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Everything posted by jwhak

  1. SWS I have and fly. Had the carenado in FSX back in the day. I Like the SWS just read through the legacy manual first before even trying to fly. Pay attention to YD shut it off prior to landing at a few hundred ft and step on the ball 😉
  2. Anyone know what they will be using for a weather source in Flightsim 2024?
  3. Who is gonna make a Shrike Commander? Guess if you want to test the physics of the sim someone make a good shrike commander and figure out what the weather is in one of the videos and the field Mr. Hoover is performing at and see how close you can get 😉 Happy Landings
  4. Bob I would be willing to bet that map enhancement problem you thought you were having was probably the MS servers acting up. Just figured I would hop on the train here and throw that idea your way 😉 Happy Landings
  5. Must have been server side yesterday. Snapping and popping today gotta embrace the madness 🤪
  6. woops sorry for stepping on Ryan's post here. Been driving me nuts though 🤕 I even deleted that host file in the driver\etc folder and still slower than molasses now.
  7. I sure have recently installed the Map enhancement and taking like 10 minutes now to get past update screen. And it even happens when I don't even use the Map Enhancement tool now. I know it's got something to do with the Map Enhancement tool cause it wasn't doing any of this until installing the map tool.
  8. GA so far WOW How does REX Accuseasons work with the new bing maps?
  9. I'm gonna hold myself on 2024 cause MS2020 was a heck of a ride and I still feel like MS2020 is not fully complete yet and being used to it's max potential that I feel some developers could complete.
  10. Anything on the horizon or did all the developers just hit the brakes after Sim Update 15?
  11. Big new update posting in the next 24 hrs. https://forums.hifisimtech.com/threads/been-kind-of-quiet-here-lately.15125/#post-68469
  12. Copy on the latest build on turbulence. Will check it out Thanks guess I'll try low first 😮
  13. Loving ActiveSky. Should I set the turbulence inside the simulator to off now? I was running the turbulence at realistic inside the sim. Thanks
  14. Loved ActiveSky with FS9, FSX and already loving it for MSFS. Realtime Online ActiveSky all the way flight plan loaded with realistic settings wake turbulence turned down and some other small changes, and smoothing rate set to 10. Oh and also update interval 15 minutes. Read on HIFI sim community forum If the transition rate is too noticeable set the smoothing rate to 5. Just gonna get better! Happy Landings P.S. Already Enjoying The Affect The Humidity Changes Sun & Sky
  15. I don't know what iniManager is. I purchased my PC-12 at Simworks Studios Website and under my account settings it will advise you with a red circle ? mark to update.
  16. Just flew into oakland straight into 30 no crosswind though winds fairly light didn't seem to oscillate like it's behind on the rudder input. But hey never flew a PC-12 😉 I worked line service back in the day. Looks on screen are quite deceiving with this plane they are a fairly big plane kinda like a lifted 4x4 😉
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