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Everything posted by boris4356

  1. You can load the cockpit Bmp file in a program like photoshop or other equivilent graphic program, and change it from example 1024x768 to 1680x1050. Then use Flight Sim Panel Studio from Flight 1, (which is pretty cheap and worth its weight in gold) to realign the gauges. You will have a slight loss in quality, but it will still look good. I did this a lot in FS9.Bill
  2. Hi Jeff,A 24" monitor has a native resolution of 1920x1200. Your card may run it, but it probably will be a struggle.Bill
  3. Thanks Max. Good to know. Maybe I'll wait a while and watch the prices. Maybe they will drop a bit in the new year.Bill
  4. Thanks for the reply Max! I do have the latest Catalyst drivers, but didn't notice a significant improvement.What new cards are due out next month?Bill
  5. I am shopping around for a new video card, and was wondering if anyone has one of these new GTX 260 with 216 stream processors, and how it performs in FSX. I am also wondering if the different clockspeeds between the OC, OC2, And OCX would make any difference as to which one to get? I was considering an ATI 4870, as I have been a long time supporter of ATI, but from what I have seen here, NVIDIA seems to outperform ATI in FSX, and I think it is time to change brands. My HD3870 chokes badly in clouds.Any opinions would be greatly appreciated!Thanks,Bill
  6. It usually means you have reached the limits of your CPU and or RAM. You can try to fine tune things like upping voltages, and changing other Bios settings. If you check out Nick N's posts, you will find a lot of good advise in how to proceed in this area.I used to have an E6850 on an Asus P5Q pro motherboard, and could only get it to run stable at 3.4 Ghz, no matter what I did. Sometimes you just get a dud chip.Bill
  7. I have had good luck with the Asus P5Q pro, and the Q9550. I have it overclocked at 4 ghz, and stable for 13 hours in Orthos. I had no problems getting it to 4 Ghz. It should be a good stable board with a Q6600. Bill
  8. I find Orthos to be a good indicator as to whether I will have problems in FSX. Usually if I fail Orthos within the first half hour, I will not be able to run FSX without it crashing.
  9. Hi Loyd,I am also trying to permanently change the default eyepoint of the EH101. I read your post, and it gives me a start, but I am totally confused as to how I convert:[Camera.1.2]Guid={C95EAB58-9E4A-4E2A-A34C-D8D9D948F078}Zoom=0.5Translation=0, 0.18534678220748901, 0Rotation=4.6579470634460449, 0, 0Into the new eyepoint co-ordinates that go into the aircraft cfg file in this format:[Views]eyepoint = -16.5, 2.2, 4.7 (original default co-ords)Any help you can give would be appreciated!Thanks,Bill
  10. Would a 1 gb video card such as the subject one be any better in FSX than a 512 mb card? I am a bit confused about the 4 Gb (3 gb actual) usage of memory in winxp 32 bit, and whether this also includes the video memory. I was wondering if a 1 Gb video card would aid in loading textures faster.Thanks,Bill
  11. I am also interested in this as well. I've read bits and pieces here and there, but nothing conclusive. I have an HD3870 that performs pretty well, but chokes in heavy clouds, so I am interested to see if the 4870 performs any better.Bill
  12. >>Using the new FSX camera system any perspective can be>created>>by placing a fixed camera to reproduce the same view you>might>>have had in "2D" (emphasis on the quotation marks)>>But what you can't do with your camera view is to drag it to a>second monitor so that you may fly the ac with the main 3D>view and the camera view visible at the same time.>>Ulf B>This is my main concern as well. The camera views are all well and good, but to me are useless if you can't undock them to another monitor. It is a pain to toggle through 4 camera views to get to the one you need, then toggle through 4 more to get back to the main view. If I am flying a helicopter or unless I am in autopilot or have perfect trim, I end up off course, and at a different altitude because I can't see where I am going when in a different camera view. This would be the same as if in a real aircraft you had to turn around and face aft to operate some switches and check some gauges. Bill
  13. Hi,Maybe you can try a mat that is made to keep wood from sliding around on a work bench when you use a sander or router. You can get them for around $10 at most hardware stores.It looks like this: http://www.bosstoolsupply.com/index.asp?Pa...ROD&ProdID=6508 A rubber shelf liner like this: http://www.rona.ca/shop/~non-slip-shelf-li...decoration_shop for kitchen cupbords might also work.Bill
  14. I also use a multi monitor setup. I fly using the upper part of the VC on my top main monitor, and have 2D gauges on homemade panel bitmaps, undocked on the lower monitors.I don't need a professional 2D cockpit with a panel bitmap to come with an aircraft, but what I really do need is access to the same gauges that are in the VC to use on my other monitors. The trend lately is to build the gauges into the model. You can't access them with Flight Sim Panel Studio to use them in home made panels in a multi monitor home cockpit setup. A good example of this is the Aerosoft Twin Otter. I had to use gauges from freeware Twin Otters on my secondary monitors. My main concern is that sooner or later in later versions of the sim, It will be hard to find 2d gauges, or they may not even work anymore. Bill
  15. Hi,You also have to edit the sound cfg file in the sound folder with the new sound files for the helo in question inserting each file into the appropriate section. You just can't copy another sound cfg intact from another helo. Each sound cfg can be very different.Just open the orig sound cfg file of the helo that you want to change. Also open the cfg file of the helo that you want to take the sound from. Then copy and paste from the sound cfg file of the desired helo sound cfg file into the applicable section of the sound cfg file of the helo you want to change.I do this all the time with no problems for all kinds of aircraft. I have the Alouette II, and it sounds like an annoying mosquito, so I changed it to sound like a Huey.Bill
  16. Not 100% sure, but I think the Alouette II may have one with floats.Bill
  17. Hi,I'm doing some cleanup, and I've come across something that I am not sure about. I have a Sata drive with 3 partitions. I have data on one of the partitions. The other two partitions are now empty after the file cleanup. If I were to delete these partitions, would it just revert to one primary partition on the drive, keeping the data on the first partition intact, or would it delete everything on the drive. The other two empty partitions were set up as primary, as well as the partion with data on it. All 3 are a primary partition.Thanks Bill
  18. Hi Dodger,Yes you can do this. Just disable all the other functions of the joystick that you want to use as a throttle, leaving only the throttle axis active in your controller settings in FSX/FS9.If the joystick that you are using as your primary joystick has a throttle slider on it as well, make sure to disable it in the controller settings, or reassign it as some other axis/function.I made a homemade set of rudder pedals from a microsoft twist grip joystick, and it doesn't interfere with my CH joystick or CH Throttle using this method.Bill
  19. I read somewhere that it was supposed to help with stuttering in games. I only saw that once though, so it remains to be seen if it will be worthwile.Bill
  20. Hi Nick,I followed your settings to the letter for C drive, and did all the O&O defrag runs. I am a bit confused when it comes to doing my K drive where FSX resides. After doing the offline defrag in C, and rebooting, you say to go to C:WindowsPrefetch and delete files. Then place rundll32 advapi32,ProcessIdleTasks in the Run box. You also say to do this after the final defrag run.Do these steps need to be done again when defragging a drive other than C, or do you just need to do the SPACE, Error Checking, Offline, the NAME, and then a SPACE defrag run again?Thanks,Bill
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