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Everything posted by sipos

  1. In a couple of cases i had experienced really bad blurries - the sim was definitely not working like it should. This is what happened. I was flying a 747 from KSEA to Everett - I have done this on many occasions in fsx. The sim loaded with nice crisp ground textures and then when traveling the textures slowly and surely got worse and worse and they would not update for the life of god. It got so bad that even the autrogen wouldn't load any longer- even after I had stopped. It seemed something got stuck with the sim - what it was i don't know. When i restart my computer the problem almost always goes away. On almost all other occasions with fsx the sim does a really nice job loading ground textures and autrogen - Im usually very impressed. My thinking is perhaps it is related to some software/ process running on the computer that causes the CPU to not work like it should. I have no add-ons to the sim, my computer is healthy - no viruses according to AOL security center and LavaSoft. I don't know if this is what your experiencing but this is my experince. I have the sim locked at 20 FPS and it usually stays that way the whole time. Settings: No traffic, no Water settings, Clear skys, no bloom, everything else all the way up.My computer:AMD 3800 X2 Dual core3 GB RamGeforce 6100 graphics.
  2. ok, ya, your right. I thought I read somthing about ground textures in this post. And to answer RTH's question the blurry thing started happening after sp1 - perhaps we should disscuss in another thread.
  3. I had the same problem today. Ground textures became extreamly blurry and would not up date. Every time before that I had no blurries at all. There has to be some sort of trigger for this, not sure what?
  4. I bet many are developers are waiting on the DX 10 release so performace won't be a let down to thier users. And it takes along time to develope good scenery so I would expect the addons to start flooding in a year or so.
  5. I think they send you a DVD through the mail. Scenery package is to big to download.
  6. All I have to say is lock your frames between 20-25 fps (this is the only thing that truly helped my experience), anything over that seems to makes the sim choppy. And make sure to give your system some head way by pulling some of the slidders to the left.
  7. If you got a digital camcorder that has a s-video jack you can run a s-video cord from your graphics card to the camcorder and then push record on the camcorder. Once you got the video on the camcorder you can uploaded to the computer. I've never done it this way, but this is how someone else said they did it on another fs forem. You could also just record the screen with the camcorder. Thats what I did one time and it worked pretty good.If you want to get really technical you could run a s-video cord from you graphics card to a VCR and record on a blank tape. Then if you got a card that is able to convert the yellow, red, white jacks from the VCR to the computer you could do that aswell.
  8. Edit: Ok, it's sort of true. My fsx.cfg does not include a TEXTURE_BANDWIDTH_MULT under GRAPHICS section but it is present under DISPLAY. I added TEXTURE_BANDWIDTH_MULT=30 under GRAPHICS aswell and I noticed some improvment. Can others try this and see if you notice improvments?
  9. Thanks for the reply! I will have to double check when I get home but I cleary remember having to add TEXTURE_BANDWIDTH_MULT to my FSX.cfg. Did other have to add it? Again I might be mistaken about this and I will have to double check my memory once I get off work.
  10. Is it normal to not see these two setting in the default fsx.cfg? I can't see them when my FSX creates an new cfg file. I am wondering if some computers print them and other don't? Im kind of interested to see what my default values were as I have added them and I see some improvment in the blurries and stutters. Anyone know a way to see your default texture bandwidth and bufferpools? here are what they look like. Note: ()'s = brackets(GRAPHICS)TEXTURE_BANDWIDTH_MULT=n(BUFFERPOOLS)Poolsize=n
  11. yes, the default fiber frame is .33. We are talking about the TEXTURE_BANDWIDTH_MULT=33 tweak which Phil mentioned in his blog http://blogs.msdn.com/ptaylor/archive/2007...-week-or-2.aspx . I don't think this tweak is in the default setting.
  12. Oh yes, my bad, got it confused with the fiber frame. So yes at 33 NOT .33, WOOPS. Thanks!
  13. Ya - I noticed the same thing. I have TEXTURE_BANDWIDTH_MULT=.33 and I get way less stutters, especially when I lock the frames to 20 (smooth as silk and never drops below 20). Before I had massive stutters without the TEXTURE_BANDWIDTH_MULT=.33. I seem to pay the price by adding this tweak though because I think it adds a little more blurries into the picture. Blurries are not that bad though and this tweak makes the program more stable. Try .33, it seems to be right in the middle - and also turn your frame rate down as it seems to allow the ground textures to load more efficiently. I don't think you will benefit much from the 8800 - at least in the way of stutters and blurries because this seems to be a CPU issue. You might want to go for the quad core but I personaly don't think it will have a dramatic effect on performance as everyone seems to have issues.
  14. Good point - there is no definitions of blurries. But perhaps we could fix this by simply having somthing like example screenies next to the check mark boxes- "do your visuals look this this, this or this?" Man - if i could I would create a survey like this but I have know idea how. Perhaps Microsoft could set one up?
  15. Edited-What we need is for someone to create a webpage that has instructions similar to Phils. Once people complete the instructions then they will record their results by checking a series of check mark boxes. There should be 3 sets/ groups of check marks boxes that people check off - "your current setting/ settings on CFG""Your hardware""the results you experienced"Then it should be easy to compare results on a graph.And isn't there a way to save a flight as a "Flight simulator video" so people can upload it and have the exact same flight?
  16. For me it seems to be somthing related with the cpu and autogen. When looking at the task manager the stutters occure when the secound core bounces all the way to 100% really fast. This secound core seems to be all over the place at times - resulting in the stutters while the first core is always maxed at 100. I have tryed the AffinityMask=1 in the JOBSCHEDULER section and nothing happened -still uses both cores. perhaps I am entering it wrong or somthing. I am also a little conviced I may need a graphics card - I currently only have the onboard graphics, although I didn't have stutters before SP1. AMD 3800 X2Onboard Geforce 61003GB 400mhz ram
  17. I also really want to know if people are having this same stutter problem - it seems not that many people. I have an AMD 3800 X2+, onboard graphics - Geforce 6100 and 3GB ram. Before sp1 I notice a little stutters here and there - not a big problem - but when sp1 came these micro stutters were all over the place. It only happens when I have autogen on so I think it might be the way they changed how autrogen is populated. I have tryed tweeks up the ying yang and non of them seem to help much. My settings are really low - everthing all the way down except the mesh settings (in the middle) and autogen at normal. One area I have done allot of testing in is the Jet TRuck Race mission - it's really stuttery there - never used to be before sp1. So tell me how many people have annoying micro stutters like me? - And please don't offer me any suggestions on tweeking, Graphic settings, graphic drivers, and stuff like disabaling your Anti virus. There have been millions of threads like this already and I have tryed this for weeks now. All i wan't to know is are others experiencing stutters. I want to know if it's the programs fault - or truly my computer fault.
  18. Setting FPS to 20 is the only thing I find helps - anthing above - even 21 has stutters
  19. I wouldn't bother installing it at all - i didn't see much diference with it installed anyways. Gosh these stutters bother the heck out of me. I have tryed every tweek mentioned and nothing helps. What Geforce driver you have installed? I have the 94.24 installed.
  20. Do this, i think this is the problem. I think we both have the AMD dual core optimizer installed: http://www.amd.com/us-en/Processors/Techni...1_13118,00.htmlClick on "AMD dual core optimizer" to download the instilation but this time it will uninstal it. You must unitstall it!!! this is the key. I also unistalled AMD CPUinfo which might have done somthing also.Once you have unistalled it and restarted your computer run the FSX SP1 installer again - you must reinstal SP1 to see a difference - then once it is done delete your FSX CGF file and start up FSX and let it create a new one. Change your settings to your disire and watch - there should no longer be any stutters!!!!! I hope this works - it did for me. EDIT: Darn it - this might help a little but i did some more testing and i still got the stutters- gosh darnit!!! Setting your frame limmit to 20 - this helps a little also even though it's pretty low.
  21. I think it is the AMD 3800x2 to be honest. I have the same processor and i can't get rid of the studders what so ever and i have tryed everything. The only thing that gets rid of them is turning autogen off. The funny thing is My lap top doen't even have studders yet my gaming PC does? whats up with that?
  22. I was getting buries with my (AMD X2 3800, 3GB Ram, Geforce 6100 onboard). I then downloaded new drivers for my Graphics and Processor - turned vertical sink off in the graphics options(reduced stutters). The most important thing i did was Lock the Frame rate at 30- before it was at unlimited frames and was getting 8-150fps with awful buries and jerkiness. I have everything turned down except for autrogen(med), Global texture(highest), and The two mesh settings(hightest) and getting a solid 30fps with no blurries what so ever. Also no tweeks to the FSX.cfg. Hope this helps a little
  23. Thanks for your response Christian!Ok, FSX accesses the BMP files in the world folder... So when you start a flight (with TP on) does it clear out the previous scenery from your last flight, or does it add-on to it? The reason i'm wondering this is I want to keep a large area of scenery with out TP running. Is there anyway to do this? Do i need to keep my files in the cache folder as well? Thanks for your patients. much appreciated.
  24. I have a question Christian,I haven
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