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Everything posted by davenicoll

  1. Did you get this sorted Manny...? Dave
  2. If I use 30hz I lose my mouse functionality, it disappears and dings every time I press it..I have to switch off PC... Dave
  3. Hello, I posted this issue I have been having 10 days ago and have received no answer. I see that the developer is very quick to answer any issues users are having. I just wonder why not on this occasion. I have set up chase plane and set all my camera views and they have correctly saved. However, My issue surrounds Track IR unpausing. When paused I am in the on board camera but NOT where I saved it. I am outside apparently sitting down behind the left wheel, why I don't know as I certainly did not set this view up. I then use the controls to position myself correctly in the cockpit, When I then un pause Track IR I shoot 30 ft in the air, another view I did not set up. When I start chaseplane and Track IR and I unpause why am I not at my saved camera position. Up to 30 flights and exactly the same issue and becoming very frustration and spoiling my enjoyment. Maybe I am doing something silly, or have not "Ticked" something. Please could I ask the developers to at least give me an answer on this . Dave
  4. Agree...Nortons a resource hog.... I use ESNET...superb.....
  5. Hi, So far I am very pleased with chaseplane... However, I do have a recurring issue.. I start chaseplane via SimstarterNG and it puts me into the virtual cockpit with TrackIR paused.in the correct position. As soon as I unpause TrackIR I am ejected from the pilot seat and catapulted approx. 30 foot in the air and I have to use my controls to get me back...This happens on every single occasion and is getting rather annoying. Am I doing something wrong or is this an issue. Hopefully somebody can shed light on it. Thank you Dave
  6. Was just going to post the exact same problem.. Be interested in how this is fixed. Dave
  7. Thank you for your excellent services over the years... Your products were certainly up there with the best..if not the best. I fully understand and respect your decision to close down but if I may suggest one thing. If you handed over the continued selling of your products to chosen vendors you could donate every penny raised to a charity of your choice. I do not know the contactual issues surrounding that. Dave
  8. Well, Downloaded and installed...tested on vfr circuits... One issue...cleared me to line up and wait at LIPX RWY 04...Good job I hesitated as an Airbus then landed...DOH.. Also had me in the pattern as an A320 easyjet was on final...didn't ask me to extend downwind,would have had me turn final in front of airbus...boom... Other than that all good. Dave
  9. Just as my other version expired.. Are we assuming this beta will go for 60 days and either a release or 7.3?? Dave
  10. Hi, I was just going to post.. Demo now run out so I can't use VOX ATC ...and no end in sight as to a release.... Mmmmm...for the first time in over 10 years I must comment that it is a poor service.. Mikecd76...what are you using now?? Pilot2atc has got my eye but the ui looks enormous. .. Dave
  11. Just checked the link in the 1st post and there is a new file availabe for 2017.. Once replace will the default ATC use the new runway number?? Dave
  12. Hello, Denco...Your second pic...how did you get the UI to be like that as that is exactly what I am looking for.. Dave
  13. Hi, I was wondering how Pilot2atc is with just 1 monitor... Is thete a small interface window?? Dave
  14. Hi, I am also about to give up on Voxatc.. Pilot2atc...how is that on just one monitor?? Dave
  15. Just downloaded and installed the new 375.86 driver for my 980gtx in SLI.... First impressions are excellent...much smoother and on my rig an increase in fps... As always might not be on your system... Dave
  16. All suggestions a excellent choices... If you wait a while you will pick up some great xmas bargains so you could get more than one. Dave
  17. I wonder if someone will come up with a mix.. The Alabeo textures and modelling but with the Flysimware flight dynamics dropped in... Dave
  18. Unfortunately that did not work... Scratching my head on what on earths happened...there all activated but not showing... Dave
  19. Thanks Andy I'll give that a go as FTX Central 3 did ping every Orbx product to the top... Dave
  20. Hi, All of a sudden...Every one of my add on airports have disappeared in FTX California...No matter what vendor...Runways, building , everything...gone and default shows up.. They are all activated and I have changed nothing... The rest of the world is fine...just California Wondering what on earth happened and how do I get them back.. I even reinstalled Latin VFR John Wayne Orange County...Still not showing.. The same if I start with or without Simstarter NG Any Ideas?? Dave
  21. Looking forward to it... Always love your videos.. Dave
  22. Does this work, any good for Prepar3d??
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