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Capt. Windh

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Everything posted by Capt. Windh

  1. Hi, I'm a 2D-panel type of guy. However, when in the "main" 2D panel view, the landing lights (taxi, reflected strobe etc) is not visible as it is from the VC. Is there a way to work around this and get the light right? 2D-panel VC Kind regards Johan
  2. Hi there. I accidently posted the same thread numerous times yesterday. This was because I got to a page saying "error, server problem" or alike, and each time I pressed return and then post again, my threads were actually posted. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  3. Hi Matt. Been testing and this occurs, even with all my external controllers disabled, both in FSX and in FSUIPC. I realize that roughly 34% N1 is normal for flight idle. And this is what it "creeps" up to (not 42%, which I stated earlier). However, this way, it is impossible to engage reverse thrust until the acft has slowed down enough for the engines to allow a slower idle percentage, making the reverse possible. (I've made a single lever on my CH-quad my reverse-lever through FSUIPC, and, as I stated in the original post, on the ground, at low speeds, this works just fine. But not just after touchdown... I'm beginning to wonder if I miss something in my final approach configure?
  4. Hi, I currently made "the Step" from FS9, to FSX. (yes it took a while). I'm currently setting things up and getting ready to fly. My main aircraft will be the NGX, with CH Yoke and Throttle Quad, FSUIPC. After hours of tweaking, and not getting the reverse thrust to work with the "below detent" position of the throttles, I decided to assign reverse thrust to a separate lever. That works too, -when on the ground. Obviously, the throttle must be idle in order to apply reverse thrust, however, for some reason the throttle of the NGX "creeps" up to about 42% N1, whenever I try to put it in idle before, during, and just after landing. It takes a good deal of braking before the throttles reacts normally, and REALLY goes idle, enabling reverse thrust to be applied. And by the time that occurs, the whole point of reverse thrust is gone, as would the aircraft be on a wet and short runway. In FSUIPC, I have disabled the reverser option in my throttles page, and calibrated them to be "idle" a bit above the physical stop of the lever, just to be sure. But still I get this creeping throttle when airborn and landing. Any help is much appreciated! Regards Johan
  5. Hi, I currently made "the Step" from FS9, to FSX. (yes it took a while). I'm currently setting things up and getting ready to fly. My main aircraft will be the NGX, with CH Yoke and Throttle Quad, FSUIPC. After hours of tweaking, and not getting the reverse thrust to work with the "below detent" position of the throttles, I decided to assign reverse thrust to a separate lever. That works too, -when on the ground. Obviously, the throttle must be idle in order to apply reverse thrust, however, for some reason the throttle of the NGX "creeps" up to about 42% N1, whenever I try to put it in idle before, during, and just after landing. It takes a good deal of braking before the throttles reacts normally, and REALLY goes idle, enabling reverse thrust to be applied. And by the time that occurs, the whole point of reverse thrust is gone, as would the aircraft be on a wet and short runway. In FSUIPC, I have disabled the reverser option in my throttles page, and calibrated them to be "idle" a bit above the physical stop of the lever, just to be sure. But still I get this creeping throttle when airborn and landing. Any help is much appreciated! Regards Johan
  6. Hi, I currently made "the Step" from FS9, to FSX. (yes it took a while). I'm currently setting things up and getting ready to fly. My main aircraft will be the NGX, with CH Yoke and Throttle Quad, FSUIPC. After hours of tweaking, and not getting the reverse thrust to work with the "below detent" position of the throttles, I decided to assign reverse thrust to a separate lever. That works too, -when on the ground. Obviously, the throttle must be idle in order to apply reverse thrust, however, for some reason the throttle of the NGX "creeps" up to about 42% N1, whenever I try to put it in idle before, during, and just after landing. It takes a good deal of braking before the throttles reacts normally, and REALLY goes idle, enabling reverse thrust to be applied. And by the time that occurs, the whole point of reverse thrust is gone, as would the aircraft be on a wet and short runway. In FSUIPC, I have disabled the reverser option in my throttles page, and calibrated them to be "idle" a bit above the physical stop of the lever, just to be sure. But still I get this creeping throttle when airborn and landing. Any help is much appreciated! Regards Johan
  7. Hi all, I am in the midst of making "The Big Change" going from FS9 to FSX. Yes it's been a few years, but I recently bought a new system good enough to give me a nice experience in FSX. However, during the installation of FSX (Gold) the other day, I was a bit excited and missed to create a custom directory for FSX. Now, I do have an SSD set aside for FSX alone. This is the disk I installed it on, but under a "Program Files (x86)" directory. From what I've heard, this could produce problems, even though it actually sits on a completely different physical disk from Windows 8. I tried to uninstall FSX but ran into trouble.. Acceleration uninstalled just fine, but when inserting the FSX Disc1 and running setup, there was no option to Uninstall. Neither does FSX show up in the Control Panel-->Applications. So my two questions are: 1. Do I need to re-install FSX, due to the directory it was installed in? 2. If so, how do I properly uninstall FSX? Any help is appreciated. Kind Regards /J PS I don't want any replies saying "Install Windows 7 instead, Windows 8 sucks".
  8. Hi, My youtube channel has now built up enough views in order for me to make a few cents on it. I only wonder what the deal is on using clips from FS9/X in commercial videos.. I can´t seem to find any MS license agreement on this.. Does anyone here know if it´s OK to just go ahead? Kind regards, Johan
  9. I believe that the addon I depicted does not have it´s own trees, no.
  10. Thanks for your insight, Mel. I´ll have a look into it. I currently use some good FPS-friendly trees I found here at Avsim.
  11. Hi, at some addon airports I get this strange Alpha-effect with 2D-trees. I have tried other tree-.bmps but it doesn´t seem to fix it. Just wondering if anyone else is having this? Here´s an example from KTPA (Reebooted) by FlyTampa: You can actually see some of the parked cars in parking house, through the building (the left palm tree), when the trees are in between.. Strange one.. Kind regards and a Happy New Year, Windh
  12. THAT FIXED IT!!!! Now my custom view is reached by pressing NUM5+NUM8 (or as I assigned the FORWARD_UP view on my CH-yoke.. when ever I depress the button I get my custom view) WITH all lights visible!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH, You are a Steely-Eyed Missile Man! Have a great Holiday! (And go try the iFly, it flies extremely well with the latest FP-update) Once again, THANX!
  13. Sorry this is beyond my skills. Could you please specify? I think it would be best if you could be kind and just paste all relevant changes from the. Cfg. Thanks
  14. Hi, thanx for the tip, however it didn´t seem to fix it. (I tried by just changing VIEW_DOWN_WINDOWS=39 to "FORWARD_UP", tested, and also the "Fixed Window39" to FORWARD UP. In both cases it just made my custom panel disappear and still no light visible, with the panel not present.
  15. Hi, I made myself a little extra landing panel for the iFly B737NG. This was something I missed and had great use of in the PMDG for better performance when landing in CPU heavy airports.. I took a screendump from the VC, painted the outside black and added the following to the panel.cfg: ....window18=CAPT LOWER DU POPUP window19=FO UPPER DU POPUP window20=FO LOWER DU POPUP Window21=Mini Panel Fixed Window39=DOWN [VIEWS] VIEW_FORWARD_WINDOWS=MAIN_PANEL VIEW_FORWARD_DIR=3.0, 0.0, 0.0 VIEW_DOWN_WINDOWS=39 VIEW_DOWN_ZOOM=1.00 VIEW_DOWN_EYE=0.000, 0.000, 0.000 VIEW_DOWN_DIR=7.0, 0.0, 0.0.... ...gauge00=iFly737-HUD-Wide!HUD_background, 0, 0,1680,1225 gauge01=iFly737-800!HUD, 200, 0,100,133 [Fixed Window39] file=LandingPanel.bmp position=7 visible=0 ident=39 render_3d_window=1 window_size= 1.000, 1.000 window_pos= 0.000, 0.000... This resulted in my 2D landing panel being present whenever pressing the "5" NUMPAD (looking "DOWN" in the 2D panel). I then assigned this to a pushbutton on my yoke. Pretty neat. Looks like this: I later made the same tweak after installing the FP (Feature Pack update). The only problem is that I´ve never had any taxi or landing lights visible in this view. (I have them visible in VC). When checking out the HUD-panel view (which is a 2D view), I realised that from THIS view, the lights are visible! So my question is.. What can I do in order to make the lights visible from my tweaked 2D panel? Any help appreciated, Kind Regards, Johan PS Oh and yes, I´ve tried to take this in the iFly´s own support forum, but I´ve had no answers..
  16. The cure was running an update of FS Navaids... Voila.. ILS and VOR back at ESGG.. Thanx for your input guys.
  17. I found another solution by deleting/renaming the file "KualaLum.bgl" found in fs9\Scenery\Asia.
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