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Everything posted by el_kab0ng

  1. The B1900D, C90 and B200 all seem to have pressurization problems above 20,000 feet. Why can't Carenado get this one component right on their birds? With warning lights flashing all over the place because of the incorrect pressure gauge, it makes wanting to fly these birds almost impossible!!!
  2. Correct. Dumping the pressure eliminates the alert, but it will eventually come back. I'm taking it that Carenado STILL has not addressed this issue somewhere?
  3. Any chance we could get an Ameriflight livery put together?
  4. VPA requires a 20 multiple choice question test before you can apply? Are you kidding me?
  5. I like the idea FSEconomy has in that you can rent planes and fly pax/cargo for money, but it's too much like Air Hauler in my opinion and doesn't lend well to those of us who fly PMDG planes almost exclusively. Short of joining a VA, are there any portals similar to FSEconomy that are tailored to commercial aviation (i.e. you're not renting AC but piloting for a commercial airliner using real world routes and what not.) Thoughts?
  6. There's also new picts of the Citation up as well. Both are coming along nicely it appears.
  7. I'm guessing the OP really has no idea what he wants. I'm all for soliciting for opinions on the forums, but we're not car salesmen. Do your own research on the great AC people have suggested rather than constantly changing your criteria and expecting people to justify their suggestions. Just one man's opinion.
  8. Carenado has the Hawker 850 and the Cessna S550 coming out soon which should bridge the gap between the PMDG BBJ and the Mustang. Worth looking into, IMO.
  9. The mustang's speed restrictions are what prevent me from bringing it out of the hangar as much as the Phenom, but I will agree that the systems simulation is much better.
  10. Surprised no one has mentioned the Carenado Phenom 100. For a 1200nm bird with stellar graphics, it's worth a look-see until the Hawker and Citation II S550 make their arrivals.
  11. Anyone else see the Hawker 850 as a bridge to gap between short distance GA and the 737BBJ? I know ES makes the Citation X (which I dislike for my own reasons), but feel the Hawker, with Carenado's most excellent graphics, would be a better medium distance choice until someone is able to produce either a Falcon 900LX or a G650ER (which chances are nhil). Anyone else see it in the same vein?
  12. Flipping it from test to dump does just that.. it dumps the pressure. Watch the gauge to confirm, but that's still not a fix.
  13. I decided to whip the 1900D out for another flight after watching a few videos on setting it up properly (my last few flights made me put it down for awhile). I finally made it to 21k feet on a smooth flight today when the plane started pitching up and down once it got to altitude and never settled down. Aside from the CABIN DIFF HI warning light, and now this, the B1900D is going back into the hangar as an unflyable model. Sigh.
  14. I think the point I was trying to make is whether or not it's worth caring about. Most of us are just fringe hobbyists who enjoy an occasional flight and don't really get wound up over such a small improvement. I'm not trying to crap on anyone about the investments they make, just trying to play the devil's advocate for those of us who want a bigger bang for our hard earned buck. BTW, current exchange rate for the 28 Euro cost is roughly $38 for those of us in the States, so my $40 estimation was based on the site list price, not on potential sales.
  15. Froogle now has a video out testing this app. It basically gained him 5-6 extra fps out of the box. Not worth almost $40, IMO, but for those of you who want an edge and feel it's worth it, it could be a good investment (in the same way that some people feel spending thousands of dollars on a home cockpit just to fly a computer is worth it)
  16. Are you using payware AC or default? Payware will usually track the vnav speeds/descent rates for you.
  17. I've uninstalled the KB, but I noticed Win7 just downloads it again and attempts to reapply the update. Any way to make this a permanent change so it doesn't come back?
  18. I have been having the same problem intermittently and hit it again today after not seeing it for awhile. I used to think it was a problem only when I used the Maddog MD80 and experienced extremely high pressures. Today, when flying the PMDG 737, it happened again over Europe. I didn't hit 'b' as per the instructions and set QNH to 994 as per RC4. It kept barking I was busting altitude even though I had leveled off at the altitude RC4 requested. I've been told numerous times this is a pilot problem, not an RC4 problem, but there's no way to recover once this happens and you'll get vectored all over the place until you reach the expected altitude (might as well kill off RC4 when that happens as you won't get RC4 to correct itself). This ONLY seems to happen to me when I have pressures in the extremes (I've noticed it when I had pressures in excess of 30.35 and now during lower pressures over Europe (994 today). Not sure what the deal here is, but it makes for a crappy experience when you spent the last 3 hours on a flight only to find RC4 won't accept your altitude settings.
  19. Has anyone attempted to take the PMDG 737-800 around the world yet? Was kicking around the idea this weekend and was curious.
  20. Any chance someone could put together a quick plain white cargo livery similar to the Centurion cargo MD-11F for the -600 (feel free to add your personal flare to it, I just need a cargo livery which is not branded)? The N registration can be fictitious as far as I'm concerned, I'm just looking to import into Air Hauler to use for a 737 cargo carrier. Thanks in advance to anyone who can whip one together!
  21. Given that the PMDG NGX is set up for commercial carriers, it doesn't consider the extra fuel tanks usually found on a BBJ. Comparing the iFly tanks for their BBJ to the ones listed for the NGX, I wonder if it's possible to hack the aircraft.cfg file to add extra tanks? This would extend the range for BBJ flyers to get closer to long haul (US->EU direct flights, for example). Any thoughts on this? Tommy
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