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Everything posted by albar965

  1. Does you flight plan contain user defined waypoints (in LNM ) which are moved North? Then this is a known issue with MSFS present for a long time already. I checked quite a few flight plans and the export file and coordinates are correct. No idea why MSFS chokes on these. Alex
  2. First: Nobody's stupid here (me being only forgetful)๐Ÿ™ƒ. The modeling of the effect is new in X-Plane 12 and MSFS. I added this to the FAQ: https://albar965.github.io/littlenavmap-faq.html#altitude-correction and updated the user manual with a link as well (user manual not published yet). I'll see how this can be considered in future LNM versions. Thanks to all, especially Bob Scott! Alex
  3. I see. I was not aware that MSFS now also considers this now. I have to check this in X-Plane as well tomorrow. I suppose this is already covered when reading the actual altitude and indicated altitude datarefs. The latter one should always be equal to the altimeter in the cockpit no matter what sim. Actual altitude should be of course independent of all effects. Alex Edit: Yep. Now I see the ISA deviation of -14ยฐC.
  4. The Navigraph database is almost the same as the X-Plane database regarding procedures. Scenery settings do not make much difference. Just checked the cycle 2301 and there is a CIFP file for HSSS and HSSK and they are for different airports. LNM still finds the correct procedures doing some magic for the airport by searching for ident, ICAO, nearest and whatnot. LNM tries all kind of fuzzy searching by different idents to find the related procedures in such a mess. I cannot blame X-Plane for it. It's real world as it is. So XP 11 (12 does not run on my development notebook) can neither load HSSS I 1100 Version CYCLE 2301 ADEP HSSS DEPRWY RW36 SID RADK1B ADES HSOB NUMENR 3 1 HSSS ADEP 1265.000000 15.590356 32.553154 11 IMSUT DRCT 17000.000000 14.346666 31.375000 1 HSOB ADES 1924.000000 13.152900 30.232700 nor HSSK I 1100 Version CYCLE 2301 ADEP HSSK DEPRWY RW36 SID RADK1B ADES HSOB NUMENR 3 1 HSSK ADEP 1265.000000 15.590356 32.553154 11 IMSUT DRCT 17000.000000 14.346666 31.375000 1 HSOB ADES 1924.000000 13.152900 30.232700 with procedures. But no problems without procedures. I think we just have to live with these corner cases. BTW: Best way to learn about new stuff in LNM: Screenshots: https://albar965.github.io/pages/28/littlenavmapscreens.html Alex
  5. Thanks a lot for the information, Alwyn! I have to check this in the sim and review the code. Will get back later.
  6. Hi Piotr, the more important question is if XP can load the FMS files. LNM chooses a reasonable display ident (map display, flight plan, etc.) from the available ones but this might not show in the exported files since I use other rules to select an ident for export. I needed a lot of experiments to find out what XP wants there (it is quite a mess). XP can load its internal ident (one of the "XP..." or other) or one of the FAA, IATA or ICAO idents in flight plans. So LNM decides to use the HSSK as a display ident since ICAO is official but HSSS is used in the export since XP can load this for sure. Just tried this here. Does work. Using procedures changes the rule again. It might be a bit confusing since LNM proposes a file name with a different ident than the one shown in the plan. Maybe I can change this. The rare known cases where XP could not load a flight plan I could not even build the plans manually in the GPS. Always using ICAO is not an option since it is missing in some cases where only local, IATA or FAA are available. Sorry to hear about your son. I wish him a speedy recovery. Alex
  7. Hi Alwyn, I cannot see the image (see https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/605519-how-to-post-a-screenshot-or-files/ ) but: Elevation profile uses indicated altitude. Otherwise you might miss altitude constrains depending on transition level and baro settings. Both indicated, actual and more altitudes come directly from MSFS and are shown by LNM unchanged. Nothing calculated there. The indicated and actual should match if the baro setting is correct. Where did you get the baro setting from? LNM progress tab, LNM airport weather report, ATIS or other? Maybe they do not match the sim values. Will check. Alex
  8. No problem. Will change for the next LNM 2.8.9 if the sim can digest it. Maybe I was too scared about MSFS flight plan loading issues.๐Ÿ™ƒ Alex
  9. Just tested: The active pause bug was fixed in the SU12 beta. No more connection drops. ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Alex
  10. Sorry, no magnifying glass. Maybe it helps if you increase text size for all map labels in options on page "Map Display". You can also change the text sizes on the other map display option pages if it helps. Resolving text clutter (text placement) is not easy but I still keep this in mind. Alex
  11. This is a limitation in the XP Garmins. The exported coordinates are correct but the unit create these strange loops from it. You can ignore them, delete the RW points in the Garmin unit or remove them in LNM before export and then undo the deletion after export. Alex
  12. This correct so far. This function forces add-on visibility above all zoom levels and other filters. Alex
  13. Status bar is the bottom line at the main window: https://www.littlenavmap.org/manuals/littlenavmap/release/2.8/en/STATUSBAR.html The progress tab is a part of the window "Simulator aircraft". It shows up if you click on the user aircraft. Alex
  14. All CYUL SIDs have a last leg "Heading to manual termination". This might explain the discontinuities. Alex
  15. No idea what can cause this. Did you ask in the transmitter Discord?
  16. Replacing the headers is not sufficient. You have to rearrange full data columns to the right order. Best to remove the header since LNM might not detect it and throw an error. You can also import without header but the data column order is important for CSV. The format is described here: https://www.littlenavmap.org/manuals/littlenavmap/release/2.8/en/LOGBOOK.html#csv-data-format Alex
  17. Hi Nigel, manual or vector legs appear in some procedures. The autopilot normally switches to HDG mode, FMS stops waypoint sequencing and waits for the pilot to enter a direct to one of the next waypoints. You completely rely on ATC vectoring during these legs. Do you have an example for such a plan? LNMPLN or PLN file would be fine (see here about files: https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/605519-how-to-post-a-screenshot-or-files/) Alex
  18. Sure there is for RXP and TDS. Menu "File" -> "Multiexport Flight Plan Options" (https://www.littlenavmap.org/manuals/littlenavmap/release/2.8/en/ROUTEEXPORTALL.html) Alex
  19. sometimes you get really old versions when looking through the search engines. I already removed old betas and old manuals but still there are links remaining. I also often have this experience when looking for whatever problem and find ten years old, totally outdated and irrelevant answers. Some search engines allow to set a time limiting the answers. But LNM normally shows a dialog about updates are available when starting an old version. Anyway, the latest release is always announced in the forum here or right here: https://albar965.github.io/index.html No need to remove the ABarthel folder on update. New LNM can work with old setting files. Alex
  20. 2.6.7? Why? This is obsolete and even not the latest of the 2.6 branch. 2.6.19 is the latest for the 2.6 branch. Alex
  21. Hi Scott, no sorry. This is out of scope for LNM. There are other tools which can do this or you can do this on the simulator maps. Alex
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