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Everything posted by albar965

  1. LNM does not detect MSFS on a Mac or Linux. There is no need to load the database across the network. Load the database using LNM on the Windows PC and then copy one or two files to the Mac. This is from Windows C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\ABarthel\little_navmap_db\little_navmap_msfs.sqlite to macOS /Users/YOURUSERNAME/.config/ABarthel/little_navmap_db/little_navmap_msfs.sqlite Maybe copy the Navigraph database too if its updated. The copied database is ready to use. No need to load anything after copying. And close LNM before copying. Details are here: https://www.littlenavmap.org/manuals/littlenavmap/release/2.8/en/NETWORK.html Alex
  2. Thanks for reporting. I have to check what's going on there. I see only a class D here. Might be a bug in LNM or the data compiler. Alex
  3. There are different ways to silence this. Move the information window to another place. Dock windows are explained here: https://www.littlenavmap.org/manuals/littlenavmap/release/2.8/en/DOCKWINDOWS.html Then save the layout as pgde explained above. You can also disable windows raised to front in options "User Interface": Uncheck "Raise related windows ...". Also on options page "Map": Uncheck "Map information clicks" to disable information window showing up when clicking certain features in the map. Alex
  4. Settings are stored in another folder (if you did not use the portable scripts to start LNM). So it is safe to delete the old folder and simply extract the new copy at the same place. Do not merge old and new folders. An exception are additional map themes. You have to move/reinstall these. More about installation and updating here: https://www.littlenavmap.org/manuals/littlenavmap/release/2.8/en/INSTALLATION.html Alex
  5. Unfortunately the taxiway network in most simulators in a sorry state especially in X-Plane. Means that lines are not connected to each other, have no or wrong taxiway names and more funny things. Alex
  6. Thank you for the files. I just checked and LNM reads 600 meters (1.969 ft) elevation for the airport from the BGL. This is the same code reading the elevation of thousands of other airports without issues. No idea what is going on there. Maybe some new obscure MSFS data flag? What elevation does the simulator show in its map? What is the content of the data source section? Are there any other BGLs overriding the elevation? Alex
  7. Hi Dane, can you send me the airport package or the BGL file containing the airport (https://albar965.github.io/contact.html)? I did no changes to the BGL airport code for a long time. Alex
  8. Hi Dane, did you reload the scenery library after adding the airport? I suppose the baro is set to the right value. What is shown in the section "data sources" for tab airport and tab overview? Maybe there is another add-on on top of it. Alex
  9. What kind of network drive/share is this? SMB or NFS? Is it accessible? Can you do a less metar-*.txt as a normal user for example? Maybe LNM cannot watch the file and does not detect changes for some reason but it should work at least initially. Strange. I just tried it across a SMB connection and LNM reloads the weather file touching the remote file on the server. If all else fails you can send me your log file: https://albar965.github.io/contact.html Maybe I can find something in there. Alex
  10. What sim do you use? See here for details about weather files sharing: https://www.littlenavmap.org/manuals/littlenavmap/release/2.8/en/NETWORK.html#weather As far as I understand you already shared the folder and changed the weather folders in options, right? Did you enable "Simulator" for tooltips and information in options on page "Weather"? And then you can also set a weather source separately from the settings above for the map icons in menu "Weather". Alex
  11. I doubt it is a user issue. LNM cannot show traffic if PSXT does not inject the traffic properly. LNM simply shows AI that is available through the SimConnect interface. Might be a PSXT or a sim (MSFS?) problem. Alex
  12. Sorry, but unlikely to happen. I try to stay away from support for special third-party stuff since it can make LNM unmaintainable. Alex
  13. Map zoom levels changed a lot in the 2.8 release. I'll check if airport details can appear earlier. This make sense especially for large airports. For now you can use menu "Map" -> "More Detail", Ctrl+Mousewheel or Ctrl +, Ctrl 0 and Ctrl -. Alex
  14. You can change the font to a larger one for the whole application in LNM options on page "Display and Text". You can also increase the toolbar icon size and the size of the information windows separately. The font for the map display can be changed on options page "Map Display". Alex
  15. Hi Ed, quite a setup you have there. 👍 About the roaming folder: I tried this here and had to use something like "Extended Sharing" (not sure about exact words since I have a German Windows here) in the Windows properties dialog. The normal network sharing did not work. The P3D weather warning is probably due to the simulator date and time. I compare this to real time. I'll probably have to remove the warning or compare it to simulator time. Alex
  16. Answered. You can use "http://localhost:8965/api/airport/info?ident=eddm " to get airport information in JSON, for example Alex
  17. I forwarded your question: https://github.com/albar965/littlenavmap/discussions/988 Alex
  18. Hi Ed, about the exception: Disable "Load window layout from last used file" in LNM options on page "Startup and Updates". The files does not exist apparently. Maybe you copied the "little_navmap.ini" from the flying computer where the file exists. The indication "no simulator" is expected since there is no P3D installed on the remote. Not an error. This is ok and there is no need to load the scenery library after copying the file. Same for the linked files indicating "file not found". The BGL file paths are stored in the LNM database but the BGL files do not exist on the remote. This is just a hint and not an error. About weather: This is a bit tricky. You have to share the ActiveSky weather folder on the flying computer across the network and then adjust the path to the files in LNM options on page "Weather Files" in section "Active Sky Weather File" to point to the network share (e.g. "\\flyingcomputer\Hifi"). Not sure why LNM shows old weather for P3D. Maybe the red warning is wrong. Have to check. Alex
  19. LNM can only show what's in the scenery library. And then there is the DRM issue with encrypted add-on airports in MSFS where you will see only the layout of the stock airport. You can disable the display of aprons and parking in the LNM options on page "Map Display Labels" on branch "Airport Details". This will show the OpenStreetMap (or other map theme) background with maybe more accurate gate numbers. But these might not match the sim. Alex
  20. The only way to access XP custom weather is the current environment. The weather interface of X-Plane is a bit limited. Maybe I can add cloud bases to the environment but no promises. Alex
  21. Where? I changed the *.pro file to use the SSL only if found (not committed yet): exists(/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.1.1) : deploy.commands += cp -vfaL /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.1.1 $$DEPLOY_DIR_LIB && exists(/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so.1.1) : deploy.commands += cp -vfaL /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so.1.1 $$DEPLOY_DIR_LIB && Alex
  22. You can leave the weather folder empty and LNM will use a folder relative to the base path in the scenery library. No need to adapt. About manual weather: For XP 11 you could download a METAR file manually and then point LNM and X-Plane to it. Not sure if this is doable in 12. Did not try this yet. What always works (in 11 and 12) is the display of the environment conditions around the aircraft in the progress tab. This also catches manual weather settings but not for airports and no cloud ceilings. Alex
  23. There are several ways to change text size. You can change the font size for the whole application on options page "Display and Text". Then you can change the text size for information displays on the same options page. You probably want to increase "Text size for information dock window". This affects all airport navaid and other tabs in this window. You can also click into the information text tab and use Ctrl+Mousewheel to change the text size temporarily. This is not saved. Alex
  24. The MSFS PLN format is quite limited an cannot save or load any remarks at all. This is why I created my own flight plan format to avoid such issues. Your steps to save a right. You can reload the remarks from the LNMPLN and see them in LNM but not in MSFS. BTW: If you set up the multiexport you can do 1 and 3 with one click. Select LNMPLN and MSFS PLN in the multiexport dialog, adjust the paths and then you can save all the stuff with one click. See https://www.littlenavmap.org/manuals/littlenavmap/release/2.8/en/ROUTEEXPORTALL.html Go to menu file and click "Multiexport Flight Plan" or on the toolbar folder to save both files at once once setup. Alex
  25. Perfect. This happens quite often. I have to check if LNM can provide better error message if the sim was moved. Alex
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