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Everything posted by davenicoll

  1. I see the author is no longer accepting meessages...is there any way of getting hold of his mods? Dave
  2. davenicoll


    I have just reinstalled simstarterNG after a full reinstall of Prepar3d v 4.5 Now every time I open simstarter i get this message :- Operator '(less than symbol) is not defined for type 'DBNULL' and string "9" I can only quit the program.. Any ideas please? Dave
  3. Hi, VOX ATC is causing me a few headaches at the moment (probably user error) I have some A2A aircraft installed but VOX ATC does not recognise them when I run the panel configurator...They are not listed to be able to add the VOX ATC panel... Any ideas please guys? Dave
  4. jabloomf1230 that sorted it... Thank you Dave
  5. Hi, Have installed VOX ATC in Prepar3d v 4.5 on Windows 10. In the sim I enable VOX ATC and get the voices saying "Test" but then get the message.. "Cannot initialise voice recognition. Ensure you have a US English compatible recogniser selected". Initially I didn't have one installed so downloaded the language pack and followed the instructions in the VOX ATC help file and it is now as the default recognized. Am I missing something...any help would be appreciated. Dave
  6. Hi Guys, Is it me or do the marker beacon lights/sounds not come in in v 4.5?? Dave
  7. Yes they all do... Just tried another one...Birmingham International...excactly the same. However, I have noticed one thing...On my first circuit once I am on my crosswind leg the prompt turns to Callsign report downwind. On subsequent circuits it remains at taxi clear of runway until I report downwind then will go to Callsign report final. Once landed it will always then remain on taxi clear of runway and once | have cleared the runway still stays the same with no parking instructions, Very frustrating.. Dave
  8. Sorry guys, Yes, More info... This is at towered airports in a Cessna...EG East Mids and Stanstead.. Taxi clear of runway just sits there.. Dave
  9. Hi Guys, When I have completed a circuit "Taxi Clear of Runway" pops up on the prompt, VOX ATC will allow me to continue with circuits using correct phraseology. However, If I then complete 3 circuits and then exit the runway"Taxi clear of runway" remains in the prompts and I get no instructions to go to parking. Is this correct or do I have to do something to get parking instructions?. Dave
  10. Hi Guys, I have upgraded Prepar3d to v4.4 Client and content only. I read somewhere that updating the content would remove all Beechcraft aircraft from the menu and add others. I have all my Beechcraft still and no new additions...Have I done something wrong? Dave
  11. Thanks Kevin...can you roccomend an add on voice?? Thank you...
  12. All sorted guys thank you.. Reinstalled and it then updated.. Dave
  13. Hi, Is there a way to set up the cockpit movements to respond to taxi etc.. EG up and down when going over an uneven taxi way or slightly drops forward on the nose in the response to braking. Thank you Dave
  14. Good morning, Still no joy....Once SimStarter is opened all I get is the small box asking me to select simulator version (with none shown) and no ability to click anything. Usually updates are very straightforward... Dave
  15. Hi, I have an older version of vox atc and had an add on disc which installed the UK Phraseology? Is this still valid in 7.42 or is there an alternative?? Dave
  16. Thank you.. As of 1 hr ago that was not the case for me...I will try again tomorrow. Dave
  17. Hello, Is an update to Prepar3d v 4.4 on the horizon? Thank you Dave
  18. Does this suggest that a program lime SimStarter where you can choose to load the region you are flying only is a cure for the long pauses? Dave
  19. OMG...Just seen this...looks amazing... Not a great lover of "Glass" cockpits but this looks a must have.. Dave
  20. well, Installed client only (Doing a major upgrade in the new year) and must say I am very impressed on first impressions. SimStarter does not work so I loaded from the Prepar3d GUI and can confirm that load times most definitely seem faster. VSync off,Triple Buffering off and frames unlimited and I was holding a steady 40fps on my mid range system and it seemed smoother. This is with Orbx FTX England coupled with UK2000 Leeds Bradford in the Just Flight Piper Warrior. This point update arrived perfectly for me as I was just beginning to lean towards XPlane 11 but I have a huge investment in Prepar3d with add ons so it has breathed new life for me and to cap it off, venturing into Vatsim as well... I can confirm SimStarter does not work but all UK2000 and ORBX do. Hope this helps Dave
  21. Hi, Anybody know if there are any repaints about for the Seminole...specifically for the UK as U can't seem to find any. Dave
  22. Hi Guys, Does LINDA support the use of GoFlight rotaries?? Dave
  23. H Guys, I have developed an issue with my sound...I think I can trace it back to when I replaced the battery on my motherboard as that reset the bios. When I start up the PC I have full sound for about 10 mins and then without warning it goes very quiet...As if somebody turned it down...I am left scratching my head as I have checked all settings and they are fine... Has anybody any ideas or suggestions as without decent sound it ruins the immersion factor. Thank you Dave
  24. I think even if you can get by with the free version, Pete deserves for us to purchase it to reward him for his dedication to the community. And besides,the more vacations we give him the more updares we get 😁😁😁😁 Dave
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