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  1. No... he'll just jump over to the 2024 threads. 🙂
  2. I purchased it last night and did a quick little circuit by hand, flew really nice. I have to read up on the autopilot which I'm not familiar with.
  3. All you need to do is get close to them and click on them. (your cursor will turn into a hand) Shift +C to get in/out of the plane.
  4. Happy Holidays!!!
  5. MSFS 2024... they should've used their Early Access disclaimer. Really enjoying BATC in both Sims.
  6. Merry Christmas to you as well, have a happy healthy one!
  7. Mess is an understatement... I am suddenly getting flights where the ignition turns itself off, then the throttle, throttles down by itself. This is happening with both default and addon planes, back to 2020 for awhile.
  8. Just purchased the program as well, love it, looking forward to VFR portion when done.
  9. Just what do you think TONY has been doing for years....
  10. Thats the HOOK BAR for grabbing a banner, should be a lever/handle in the cockpit.
  11. You have to LOAD the plan from the efb route page top left corner it says load.
  12. Yeah, it's growing on me as well... when it fully loads!
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