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Everything posted by el_kab0ng

  1. Not to derail the conversation, but there's been a freeware commander out for quite some time for FSX. It's in the avsim library. I used to fly this AC back in FS9 many moons ago and it was pretty good for it's time.
  2. Have any of you guys attempted an A318/319 crossing? I'm also wondering if the Carenado Hawker has the legs to make it in one jump. With a range of 2900NM with crew and 6 pax, I wonder if a lighter load would equate to better fuel consumption, giving it just enough to get there? Has anyone tried a crossing like that without a fuel stop?
  3. Has anyone taken this bird out to it's maximum range yet? What was your experience like? I'm curious if a pond crossing is even feasible without a gas stop in Iceland, but I'd like to try it sometime. Thoughts?
  4. Short of the 777 by PMDG and the 767 by CS, which pond crossers have you guys used to make it from the US to the UK in one flight? Anything with the range but smaller than a 737 out there?
  5. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I am not one for denying anyone that freedom, but I also don't see any of us running out to start our own competitive company in the same market space so we can deliver 'better quality' than what Carenado has produced. Other vendors such as A2A (and some might even say Eaglesoft, although I'm not a fan) might have higher quality on some of their planes, but their release schedule is limited and their portfolio is a far cry from the number of planes Carenado have produced. In the end, it's a tough balance between producing high quality planes that take years of development (and missed windows of opportunities as the market evolves out from under you), or producing 'good enough' planes that meet the demands of the consumer market TODAY. As an aside, I think we're all in agreement that we would be less negative about a buggy plane out of the gate if Carenado focused more attention on support and fixes for their line of add-ons, but to expect one of their releases to be perfect for all fliers (VFR, IFR, casual simmers, study level simmers, etc) is setting expectations way too high.
  6. Lots of negativity here, but I'm almost 100% sure each poster here has purchased at least one Carenado product and will continue to do so (whether publicly acknowledged or not) regardless of the problems most of their planes have out of the gate. Carenado is still hands down the best eye candy producer out there.. and that may just be enough for people to continue funding their projects. Given how many passionate posts people have produced on this topic, it's pretty clear that my point was made. Lots of opinions from people about how Carenado should develop their products (as well as a good heaping of frustration when they fail to meet those expectations over and over again). In the end, they will continue to sell you their goods because there's nothing better in the market space they represent at the moment which produces multiple AC per year like Carenado does.
  7. You can thank Richard.. that's one of his stellar liveries on the Hawker he was gracious enough to share with the community.
  8. Might be on your end. I tried it from a secondary system (without puush installed) and it seems to work fine for me. Is anyone else not able to see them?
  9. The folder was set to private. I've now moved them to public. Let me know if you still can't see them.
  10. Just testing puush as suggested by a community member.
  11. Thanks! I'll give it a shot and see what I can come up with.
  12. I bought 126 acres about a year ago and would like to 'simulate' getting in and off the property which should be big enough to accommodate a grass strip. Is it possible to develop a grass strip in FSX using coordinates where there is no field to replace? (i.e. insert a brand new field)
  13. KAUS was the latest flight where the anomaly occurred, but it's not the only time it's happened. I'll track these moments closer and try to provide as much detail as I can when it happens and report back.
  14. I was doing a regional hop from KTKI to KAUS at FL200. I confirmed RC4 was configured for prop (that was the first thing I did when it happened last time). I was originally given a descent to 11,000 'at pilot's discretion' and then within 45 seconds was given another descent to 6000 'in 30 miles or less'. Again, this doesn't happen all the time, but when it does, it's almost impossible to achieve the altitude request by ATC without going into a steep profile. When that happens, I usually just miss the descent point and let ATC bark at me until I reach the correct altitude.
  15. This happens to me on rare occasion, but when it does it creates a pretty annoying condition. RC4 has a tendency to give an extreme (on the order of 13,000 feet or more between altitude points) descent in '30 miles or less' while I'm flying a prop. This usually means a 2000ft or higher descent profile which is almost like a high speed dive when you don't have air brakes. Is there some configuration setting somewhere which starts the descent further out so the reduction of altitude isn't so extreme?
  16. Hummm.... Must be on my end, then. I'll check it with the original repaint and get back with you.
  17. This one still has the blue fan blades on the left engine. Just checking this was still being worked on?
  18. No problem. First impressions are that the livery is most excellent, so thanks for all the hard work you've put into the repaints thus far.
  19. Just an FYI, I noticed when I loaded this paint that the left engine (looking at the nose) fan blade face has blue shading to it instead of the standard grey on the right engine. Was this by design or do I have conflicting graphics somewhere?
  20. I hate to be a jerk about this, but nowhere on Carenado's site does it say FSX:SE is supported.
  21. I'm not picky about clean vs dirty. Where I get my rub is from things being too shiny/reflective. The matte finish you give your repaints works fine for my tastes.
  22. Holy hand grenades, batman! That looks very realistic. I'll be adding that to my hangar tonight foh sho!
  23. Hah! I was just about to do the same. I just 'quick dried' the aqua paint from KCRP to KTKI. I do believe I've found my new corporate paint job!
  24. Are these bad boys headed to the library or a 'PM me" to get them delivery?
  25. Good review video, but may I suggest a different mic that cancels out the heavy breathing? Blowing in my ear every 5 seconds by a guy wasn't all that sexy. =P
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