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Everything posted by boris4356

  1. I have my 42" mounted on the wall with brackets at eye level when sitting. I built three stands from MDF that custom fit my three lower monitors, and then bolted them together. The monitors are at a thirty degree angle. On top of the stand I built a glareshield, also from MDF, which is about four inches high. It is five feet long. The stand sits directly below the widescreen.The stand was simple to make. It is basically just 2 sides with a top shelf, and a shelf in the middle that the monitor sits on. I cut the bottoms of the sides at a 30 degree angle instead of 90 degrees. I drilled holes in the middle shelf for ventilation for the two outer CRT's, as I removed the stands from the monitors, and they sit flat on the shelf. The centre monitor is a 24" LCD, and I also removed the stand, and built a retaining frame on the stand that holds it in.By removing the monitor stands, along with the 30 degree angle, it allows you to be able to have your main screen at a more comfortable eye level, and not too high to accomodate the lower monitors.I will try to get some pictures for you.Bill
  2. Hi Alex,I'll have to play around with that concept, as I do have two video cards. It never occured to me to try to incorporate the three views on one large TV screen.Bill
  3. Definitely go with the 1920x1200. Lesser resolutions on monitors 23" and above give you a washed out blurred look compared to the sharpness you will get with a resolution of 1920x1200. You will not see any difference in frame rates going with a lesser resolution monitor as opposed to a 1920x1200 one.Bill
  4. I went with a 42" lcd tv instead of a triple monitor system. TH2Go gives you the same field of view width wise as a large wide screen TV, but it lacks in the height department. I sit about 2 feet away from the screen in an enclosed home cockpit, and it gives me total immersion, and I cant see any pixels sitting that close. Others have also noted this as well. The only problem is 1920x1080 makes the gauges in the VC a bit hard to read, I overcome this by using a 24" @ 1920x1200 underneath the 42" to display a 2D gauge panel.The only way a triple monitor system would be better in my opinion would be if you had three separate window views: forward, forward left and forward right, such as January has. This would kill your FPS in FSX though. You would need a few networked PC's to avoid a slide show. I tried it with just one extra 3D window, and it brought performance to a crawl.Bill
  5. Thanks BartEnder!I'm not the original poster, but I think you may have solved a similar problem I have been having which coincides with setting time sync in FSUIPC. I am at work right now, and can't try it yet. I would never have thought that this setting would cause so many reloads in a flight. Thanks, Bill
  6. Do you have Thermals on in your FSX settings? If you do, that is where the hawks or eagles are coming from. They are there to show you where the thermals are. I get them all over the place. I think their scale is way out of whack, as I often see them from quite a distance away and mistake them for AI aircraft.Bill
  7. To all you guys who have replied with comments such as the above, you are totally misunderstanding what the OP was trying to convey. Most of us who want 2D panels, DON'T use them as our main panel. Yes it would be so FS98 to fly this way, but as I stated most of us dont. I for instance have an enclosed home cockpit with a main 42" screen displaying the upper portion of the VC. My view is adjusted forward, so I only see the window, not the lower VC. I have a 24" monitor set below the 42" monitor which displays all the main 2D A/C gauges. I have a 17" monitor to the right of the 24" displaying all the 2D engine gauges. I have a 14" monitor from a networked computer to the left of the 24" monitor displaying FSWidgets Google moving Map. Would you call my setup so FS98 or FS9, and antiquated? Unfortunately I have to make most of my own 2D panels using gauges from an assortment of A/C that I have collected from over the years, as most newer A/C all have 3D gauges built into the model.At least if the developer does not include 2D panels, it would be nice if they could at least include a 2D gauge package. The Home Cockpit Building community is larger than most of you realize.Bill
  8. Actually the colour scheme and density is pretty accurate for North Central-Eastern Canada. Although maybe it is just a bit early in the sim. I live in Northern Ontario, and the leaves should start to turn anytime now, and put on a show of bright red, orange, amber, and yellow. Once they start, they turn fairly fast. This usually lasts for a month or so until a strong wind storm rolls in and strips the trees.Bill
  9. Hi,Upgrading your second card will not make any difference. All the second card is being used for is connections for more monitors. It has no bearing on performance. The main card controls all the functions in a non SLI/Crossfire mode.I loose about 5 FPS when I undock a panel to a secondary monitor. It is the same whether I am using one or two cards.Bill
  10. Hi Tim,If you have a Q9550, then it is indeed a 4 core quad. This processor has the possibility to go to 4 Ghz. I got mine to 4 Ghz with ease. You do need a good quality aftermarket cooler though, or it will not go much higher than 3.3 or so without running hot and crashing.The best thing for you to do would be to go to overclocking sites such as http://www.overclock.net/index.php?http://www.hardwarecanucks.com/forum/, and http://forums.extremeoverclocking.com/index.php?, and read up on the process. Bill
  11. Thanks for the reply Jim! Hopefully Scott will complete a FSX version.Bill
  12. FS-Blaze is an excellent and extremely cool program created by Ron Jeffers and Scott Gridley, that placed forrest fires into FS9 in real time and in their real world locations. I was wondering if anyone has gotten this to work in FSX, or if there is a FSX equivilant somewhere. I was going to see if I could try to get it to work in FSX, but it is an exe file, and looks for FS9 exe, then crashes when you click on it.I really enjoyed this in FS9, and would love to get it working in FSX, especially now that I fly helicopters.Thanks,Bill
  13. The Q9550 will go much higher than 3.1 if you have an after market cooler and decent ram. I have mine at 4.05 with ease, very stable, and have had no problems. I have a 1gb gtx280. That is all you need for FSX. You will not notice any difference with more video ram unless you have an extremely high resolution monitor.Bill
  14. This bothered me too, and I found that by replacing the halo.bmp file with another version from the file library helped to make the lights a bit smaller. Not perfect mind you, but a little better.Bill
  15. After I have a stable overclock going, I try to enable speedstep as well. Sometimes though, it does not play nice with overclocking.Not sure why if you have it disabled in your bios it does not take. Maybe try to reset it again?Bill
  16. Do you have buffer pools enabled in your fsx.cfg? I had major issues with spikes, and as soon as I got rid of the buffer pools, they went away.Bill
  17. Hi Roger,I really love this program. I have it networked on a client machine. It uses Simconnect. The map will appear on the client machine, and that is where you must install it too. It is only 800x600 resolution, so it will not fill up the complete screen on a large monitor. I have it on a 14" monitor, which is set to 800x 600, so it fits perfect. Bill
  18. Hi Jack,I'm not sure who makes it, but in the ATI CCC, it says Prima HDTV. They are a Chinese company.This TV gets great reviews on this AVS forum http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?t=1039018 , and is a diamond in the rough when it comes to bang for the buck. It is not as good as a $1500 Panasonic etc.. but at half the price, around $650 you cant loose. If you only use it for Gaming, you don't need all the extras that come with the more expensive TV's.I got the extra 3 yr warranty to be on the safe side. With that, it still only came to $ 800, still a very good deal.Bill
  19. I just bought the 42" 1080p Dynex at Future Shop for $649, and I am really happy with it. I use it with FSX, but I'm sure it will work with FS9 as well. I sit about 2 feet away, and the gauges and text are pretty good. They are a slight bit fuzzy, but still very readable. I do use my dell 24" below it with all the gauges on it though. Bill
  20. I am looking to buy a 42" LCD TV, and was wondering if the difference is very noticable in FSX between 768p and 1020p. I will be sitting about 3' away, and it will only be used as a computer monitor for FSX.Thanks,Bill
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