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Everything posted by slip-stream

  1. That's exactly what he was saying. I just stated that in order to project upside down then you need to invert the image via the PJ settings. No reference at all to inverting trackir axes. It does work. I was only 4 feet from the wall/display though.
  2. Playhorizon as they are now known, are developing the whole of Scotland at 60cmpp. They have released the Western Isles but seem to be taking forever to release the other volumes. Eastern Isles is now in the beta stage but it's going to be a long time before the whole of Scotland is complete. I would love to have England and Wales at this Resolution, too, one day.
  3. Yes I have, and had no problems at all. I had the Optoma Full HD, turned upside down, inverted the image via settings, and I had the sensor directly above the upper FOV (taped to the wall) and angled down slightly. I ran the wire along the wall down to the PC. I wore my baseball cap slightly raised on my forehead and all was fine, worked a treat. There was no interference from the light source either. Having the PJ upside down negates the use of keystone correction which decreases the resolution of the image.
  4. The FRS F/A-18E Superbug is in a different class. Amazing is the only word. And you can fly around dropping bombs on the FS world.
  5. Have you asked the devs?http://www.commerciallevel.com/forum/index.php?showforum=89
  6. mouse scroll wheel and space bar? Is this the same as using plus and minus keys?
  7. And also how to render the sun in stereoscopic 3D. I get fed up with seeing 2 of them all the time.
  8. The EULA is not worth the paper it's written on. Oh sorry, it's not written on paper and is only viewable once the product has been opened,(basically, non-disclosure of additional terms and conditions) which then renders the product non-returnable. So, if you don't agree with the EULA, tough, you can't get a refund. That is just one of the reasons many judges refuse to accept the legitimacy of them, and that's why Microsoft very rarely takes any company to court over it, through fear of losing (again). Not to mention that EULA's are not easily understood by most, or understood at all in many cases. And the great thing about living in the UK is that there has to be sufficient evidence that you agree to any legally binding contract, and that means at the very least a signature. I know for a fact Microsoft don't have mine.quote[Also, I don't think the web address mentioned in the original post is quite ready for the public yet, so some of the content may still be placeholder (just so ya know).]Then why on earth is the website live on the world wide web then?
  9. I don't need AA over 2x, and please don't lecture me in screen resolutions, of course I know that 5760 is spread over the 3 monitors, sheez.It may set it to 2x on your rig, but not mine.I don't like Nhancer, it slows my system down, but each to his own. I followed the advice of the owner of Aerosoft (Mathijskok) and deleted Nhancer, and I'm glad I did.
  10. There is one issue with running 3d surround and that is the shear amount of effort required by the gfx cards. It will only allow me 2x AA before the driver informs me 'no can do, sorry'. However, with 3x 24" monitors at a res of 5760 / 1080 who needs AA?If your system can handle it then allow fsx to control AA. It is a million times more effective than via the nvidia 3D seetings.
  11. Be sure to run fsx in dx10 preview mode though. there is a bug in the new driver which dislikes a few dx9 games, fsx being one of the worst affected.
  12. I have 2 480's in sli config, and fsx runs like a dream. 3D surround to boot. You can also have tri sli, one monitor attached to each card.
  13. Thats very interesting, thank's for the info Dave. I'm not sure if ESP is compatible with FS9 so perhaps they are using an unlicensed copy of FS.
  14. I see that on the side of Microsoft. You see, it depends on which court you are tried in. When I purchased FSX I was unable to view the EULA until I had opened the package, thus rendering the item non-returnable to the shop. Two very good point's were made over at windowsecrets.com which I have pasted below. The whole script is here http://www.windowssecrets.com/2010/02/04/0...e-one-in-effect If Microsoft truly considers the Windows EULA enforceable, you'd think the company would've taken at least one of the tens of millions of licensees to court. No doubt Microsoft has many reasons why it has avoided putting its putative contract to the test, but one in particular occurs to me. Imagine the consequences if a U.S. court found
  15. Interesting quote (below) from a forum member over at microsoft ESP development forums. If that's the case then they (Microsoft) are not going to be interested in taking little ole me to the high courts.However... the FSX EULA actually states that FSX can only be used for non-commercial purposes "except where sold with development tools" (or very similar wording), which to my mind is the SDK that comes with FSX Deluxe. About a year prior to ESP's announcement, I actually emailed MS and asked if I could use FSX for a commercial military/industrial project and MS UK contacted MS US and got back to me saying yes, I could. (I kept that email to cover my butt.)
  16. I have just registered with your forum, so I will ask my questions there. Thanks again.
  17. Jim, I understand, thank you. I will look into your product. Would it mean a complete re-install of your product, and would 3rd party add-ons such as scenery, aircraft etc, operate ok?
  18. quote[The idea to bring the technology behind Flight Simulator to the commercial market is not a new one. For over ten years Microsoft customers and partners have asked if they could use Flight Simulator technology for non-entertainment purposes. This would have been a violation of the End User License in Flight Simulator, however, so it was denied.]It seems that only NON entertainment use violates the EULA.
  19. Thanks for all your replies, very interesting link to redbirdflight. rjprest is correct. I'm looking more along the lines of the entertainment industry really, and yes, charging people to have a flight. And I suppose I have to take into account the 30 or so addons that I have fused into FSX.
  20. is it possible to obtain a specific license in order to use fsx for commercial use. If someone built a flight simulator for the paying public, for instance, could they use fsx? Thanks for any info.
  21. Oh and whilst on the F18 subject, does anyone know of any add-on livery's? I dislike the default Navy Blue color.
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