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Everything posted by albar965

  1. The program is free to use and neither screenshots nor movies violate any copyright. Even if: Fair use anyway. You probably created a bit too many measurement lines. Long flight plans are normally no performance issue. Alex
  2. You added a procedure and this is noted in the export file: ADES NZQN DESRWY RW23 APP R23-Y Sorry, but somehow I don't unterstand the problem. The waypoints of procedures are not exported. This is absolutely correct. The FMS file looks alright. This is certainly not what you want. Not for X-Plane anyway. X-Plane FMS can load and procedures and additional waypoints are not needed. This option is merely for archaic simulators which can not digest any kind of procedure like FSX. From the LNM manual: Alex
  3. Press F4 or select menu "Window" -> "Search". Then select the tab "Airport". See here for more information about searching: https://www.littlenavmap.org/manuals/littlenavmap/release/latest/en/SEARCH.html Alex
  4. Hi Bill, LNM exports all waypoints from the database with names to FMS files. User waypoints (green rectangle in LNM) are exported with name and coordinates. Do you have an example of what's not working? Alex
  5. Good. There is no need to expose the web server to the internet. You can access all in your local network. Opening the server to the internet is tricky and I'd recommend to do this only if you know what you're doing to avoid security issues (hackers in your home network). Alex
  6. Why not test this with running your own LNM server? You can simply start the program and enable the server in "Tools" and then access it from a tablet. Alex
  7. MSFS multiplayer traffic does not work. MSFS simply does not transmit the information through SimConnect, only AI. The virtual flight online transmitter can help: https://virtualflight.online/transmitter/ Alex
  8. I suppose the culprit is the detail level. The airports are small and therefore hidden on the zoom level you need to see such a large continent. You can also use Ctrl++, Ctrl+-, Ctrl+Mousewheel or the detail settings the menu "Map" to make them visible. Also use the projection Spherical in menu view -> projection. The Mercator is not very useful nearby the poles. Alex
  9. Hi Marcelo, I have absolutely no idea what can cause these MSFS hiccups. Have not seen this yet here. It can happen that this is probably caused by some sort of SimConnect conflict if other tools use the same interface. This is normally no problem but one never knows what triggers such errors. Just guessing. Did you try the MSFS SU12 beta? I see at least two annoying problems fixed there: Active pause and moving waypoints to the North Pole when loading plans. Can you confirm it really started with LNM 2.8.7? Might be a hint for me what change causes this. I'll try a few shots into the dark: Try stock aircraft. Avoid other tools also using SimConnect just for testing. Disable all traffic in the LNM connection dialog. Install the redistributables as linked here in this FAQ section: https://albar965.github.io/littlenavmap-faq.html#no-simconnect Alex
  10. I'd also recommend to use a GIS application like QGIS. Alex
  11. The window remembers the last used values. It is rounded up to the next 10 ft. Alex
  12. I'm thinking about a simple session management where simulator connect, scenery library and more are set automatically when you select a sim session. But not all settings. Then there's more about a simple and/or a VFR mode. Why not hide the patterns if you don't need them? You can use command line magic if you really want to have totally independent installations with their own settings and databases: https://www.littlenavmap.org/manuals/littlenavmap/release/2.8/en/COMMANDLINE.html and https://www.littlenavmap.org/manuals/littlenavmap/release/2.8/en/INSTALLATION.html#portable-execution Alex
  13. Traffic patterns are saved in the settings file and are kept until you delete them manually. I have no plans to save them separately as they are quickly created. Alex
  14. Hi Roy, sounds like a nightmare to reinstall MSFS. 🙁 Anyway, glad it is working again. Alex
  15. This as intended and that is why the label says "Cruise altitude for calculation". I had this synced during development but found it very confusing. Default is the value from either the flight plan or last saved value. Alex
  16. Sorry, but now I'm really running out of ideas. Maybe file permissions are not correct. Alex
  17. AppData is hidden per default. Sorry, forgot to mention. Look at the UserCfg.opt in there and change it to the other path. LNM always dives into AppData... not matter if it's hidden or not. Alex
  18. Try a workaround. Create a text file including all folders: "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt" Then put one line into this file: InstalledPackagesPath "F:\WpSystem\S-1-5-21-1097094156-340995561-2572555467-1001\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages" Path including the quotes as shown above. This should normally help LNM to detect the installation. Alex
  19. Now I'm a bit at a loss. "C:\Users\USER" should exist where USER is your login name. Looks like your home folder is lost or messed up. Alex
  20. I suppose there is still a file "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt" left. Otherwise LNM would not detect MSFS at all. What is the last line in this file? I suppose this is pointing to the old F:\ path. You can change the path in the UserCfg.opt last line to point to "F:\WpSystem\S-1-5-21-1097094156-340995561-2572555467-1001\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages". This is more a workaround but should fix it. This will probably help other add-ons too. Alex Edit: No need to reinstall LNM.
  21. Try "Reset Paths" in the load scenery library dialog if the simulator was reinstalled to a different place. The Community folder is optional but "Official/One Store" has to exist. Otherwise the installation is broken. The S-1-5-21-... is a synonym for your login name as far as I understand. Looks like a strange installation place. Here in the FAQ is some information how LNM find the installation folder: https://albar965.github.io/littlenavmap-faq.html#msfs-scenery-library Alex
  22. Hi Roy, LNM should also show the airport if you can load and see it in the simulator. You just have to reload the scenery library in LNM after adding it to the sim. An exception are airports which add 3D objects like hangers but do not contain airport structures. LNM cannot detect these. Alex
  23. Maybe you did you load the scenery library (see in user manual - start: https://www.littlenavmap.org/manuals/littlenavmap/release/latest/en/START.html#load-scenery-library)? Also consider this if you do not have Navigraph installed: https://www.littlenavmap.org/manuals/littlenavmap/release/2.8/en/SCENERY.html#load-scenery-library-dialog-msfs-apt-navdata You probably want to switch to "Do not use Navigraph Database" in the scenery library menu. Alex
  24. KOKC and KTUL has plenty of SID here in Navigraph navdata as well as in MSFS navdata. What simulator do you use and what are the settings in LNM menu "Scenery Library" -> "Navigraph"? What AIRAC cycle is installed in LNM? Alex
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