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About crab

  • Birthday 09/05/1983

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    Indianapolis, IN United States

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  1. Works well so far, though I am not a fan of these flows. I think I'll start making some more applicable scripts
  2. Well I know that. I'm just sharing with the community my first experience with it. I'm sure Gerald is on it.
  3. So far it seems to think it's the CS 777 when I just tried it, and it wont set most things, like alt & ias etc
  4. I've had much improved reliability getting MCE to start after installing that little patch above. MCE .64 was a complete hit or miss whether or not it seemed to be able to detect MSFS. I was getting so sick of going through all the time it takes to start the simulator and then to find out MCE wasn't gonna recognize it anyway. I was getting extremely frustrated. But since installing that up there, it's been smooth sailing. I even redownloaded and reinstalled it three times. Don't know if I had a funky file or what. This was with the fenix A320.
  5. I would love to see the PMDG DC6. I am disabled (C6 quadriplegic) and MCE has re-opened simming to me like nothing I've seen in 20 years. I fly the heck out of the 737 and would love to have the DC6 included. Thanks
  6. crab

    Obituary: Eric Ernst

    I knew Eric in person, not well and we hadn't talked for almost five years, but I felt the same shock and sorrow seeing this again today that I did the day I heard what happened. I hope he saw the incredible appreciation folks had for him here. After 9/11 (among other things, incl. just being a busy guy) he seemed to retreat from the spotlight of our little world but I hope he watched from afar every now and then. So, I guess I can actually tell this story now. I first met Eric through a mutual acquaintance. A buddy of mine was a captain he flew with regularly (maybe back to the 727 even?) out of their base, and unsurprisingly they talked quite a bit to pass the hours. He told him how I had been a student pilot and huge aviation buff, but I had broken my neck a year earlier, and was diagnosed a C6 quadriplegic at 15. I was big into Flight Simulator (from MSFS 5.0, and in my avatar is BAO FlightShop…so cool) before I even took lessons and it was at the time my #1 interest.. In fact it wound up being a big reason I got through those tough early years. I don't know if our friend mentioned my financial situation at the time (let's just say - you can't eat computer games), but Eric told him he'd have something for him when next week's trip was to begin. He gave me a full copy of 767 "Pilot in Command". It was burned on to a CD-R and was titled with black magic marker with a request to keep it on the down-lo. I don't know if it was a development copy or what, because it had no license stuff and I can't remember if it even had an installer. I likely even still have it somewhere. But I always felt a huge sense of gratitude toward him and his gesture, because in my mind - he was taking a big risk for ME – even if it really may not have been. I actually don’t know. That addon changed my life and likely had a hand in saving it. I never thought I’d flip switches again. I don’t have to describe the things you would lose becoming disabled like that – we’ve all imagined it happening to us somehow – but I swear to you the most painful was the fact I’d never again step foot in a big cockpit. It simply could not have come at a better time, and I most certainly could not have afforded it. I made it an absolute promise to myself – I’d buy a copy as soon as I could. And I did, a year or two later. We met eventually and kept in touch for years, but things gradually went quiet as they often do. Our friend retired Feb of ’15 and I tried reaching Eric for a retirement book we made, without luck. Eric, thank you again dude.
  7. He emailed me and said he restarted the server as soon as he arrived home, and it's now good to go! -Cory
  8. crab


    I sincerely believe that if you have any concerns as far as the price being excessive, it's time to start developing the skills and team necessary to build your own...after all, how hard can it be, right? The cost is incredibly low in my eyes - I've been on the development side - and the work required for something like this is nauseating lol. Thanks guys - as always - a home run.
  9. That was such a childish mess... -Cory
  10. One thing I'd like to add is: Don't think about it so much. Fly the airplane. Obviously you want your speeds quite near the bug, but don't sweat trying to get everything bang on...just fly. Also, don't get too fixated on trying to pull that nose up for a big flare...I'm actually finding myself giving her a little nose down just before touchdown and she'll touch nice and smooth ala 727. I think the PMDG NGX is one of the nicest flying airliners on FS. Its a dream to hand fly and land. I've yet to do an autoland.
  11. Yup not working here. Just deleted everything before I tried the D/L.
  12. Are you using TrackIR? I'm noticing a huge drop in frames when using TrackIR...I'll go from 30 in the VC, and fire up TrackIR and that's halved. Of course I expect some penalty with it, but I've not experienced such a hit with other aircraft. What are you guys seeing with and without TIR?
  13. Just experienced this...aircraft is still flying, frames are normal, and stuck in a gentle left bank with no updating from the panel, and no response either besides the ability to switch pages on the CDU. Was 737-900WL in KLM colors. Plan: LOWI KOGO2J KOGOL UM726 UPALA Y102 ALIBU UL604 RELBI UL602 RKN2A EHAMWas the second leg of a trip. Previous trip was EGLL-LOWI. Flight from EGLL was selected directly from the Fly Now menu. No changes (location,aircraft, etc) were made thereafter. Chose an APU Air failure to activate in 25 seconds while on the ground at LOWI, so while the APU was running, I used a cart to start #2. Pushed and taxied to the RWY 08 hold bars, then cross bleed started #1. Then I backtracked down to line up on 08.Plan was entered manually VIA RTE page entering the typical waypoint-airway-waypoint method. (While still shutdown on the ramp of course - using APU power)Aircraft was airborne at FL410 and approx 4 miles past MASEK waypoint.I had decided not to select an arrival or approach until airborne, and was in the process of doing that. I selected ILS 18R, then the RKN2A arrival, then the ARTIP transition. As soon as I clicked at 5R, the aircraft lurched upward slightly, and then the panel locked. I was initially confused that I could not hit EXEC to extinguish the light and started looking around to see what I missed. I noticed it was frozen because while the aircraft was turning left, the ND was still showing right on the line. I saved the flight afterwards, but obviously not the panel state. I can't see it mattering, but I have Aerosoft Approaching Innsbruck X, Mega Airport London Heathrow, and Mega Airport Paris CDG X installed. Hope I wasn't too long winded there lol...after testing on the DF 727 and Super 27, Cessna 177, etc - I know every bit of info can help. My specs are in my sig. I'm gonna leave FSX open but paused for awhile incase you guys have anything I could do to help diagnose. Thanks guys!
  14. I still have my manual from 5, disks from 5.1, and BAO Flight Shop as in my avatar. Started me designing my own aircraft and modifying others out there. Was a blast to put eight engines on a Lear :) Many hours spent messing with that stuff instead of my homework.
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