceb
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