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Everything posted by albar965

  1. The MSFS PLN format is quite limited an cannot save or load any remarks at all. This is why I created my own flight plan format to avoid such issues. Your steps to save a right. You can reload the remarks from the LNMPLN and see them in LNM but not in MSFS. BTW: If you set up the multiexport you can do 1 and 3 with one click. Select LNMPLN and MSFS PLN in the multiexport dialog, adjust the paths and then you can save all the stuff with one click. See https://www.littlenavmap.org/manuals/littlenavmap/release/2.8/en/ROUTEEXPORTALL.html Go to menu file and click "Multiexport Flight Plan" or on the toolbar folder to save both files at once once setup. Alex
  2. Perfect. This happens quite often. I have to check if LNM can provide better error message if the sim was moved. Alex
  3. Log locations are described here: https://www.littlenavmap.org/manuals/littlenavmap/release/2.8/en/FILES.html#logs But try first if "Reset Paths" in the load scenery library dialog helps. Check if the resulting path is the right one. Otherwise you can send me the log file: https://albar965.github.io/contact.html Do you use a scenery tools which uses links or Windows mapped drives? These are normally supported now. Alex
  4. Use the latest LNM version. XP 12 is fully supported. Otherwise I need more information. Alex
  5. @Steve Caruthers You add the information into the flight plan remarks column by right clicking on a flight plan waypoint on the map or the flight plan table and selecting "Edit Flight Plan Position or Edit Flight Plan Position Remarks" . This will add the information to a waypoint and not the flight plan in general. The remarks can be shown in the flight plan table and in the user aircraft progress tab for the next waypoint. You probably have to enable the display for remarks. See menu tools for display options. Same for printing. Make sure to have the column remarks enabled in the print flight plan dialog. Also save the plan in LNMPLN format. Saving and loading to/from all other format will drop the remarks. Alex
  6. You simply have to redo the installation in the new LNM installation folder. "AppData\Local\.marble\data\maps\earth" is the cache folder. Do no install the maps there. The maps have to go to "LittleNavmap-win64-2.8.8/data/maps/earth" so that folders like "google-maps-ter" are stored besides stock maps like "opentopomap". Alex
  7. ILS and RNAV approaches are only shown if an airport has them. I can happen that an airport has ILS but no approaches. Do you have an example and what AIRAC cycle do you use? Alex
  8. Hi Michael, do you have one of the "Raise and activate options" in options on page "User Interface" enabled? This causes this behavior. Alex
  9. Hi Richard, sorry, currently there is no option for route description coordinate output. It uses the most precise format for now. I'll take note of this idea. Maybe another solution: Select all legs in the flight plan table and then copy the contents as CSV into the clipboard. Paste these into a spreadsheet and convert the coordinates using a formula. You can also try to export as Garmin GFP but this still does not have the coordinate format you mention. Alex
  10. I'll see if I can make the OpenSSL part a bit simpler. Maybe add a configurable path. You can check in the "About Little Navmap" dialog which versions are used. It won't work if the library is a OpenSSL version 3. OpenSSL is included successfully if weather and map tile downloads work. Alex
  11. You can change the XP weather folder in options on page "Weather Files". This should help to let LNM read the weather files from the flying computer. And no need to share the scenery library. Just copy the LNM databases over to the remote. This much easier. Alex
  12. You cannot add custom airways and procedures to LNM. The only way which might help would be a list of waypoints in CSV that can be imported. Alex
  13. Can you install OpenSSL 1.1? You can also change the file littlenavmap.pro and remove the two lines: deploy.commands += cp -vfaL /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.1.1 $$DEPLOY_DIR_LIB && deploy.commands += cp -vfaL /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so.1.1 $$DEPLOY_DIR_LIB && In that case Qt will load any available SSL library version from the system. Alex
  14. Do you use a remote setup where X-Plane is not installed on the computer? If you do so see here: https://www.littlenavmap.org/manuals/littlenavmap/release/2.8/en/NETWORK.html LNM detects XP by the files C:\Users\alex\AppData\Local\x-plane_install_11.txt and C:\Users\alex\AppData\Local\x-plane_install_12.txt . Loading is disabled if these are not present or do not contain a valid path. The files are created by the X-Plane installer. In some cases you have to create the path .../X-plane 12/ Output/real weather manually. Alex
  15. The route description still goes behind the main window if you click into the main. This is normal. But it comes back into foreground if you click the icon again or if you click into the route description window. Otherwise I need more information: Latest LNM (2.8.8)? What OS? "Keep in foreground" selected in menu "Window"? Alex
  16. Thank you for the information. No problems reading the string here: I see the FYTTE7 star here using the LNM Navigraph update cycle 2213 or plain MSFS data. It looks like you use an outdated AIRAC cycle if you see an older STAR FYTTE4. Check the shown AIRAC cycle in the scenery library menu of LNM. It has to match the one in SimBrief. Alex
  17. No problems with this one but I can only guess since you did not provide enough information. I need the "Route description". Alex
  18. Can you post the full plan as it was shown in the LNM download dialog? Alex
  19. I see. These .flt files (there are other flight plan formats using this extension). Yes and limitations still apply. Impossible to know all the parameters.🤷‍♂️ Alex
  20. Can you post the contents of one of the .flt files? The extension is used by add-on developers for different flight plan formats. Alex
  21. Do they use the same format as MSFS? You can just change the file extension when saving MSFS from the file menu. Or you can change the default flight plan pattern in the multiexport options dialog. Default is "PLANTYPE DEPARTNAME (DEPARTIDENT) to DESTNAME (DESTIDENT).pln" Alex
  22. You're welcome. I think the transmitter changed the URL and the new format is now IVAO. Alex
  23. There are almost always two versions of an airport. The stock one an an add-on airport. The add-on normally overrides the stock airport with a new layout, runways or taxiways. If the add-on is encrypted it cannot be read and only the stock airport is shown. This hint is new in LNM 2.8 and just tells you that some airports will look different in LNM compared to MSFS. Of course you can still use this database. From the FAQ (https://albar965.github.io/littlenavmap-faq.html#no-airport-msfs ) Alex
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