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About sipos

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  1. Hello fellow simmers. I have been working on a flying virtual reality project in my own time and resources. Looking to get the Greenlight on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=646813099 I am looking for beta testers to try it out. Especially people with an Oculus Rift. So if you are interested in trying it out the game, and promise to up vote the green light and help spread the word just leave a comment bellow and I can PM you a link to download beta. We would love to hear what kind of feedback the simulation crowd has. If this project is successful I wish to look into more complex flying game for the Oculus. My next dream would be to build out a fully intractable light sport aircraft with cockpit, where you are able to interact with the Oculus rift hand motion controllers. Thanks, Joey
  2. Microsoft Asp.net (MVC model is the most powerful) and C# using a Microsoft SQL database is another option. One I am familiar with and is extremely powerful platform too. And host your website and databases on Azure which has the best performance for price these days in my opinion.
  3. This actually proven to be a hoax, they all have identical sound tracks in the background. It's actually a sound effect found in some video editing program (like final cut pro or something). They also use this sound effect in the well known movie Red State http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySIHIDlp39Y
  4. That is true! But I've learned every little bit helps. So I thought I would post here just in case there were some interested. And about Microsoft Canning Flight, to me I thought flight might have had a chance after shipping the initial version, but due to the bad leadership decisions that kept happening after it was shipped I slowly gave up hope. It turned into something opposite of what I wanted to see happen. And a corporation like Microsoft need to see substantial returns or at least a chance of future $$$ to stay alive. So you can probably assume flight didn't live up to the MS standards...
  5. I haven't posted on Avsim in a while, mostly because I had to keep my mouth shut at Microsoft haha. But I am working on some new stuff that I thought you could help me with perhaps. Anyways, I wrote a blog post about it. Hopefully you find it interesting. Thanks for your time! ^_^ http://joeysipos.wordpress.com/2012/10/12/taking-a-break-for-flight-simulator-and-i-need-your-help/
  6. sipos

    New forum!

    Yeah, really great job with the new forum! I like it a lot. Any news on when the new website is coming on line?
  7. You could do what Opa has suggested or simply turn on the "Enable Changes in selected mission" Check Mark at the bottom of the mission list and load a different aircraft for the mission.
  8. 3D technology is becoming pretty amazing! I went to Best Buy the other day and saw the new 3D tv's! HOLLY SMOKES! It felt like you could put your arm through the tv and touch the people! It was amazing! Much much better then Nvidea 3D thats for sure.You have to have a special pare of glasses that go with the TV, plus a 3D compatible Blue ray movie which none hardly exist as of yet. Read more about the TV's here: Best Buy 3D TvAnyways, the Best Buy dude say there was going to be a video game coming out sometime over the summer that will be the first to work with this technology. That will be quite a sight to see! True 3D video games in 1080p! Imagine if flight sim worked with this technology! Ohhh man, I would probably get sick really fast thats for sure! A
  9. Can you tell us a little more about the company are you hireing for?
  10. Yea Beattle says ACES is dead- which it is! The new group may not be called ACES anymore but it seems Microsoft is definitely hiring for a new flight related game that going to be built for the windows live platform. And with the quote kevin posted it seems obvious Microsoft still have ambitions for the flight sim market. So yea, I am optimistic!
  11. No, it definitely not canned, he just can't post anymore in fear of leaking vital information on the project. He just posted here on the subject...http://forums1.avsim.net/index.php?showtopic=271391
  12. Hi Dario! Stay posted on this project if you want a well done mission pack! http://freeskyprod.com/ I guarantee is will be the best missions you ever play in FSX Acceleration! We will most likely be nearing completion by the end of this month or perhaps Jan! :(
  13. Cool, this surprises me! It surprises me because I used to work at ACES (for only a couple months) and have not heard about this yet! I believe Rick Selby was the lead for Train Simulator II which I might add looked very cool. It will be very interesting to see what they do. I personally think it won't be flight based. More like different word simulation experiences (which might include flying), but I guess we just have to wait and see. I also believe a couple of the old ACES members are still at Microsoft working on something else as well. We have yet to find out what that is too!
  14. Yea, what happen to topgun? They've been off line for like 3 months! Do they still exist?
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