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Everything posted by Scott434

  1. meaning you have to pay for the color upgrade
  2. right mind, wrong mind; on, off; hot, cold; black, white. hmmmm ... perhaps this might help ...
  3. VERY much appreciated. Excellent, thourough, informative. My set arrives on the 13th/14th. Thanks.
  4. Stephen, top notch as usual. I will upgrade for sure early 2011. I have not been following the vid card topic for a while since I thought the 480 was my "last card". What is the state of the drivers for the 5xx cards? Do you think that there is room for more perf when drivers mature?
  5. Can anyone confirm that these 'Shockwave 3D Lights for FSX" work with the PMDG aircraft or do PMDG use there own exterior lights/beacons? Does this package enhance other FSX non-aircraft lighting effects? Overall opinions?
  6. Thanks Dan. I will pass but do appreciate the offer for help. After years (decades actually) of "hacking" and being a software engineer and beta tester, I only purchase things "fully baked" hehe. In fact, even the NGX will only be purchased after the first SP.Back to the TrackIR5. I have found a ton of personal pleasure flying one of my personal favs - the BeaverX (by Aerosoft I believe) along with the UT Alaska. It is so cool to fly in bad weather by instruments (primative ones like NDBs where possible) in the mountains and glaciers. This summer I went to Juneau, Yakatat, Skagway and Ketchikan etc. I now do mostly all of my flying in and around these locations with FSX on my middle LCD and with skyvector.com (sectionals) on my left LCD and GoogleEarth on my right. Tons of exploring and fun. Now even more so with the TrackIR5.In fact it was your TrackIR info that pushed me to buy it and I want to thank you. A DEFINATE must for VC flying. Thanks for all your input and help!
  7. Noah, absolutely love your FSKneeboard. Works like a charm on my iPad but won't on my iPod (latest gen). Do you think you will port it to iPod/iPhone?
  8. Dan, was thinking about getting EZCA (used ActiveCamera in fs9). How does in interact with TrackIR. I suppose you would need to "Pause" & "Center" TrackIR when moving to different camera locations. Any pointers would be appreciated.
  9. Nice Dan. Timely also since I just added my second-to-last preparation to my FSX rig for the NGX - TrackIR5. Quite a large leap from where we were (2D panels + “hand panning”). With the upcoming NGX quality VC, what about developing a 737NGX TrackIR5 profile. At least it could provide a starting point.
  10. I purchased this book in 1994 while in Wales (beautiful country). I have read it a few times. I am note sure if it can still be purchsed but ...It is an absolutly fascinating story of what went on during the 747 "betting the farm" development. One of my favorite parts is when the chief test pilot did a scheduled fly by for the first potential customer and actually did a full barrel roll to the absolute shock, horror and amazement of the Boeing brass and customer!
  11. I went to Alaska this summer. Landed at PANC and was greeted by this scene. Our Air Canada A319's tail is on the left. Kind of made me miss flying the 400X.Turns out we were waiting for our shuttle to the hotel and all of these 747 cargos took off in plain view not very far from us one right after another. It was quite a site. This was a great way to start a vacation. After landing in Vancouver (A321), the Captain of our flight let my daughter "drive to the gate" (as she will tell you!). IDEA: Let's pass the time waiting for the NGX by posting 1 or 2 pics that YOU have taken (related to aircraft of course) along with a short summary. This might be a more concious way of passing the time. I realize that this might not be the right forum to do so but it can't be worse than the "Dirt..." thread. :(
  12. Just to add a little to the discussion for those not part of the EVGA step-up program (thanks again Stephen for the heads up).I ordered my 480 thru newegg.ca (it was delivered directly from EVGA in CA). I subsequently created an account with EVGA to register my 480 which included submitting a copy of my invoice (jpg). By logging on to the EVGS page and following Stephen's link, I was able to get a bracket on its way.
  13. you are tempting me to start peeling my CONFIGURATION FROZEN stick off LOL. I will be strong and wait for the whql release for now! Thanks for the update!!!
  14. there have been posts that driver cleaners can cause problems. With the nVidia drivers, it is not required to un-install them and it is not required to use any third party cleaner. I have spent the last month upgrading drivers countless times by simpy installing the latest and greatest. In fact, if you uninstall a nvidia driver, it restores your previous version automagically. If you are in an undefined state of corruption, keep uninstalling all video drivers back to the virgin stock windows VGA. I do use and reccomend that you use registry mechanic to clean and compact your reg and then install your desired vid driver. All will be fine!!
  15. sounds are great! Tabs can you comment on my other thread "Engine Cut-off sounds". If it is a known problem I will live with it. If it is something I am doing/have done wrong then I would like to fix it. Cheers!!
  16. Welcome to this forum Mike! You still have a lot of potential left in that stock cpu speed. OC will be your best friend for enjoying FSX with multiple FSX windows open. Read thru this hardware forum paying attention to the posts by SpiritFlyer and other significant contributors. Most of what you want to do has been done before and lots of folks are a great help.
  17. I understand that there is no dedicated "Panel Save" feature as in the 747. But are you saying that the J41 panel state is not saved when using the native FSX save flight? Is this true?
  18. yes. there will be a fps penalty when you open additional views (depending on which view and how big you size the window.). Even with full windowed mode, you can drag the added views to other screens. My set up uses three screens. The center 24" screen as the main one with additional views/windows for CDUs, ATC etc. populated on the left and right 19"LCDs. When on longer flights, I use windowed mode (lower frame rates) and use google earth, email, browsers and skype until I get closer to the destinaton.I believe you will enjoy 2 screens.
  19. Thanks for that Stephen. BTW thanks for all your posts and work. You have helps many of us. Cheers!
  20. I just finished my third PHD in CFD and developed an algorithm which makes all pilots and Newtonian physics obsolete.Therefore, with no pilots needed going forward, there will be no need for flight simulators.This will eliminate the need for AVSIM and thus eliminate the need for medications which are needed to actually get through some the material posted in this thread.
  21. Did you have to request this? I ordered my 480 thru new egg but EVGA delivered it straight from CA.
  22. Thanks for the heads up. I still have the "CONFIGURATION FROZEN" sticker on my box so I will skip this round but it is interesting to hear what folks are saying.
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