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Everything posted by el_kab0ng

  1. Is there any extra clean up recommended once FSX is uninstalled? (beyond the usual directory deletions, etc)
  2. First, apologies if this has been answered before. I'm about 2/3 of the way into a martini and the vodka is kicking in. Recently I had FSX all dialed in when an unknown add-on nuked one of the DLLs associated with the C++ redistributable libraries. In the process of reinstalling those (2005, 2008 and 2013), my PMDG aircraft have subsequently taken a dump to which a reinstallation has not helped. I'm thinking at this point that I need to uninstall and reinstall FSX and all the associated add-ons, but don't want to go through the hassles of rebuilding all my configs. Short of backing up the fsx.cfg file to retain my UI settings, are there any other areas of concern I should be backing up to ensure I reinstall in the shortest amount of time? I have all the installers for the add-ons, so I'm good there, I just want to make sure I don't forget to back something critical up before wiping the whole mess out.
  3. I know this is an aged topic compared to the fast mover threads now in progress, but the pressurization of the B200 is still a headache and I was wondering if anyone has come up with a fix (because Carenado sure as well won't be)? I've tried dumps, I've tried setting the wheel and then adjusting the rate to 0 so it stays fixed, but the needle still rises and I still hit the maximum (generating a master caution). I'm not sure what to do at this point short of staying below 18000 feet to keep the pressurization happy. How are you guys able to fly at reasonable altitudes without wanting to pull your hair out because the pressurization system is doinked?
  4. According to their FBP, Carenado plans to release SP1 of their Hawker (plus an additional livery) fairly soon. Maybe this will address some of the more obvious bugs and make this thing more manageable.
  5. Thanks for the explanation. That's been bugging me for awhile, too! Too bad the don't seem to be modeled, though.
  6. It might be something that only comes with the voice edition for the NGX? I was having periodic crashes lately due to some add-on that was conflicting with libcurl. I re-installed FS2Crew voice edition for the NGX and the CTDs cleared up. I'm not saying this is what the OP is experiencing, but it's worth a shot to go with something as easy as a reinstall instead of trying to figure out if it might be Windows.
  7. I have 3 separate instances, one of which is in the FSX home directory. Whatever put it there, it gets updated as the final step when installing FS2Crew for me. If this add-on does it, I'm sure others do it, too.
  8. It wouldn't hurt, IMO. Start there and see if that corrects the issue before diving into troubleshooting Windows.
  9. libcurl is updated by FS2Crew and conflicts with addon AC occasionally (I recently had to reinstall FS2Crew for the 737NGX which overwrote changes made by some other add-on that messed with it.) That was my recent experience, at least.
  10. CeraSim has some good helos for P3D as well. The UH-60L works nicely.
  11. About the longest flights I've done in the 550 are from KAUS to MZBZ or MHRO with an occasional KAUS to KPHX because the scenery I have for them makes the jumps worth it. What sort of distances are you guys flying your 550 at the moment?
  12. I don't get excited until a new board is created on avsim for the inbound bird. Only then will you know of it's imminent release! =P
  13. I guess I only see this when I'm using FSX's default GPS. The DTO doesn't adjust the vector line based on current position, so to correct that to 'get back on the line' as it were causes RC4 to bark at me that I'm off the airway. In some cases, if I don't adjust, the vectors that RC4 gives me actually causes me to miss the waypoint by several miles. It's an oddity that I've lived with, so it's no big deal.. I just always wondered why 'resume own navigation' doesn't really mean what it implies.
  14. One thing I've never understood about RC4 is when ATC instructs you to resume own navigation, then barks at you for being off the airway when you attempt to adjust heading to intercept GPS tracking in GA aircraft. What exactly should 'resume own navigation' mean?
  15. I think he's referring to the soft mute option.
  16. Yeah.. I learned that lesson with the B1900D and never turn on the FMS if I'm using GPS for navigation. I haven't seen the wobble since I first reported it, but I did have a weird dual engine failure on approach to KAUS recently (I had plenty of fuel and static controls, so I'm not sure what happened there), so it looks like I still have gremlins in the system.
  17. It seems that after the 550 release, Carenado switched development focus to the Navajo, leaving the rest wondering #####? There haven't been any updated pictures since 2014!
  18. Interesting. I wonder if that's how Carenado modeled their 550 or if it was just a glitch (kind of like the CS757 does with some of the later versions of FSUIPC). I'll keep an eye on it and report back any updates from additional flights.
  19. Yeah.. I noticed they had a profile for the C550 in their database, but for some reason the weights can't be updated to reflect the Carenado bird. It's 'close enough', though, so it'll work for me.
  20. If it's any consolation, KDFW has an e-jet terminal north of terminal A. I've seen everything from 737BBJs to Bonanzas parked there. I think what it ultimately amounts to is the ramp fees and gas costs at major airports. As an example, most charters in the DFW area prefer either KRBD (Dallas Executive), KADS (Addison Airport), KTKI (McKinney Airport) or KDTO (Denton Airport). I know KADS houses the charter 757 used for the Mavericks, so it's able to handle bigger iron than some (I've seen at least one 737-600 land at KTKI, for example, but that was rare).
  21. Is there a reason why you don't have them uploaded to the library? Your hard work is something you should share with the world, IMO.
  22. I've been doing relatively short and low level (under 30,000 feet) hops around Texas without issue. Today I decided to stretch out the 550 with a high altitude (39000 feet) long distance flight (~1200nm) and noticed that once I was at altitude, a slight wobble became pretty significant the longer I let the AP try to correct it. My only recourse was to disable the AP, stabilize the wobble, then re-activate the AP. Have any of you guys witnessed this before? I had the yaw damper and 1/2 bank enabled (and tried to disable both without any difference in the wobble), so I'm not sure what could have caused it. Thoughts?
  23. Has anyone come across or developed a decent fuel planner for this bird by chance?
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