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Everything posted by keenrw

  1. Hi I have just got round to installing the 320 pro into FS204 after using it in 2002 for quite a while , i remember there was a new load edit program but i cant find it any more .. the reason is i have the runtime error when loading up the program, does any one know were i can get it grom please ? i had a look on the PSS site but cant find it. Chears
  2. Hi Mate See if turning the virtual cockpit gauges detail down to low helps,...it has helped me but makes the gauges low res , a way around this is to up the pixel detail in the panel cfg , the default a/c will be 512,512 change it to 1024,1024 ...doing this makes the gauges look like the high setting but with better frame rates .. its weired but does work . Rich
  3. Hi yeah i have seen this too when i use really high levels of AA ( 8xS) , try knocking it down a bit or just dont run any AA . I have just started using Vatsim , im a member of the UK section , and i think its great and very realistic. Rich
  4. Hi The only fix i know at the moment is to run the sim in windowed mode then resize it so its full screen , the problem seems to go away then . Im using the 77.50s at the mo and they seem the fastest to me ( Doom3 BM is now 63.5 ..was 61.8), i havnt tryed the 77.72s yet Rich
  5. Hi One thing fixed it for me , if you dont use the VC a lot then just change the VC gauge detail down to low . This will of course make the default VC gauges look very ugly ,but a way round this is to up the pixel size in the panel config from 512,512 to 1024,1024 ..now when running the A/C you dont loose a lot of detail when selecting Low and you get better FPS and less stutters . Most add on A/C are set at 1024,1024 by default and dont need changing . Rich
  6. Hi I beleve this has some thing to do with Antialising , i get a similer thing with it enabled ( via the Nvidia control panel) and some times if i use 8XS AA the A/C image dissapears in the A/C select screen .. its just a black panel were the A/C is , when i turn off AA then its all fine ... just my 2 cents worth. Rich
  7. Hi Yes thats just with no AA and no AF , check the next page with 4xAA and 8xAF enabled , the 6600 GT beets the ATI 9800 PRO in all screen res ,...most people will want to run with some form of AA and AF enabled so i still stand by the fact that the 6600GT is faster in FS then the 9800 PRO. Rich
  8. Hi The GF 6 6600 GT is way faster then the ATI 9800 pro and beats it in about 98% of the beenchmark scores ( if not 100%) i have seen , but in FS things change .. the reason is that the way the two handle Antialisaing in FS .. ATI cards dont AA the clouds were as Nvida cards do so this will slow things down a bit plus there are a few other diffeances too . Flight sim thou is more CPU dependent then GPU so you may not notice a great deal of diffeance in FPS by upgrading the cards but if you upgrade the CPU then it will be like a new sim . I have just brought a GF 6 6600 GT and have not really noticed a great deal of performance increase over my old TI 4400 but i can run the sim at 8 or 16x Aniosoptic filtering now were as i was limited to just 2-4 X on the old card with about the same FPS . Rich
  9. Hi Thanks a lot for the replys , it looks like i will be giving up on this then and try other ways to get better FPS , at the mo if fly any Airliners then i change the AG to low .. who sees the houses /trees at FL250 + any way ... if im flying VFR then i have it at very dence . Chears all Rich
  10. Hi i have been trying to convert a panel to 8 bit for better fps , im using paint shop pro 8 and i click on decrease to 8 bit with the default settings and save it .. now when FS loads i i choose the a/c with the panel it displays ok but the out side view is black .. i use the dropper tool and it says 3,3,3 were as it should say 0,0,0 .. how do i get it to change to 0,0,0 so that i can see the view out side , i have replaced the bmp with a back up copy so i can fly the A/C . Its the Eurowings 2004 ATR 42/72 panel. Chears Rich
  11. Hi Just wondering when the patch will be out for the CD Just flight version ? Chears Rich
  12. Hi Yep, same problem for me , no landing lights in 2D view of the A321. Rich
  13. Hi I have found that AA seems to hit the Airbus A330/340 harder then any other add on i have , i can normally fly my other aircraft with about 4XAA and 8AAF ( some times 8xS AA and 2xAF ) but with the 330/340 i have to turn off AA compleatly , also turning down the VC Gauge detail to low helps too if you use the 2D , with regards to the FMC performance numbers i keep the main two gauges at 1 and the others at about 3-4 . Rich
  14. Hi Do you fly using the 2D or VC ? if its 2D then try turning down the VC gauge detail to low , this has helped with some added frams for me , also in the FMC under performance try upping the numbers .. lower numbers meen more CPU usage .. high for less usage and improved frame rates . I have also found that Anti aliasing hits the A330/340 more so then any other add on i have .. i turn it off when i fly the bus . Rich
  15. Hi For some reason i dont get the pages in the Stiles part of the PMDG menu , its still the old 600/700 stile page . In the 800/900 manual it says it should open into diffeant pages .. I have boxed versions of both the 600-900 . Rich
  16. Hi The boxed 737-800/900 is a stand alone add on and does not requre the 600/700 to install , i brought it today as a matter of fact . I also have the 600/700 but when you install the 80/90 you will get problems with the 2D panel of the 600/700 ...so i uninstalled every thing and just installed the 800/900 and it works with out the 600/700 . The 2D panel problem can be fixed by downloading this patch ..http://www.aerosoft.de/_php_projekte/_php_...pid=191〈=en You will get a new panel when you install the 800/900 , looks great in the day time but its quite dark at night ( if you are used to the old 600/700 lighting ) unless you use the VC and switch the dome lighting on . The 800/900 are longer versions of the 600/700 and you get quite a few add on liverys , with regards to the manuals you get a 737 maual and a FMC manual , the 737 maual is not a full blown manual as such .. its about 40 pages but there are better ones on disc that get installed with the add ons . Rich
  17. Hi Does it happen with the 2D panels ? i have a performance issue when using the VC so i fly the 737-600-900 using the 2D panel till i can upgrade my PC . Rich
  18. thats fixed it thanks , just one other very slight problem ... its with regards to the PMDG Menu when pressing ALT , in the 800/900 manual it says that the styles part is in pages but i still get the old 600/700 stile single page , its not a major thing thou . Rich
  19. Super thanks a lot , i will check it out . Chears Mate Rich
  20. Hi My 600/700 panel is broke since installing the boxed 737-800/900 , it seems as if theres no electical power to it and i cant use it , the only way i can have a working 600/700 and 800/900 is to install the 600/700 into FS 2002 and the 800/900 into FS 9. Any ideas ? Rich
  21. Hi I have the boxed version of the 737-600/700 and have been looking forward to the boxed version of the 800/900 so i brought it today , the 800/900 loads up fine but now i cant load up the 600/700 .. the panel is just dark as if theres no electric and i cant click on the M Z A etc puttons , it looks like its using the panel to the 800/900 . any ideas ? Rich
  22. Hi Mate Nope i dont have that problem im afaid , the GT i have is the BFG OC on an AGP bus so i cant really help you sorry , things that you could try are updating your motherboard chip set drivers , try runnin FS in windowed mode and see if the same thing happens and are you using any form of AA ? if so turn it off for a sec and see if the problem still happens ...i know i had a problem with the panels if i ran FS in full sceeen mode and AA with my old TI 4400 . Rich
  23. Hi Im thinking about the same upgrade but one things stopping me ... the windows activation , would i beable to use my normal win xp disc or would i have to get another one ? i have reformatted the PC three times now ( just to clear out some old junk ) and each time its been with the same set up so if i change the MB im worried i wont beable to activate it . Chears Rich
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