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Everything posted by albar965

  1. White runways are Navigraph only mode. For some reason LNM enabled "Use Navigraph for all Features" in the scenery library menu. Should normally not happen. Change it back to "Use Navigraph for Navaids and Procedures" or according to https://www.littlenavmap.org/manuals/littlenavmap/release/2.8/en/SCENERY.html#load-scenery-library-dialog-msfs-apt-navdata if you use MSFS. Alex
  2. Hi Steven, quite a few layers forming this airport. Each one consists of a BGL file which replaces or removes features from the stock airport. An over complicated mess FSX, P3D and MSFS use there. Generic and Base is the MSFS stock airport data. On top of the add-on airport comes Navigraph which replaces procedures but these are not used by LNM (consider this when using Navigraph data: https://www.littlenavmap.org/manuals/littlenavmap/release/2.8/en/SCENERY.html#load-scenery-library-dialog-msfs-apt-navdata). Not sure what GSX is doing there. Maybe this file modifies the parking spots. I'd try to exclude the GSX folder Z:\GSX\Addon Manager\MSFS\fsdreamteam-gsx-world-of-jetways from loading in LNM. You can send me the GSX BGL files if this does not help. Whats shown in your screenshot https://prnt.sc/OCs_RuejDDsP is the stock layout, BTW. Alex
  3. Have a look at flightsim.to. I think there are already POI databases which can be imported into LNM. Sorry, I don't have a direct link. Alex
  4. One reason might be an encrypted airport (https://albar965.github.io/littlenavmap-faq.html#no-airport-msfs) but I suppose not in this case. KHOU looks different from your screenshot here. Keep in mind that AFCAD reads only one airport BGL while LNM reads a whole stack of files including stock which is then (partially) overridden by add-ons. Also ignore the gate numbers in the background map (OpenStreetMap in the shot below). I don't know if these are up to date and the LNM display has to match the sim and not the OSM. Did you reload the LNM scenery library after installing the airport? Anything excluded in options on page "Scenery Library Database"? What does the section "Data Sources" on the tab "Airport" -> "Overview" in the information window say (see red mark below)? Alex
  5. Right. Stupid me.🤕 The Ctrl+C (copy to clipboard) in the userpoint table gives the lat/long decimal format as well as the configured format. This is CSV imported into LibreOffice Calc: Alex
  6. Userpoint CSV export always uses decimal degrees Longitude/Latitude. This cannot be changed in options. You can import the exported CSV into LibreOffice Calc or MS Excel and modify the coordinates or table layout. Alex
  7. How do you get the coordinates from LNM? Flightplan copied as CSV from the table or userpoint export? Alex
  8. All files and settings are stored in another folder than the installation folder. Userpoints are saved and also kept when updating (if you do not use the portable script). You can export them as CSV as a backup or simply create a copy of the file C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\ABarthel\little_navmap_db\little_navmap_userdata.sqlite . Alex
  9. P3D had an option to keep sound but I guess for FSX you need an add-on. Alex
  10. I see. I tried around with some parameters in the DGML file. The Google maps have a similar problem and appear a bit fuzzy. For now I have no idea how to fix this, sorry. Alex
  11. This is not a default map that comes with LNM. Is this a Skyvector background? Alex
  12. I'll consider this for next major version 3.0 but this is not soon. Alex
  13. You can select a large font for the map instead of scaling the labels for the features like waypoints or airports. This will include the wind text but not the pointer. I'll make the pointer size dependent on the font size for the next LNM 2.8.10. This thing should scale with the font. Hope this helps. Alex
  14. You can use almost all functions like search in LNM without being connected to a simulator. LNM is independent once its created its scenery library database. If you have LNM on a remote/other/networked laptop you can copy the scenery library database files from the flying computer to the remote: https://www.littlenavmap.org/manuals/littlenavmap/release/2.8/en/NETWORK.html No need to load anything after copying. The copied database is ready-to-use. Alex
  15. Conflict with other SimConnect applications but this is a MSFS bug since more than one app using SimConnect is allowed. The best way to find the offending application (it could be LNM, you never know) is to remove all the add-ons and then put them back one by one until the crashes reappear. Alex
  16. Keep this in mind: https://www.littlenavmap.org/manuals/littlenavmap/release/2.8/en/SCENERY.html#load-scenery-library-dialog-msfs-apt-navdata The setting the the LNM scenery library depends if you have the Navigraph update for MSFS installed or not. If not, and you have not updated LNM with the Navigraph FMS Data Manager, you will be using old navaids and procedures, which can cause problems when loading flight plans. Alex
  17. The MORA grid, airport MSA, en-route holdings and some other features are not available in the MSFS simulator database. Only in the Navigraph database. This means you cannot use these in the mode "Do not use Navigraph Database" since navdata is not allowed to be mixed. Sorry, I cannot change this.🤷‍♂️ Alex
  18. The "too many errors" are the result of MSFS dying for whatever reason and LNM cannot find a connection. Edit: This means that LNM is not necessarily the reason for the crash. Sorry, but I have no idea what causes the MSFS crashes. Maybe it is other addon conflicting on the SimConnect interface (which is normally no issue). Does it also crash with LNM not connected or with LNM not started at all? Alex
  19. Sorry, what means not selectable and what icon for elevation data? Maybe menu "View" -> "Show Minimum off-route Altitude grid" ()? You have to select the *folder* containing the GLOBE data in options. LNM shows if the path is correct. Once done the data is shown in the elevation profile. MORA is only available with activated Navigraph database and not in mode "Do not use Navigraph database" since navdata cannot be mixed. Alex
  20. There is no option for legtime on the map yet. It's only shown in the flight plan table and aircraft progress information. Alex
  21. Have to check. Seems not to work on all browsers here. I already added ASXP12 support for the next release 2.8.10. Path used is now "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Hifi\AS_XPL12/Weather/current_wx_snapshot.txt" and activeflightplanwx.txt. Alex
  22. Thank you for the files! 👍 This helps a lot. I got the files and removed the download link from your post because I'm not sure if HifiSim likes the public distribution. You have to click the email link on my page to open a composing email window. This is sort of a spam protection. Alex
  23. Thanks for getting back about this. Normally resetting paths should help. There is probably still some critter in the code.🕷️ Alex
  24. Ok. I should better read posts more thoroughly. 🙃 Eyes are moving faster than the brain sometimes. The screenshot is accessible. Thanks. Now I'm a bit confused. LNM should load something if this hint shows up. Very strange. Try "Reset Paths" in the load scenery library dialog and reload. This null-loading can happen if the simulator was moved or reinstalled into another place. Also check if there are remains of an older MSFS installation. I explained all the paths and how LNM detects the simulator here: https://albar965.github.io/littlenavmap-faq.html#msfs-scenery-library If all else fails try a loading attempt and send me the log-file:https://albar965.github.io/contact.html Alex
  25. LNM does not use ActiveSky modules but rather reads their weather files. Is there anything about this in the user manual. I cannot see a download for it. Can you send me the manual or the relevant parts of it? https://albar965.github.io/contact.html Maybe I can add this to the next LNM 2.8.10. BTW: I split your post into a new topic from this generic old thread. Alex
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