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Everything posted by frankla

  1. reinstalled mine and fixed it. But strange that this happened to so many people.
  2. Mine is not launching. Neither does xbox. I even uninstalled xbox and reinstalled it. No joy 😞
  3. If I can do it, anyone can. hahahaha
  4. Happens to me too. Started after the last update. When I end a flight, the sim freezes and doesn't go to the main screen. I have to kill the sim in task manager. I have noticed though this mainly happens when I end a flight at a handcrafted airport. Anyway, I have submitted a Zendesk report and I urge you to do so too. Edit: I even removed all my add-ons and that didn't fix it.
  5. #4 on your list should have ability to view the replay in different view modes than it were recorded.
  6. Same exact issue here. I figured out it was in handcrafted airports that this happened. but have no idea how to fix it.
  7. Restart did not work for me. 😞. I did find out that it only happens when I am on or around handcrafted airports.
  8. When getting out of a flight, the sim freezes and when I restart it all my add-ons stop working and I have to reinstall them every time. Any help is apprecfiated.
  9. pausing and restarting did the trick for me.
  10. I see bunch of folders but no batch file in Onestore. How do you find them?
  11. I have totally different system and have the same issue.
  12. This only mentions the slow download speeds, not stuck decompression of files.
  13. If one is stuck at decompression of file, the servers are not relevant. It should be an issue with the code.
  14. Does that mean I can't play it till then? Do we have to log it somewhere for them to know?
  15. How did you run the sim if the updates didn't take?
  16. My update has been stuck at decompression of one file. 😞
  17. I get the white dot now. moving the mouse removes it for a while.
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